Things I enjoy about this patch.

Things I enjoy about this patch.

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: liefbread.9513


I can still access the old content and don’t have to wait through five one hour events AND run a dungeon to do i~ oh wait.


I can enjoy all this new content by popping into zones when it comes up and there are all these cool mobs to fi~ oh wait…. I’m not even in an overflow and there are no mobs.

Wait does this mean that I can’t do the dungeon? And that means that I can’t do the original pavilion content…. So I’ve been time gated out of the old content (and some of the new content) but new content that I can’t access…

Well at least there aren’t any more RNG ski… kitten .

Well at least fractals are more rewarding to do now, nice to have some challenging PVE content that doesn’t revolve around a livi… really?

This anniversary patch is everything I wanted and mo….

Look Anet, I’ve found ways to enjoy every patch you’ve thrown at me, you gave me the candidate trials, I made it my mission to get as many people through them as possible, you gave me the gauntlet? It was an awesome single player challenge and I really enjoyed helping other people with their fight techniques.

You gave me this content, and I can’t even participate, and am gated out of the previous content, there is literally nothing I can enjoy about this patch beyond the new character select screen.

Things I enjoy about this patch.

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: me im not.9357

me im not.9357

It feels pretty fail. I have never wondered “why am i playing this game now?” with gw2 before…. but that’s how I feel right now. Ive got all the skins I want for my character. Now what? I get to sit around and hope I can get into the new content that only spawns once an hour and hope I dont get stuck with a small overflow population. Not really enjoying this.

Things I enjoy about this patch.

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: liefbread.9513


That said, bang up job on the new character select screen I suppose.

Things I enjoy about this patch.

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: liefbread.9513


It feels pretty fail. I have never wondered “why am i playing this game now?” with gw2 before…. but that’s how I feel right now. Ive got all the skins I want for my character. Now what? I get to sit around and hope I can get into the new content that only spawns once an hour and hope I dont get stuck with a small overflow population. Not really enjoying this.

I just went to do one that popped on my server, got to the zone, wasn’t on an overflow, the event still wasn’t occurring.

Things I enjoy about this patch.

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Blude.6812


So far, with the karma, the overflow, the updates that ruin an event as well as mess it up after an update patch—big failure. If I can’t play because of ANET, not because I don’t want to, what’s the point.

Things I enjoy about this patch.

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: akamon.2769


hmm especially when a few big name MMOs are coming out at the same time.
given, when you DO get in one of those events, they’re pretty fun and crazy. but more time-gated with limited period, just. doesn’t. mix. well.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

Things I enjoy about this patch.

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: liefbread.9513


It just blows my mind that this is what they came up with for the one year anniversary of the game, like, you’d think after a year of learning their players and such they’d do something to enhance the mechanics of the game.

Do a big balance patch, polish up the way something non visual works, they did some fairly significant changes a few weeks ago that have made it so people rarely run dungeons anymore (because if its not their first run of the day, it’s not worth doing, even on an alt), haven’t done anything for the fractal runners their most “hardcore PVE” group, haven’t changed anything about WvW except hopefully giving some incentive for new blood to get involved…

It’s just frustrating how much QoL goes by the wayside for content that we can’t even participate in.

IN ADDITION, this whole patch was added the week before a free to play weekend, and this stupid zerging content is totally unplayable for new individuals! Way to time things…. Now I’m going to miss out on getting to play the new content this weekend because I’m going to have to handhold my friends/GF through the lowbie zone instead of getting to say “CHECK OUT THIS COOL LIVING STORY STUFF, WE GET SOMETHING DIFFERENT EVERY 2 WEEKS AND EVERYONE CAN PARTICIPATE.”

Things I enjoy about this patch.

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: liefbread.9513


Or you’d think they’d release some of those new skills they were talking about, or new weapons… or, I don’t even know.

They’re adding a lot more of the stuff that everyone has been lashing out against them for and that just seems silly to me.