(edited by Seven Star Stalker.1740)
Tips for people trying to do the invasion
How are you able to do this in overflow? Every time we entered an invasion zone in overflow we get the message that we can’t do the invasion there.
How are you able to do this in overflow? Every time we entered an invasion zone in overflow we get the message that we can’t do the invasion there.
Because only overflows created max 10 mins after start have the event. If you enter an overflow that has been created later there won’t be an event.
How are you able to do this in overflow? Every time we entered an invasion zone in overflow we get the message that we can’t do the invasion there.
That’s a bit of an issue with all the servers and crap. The only thing I’ve found for that is you either keep in your overflow till the event is over, if it is taking place, or you go back to a town and do something else till the next one starts. Its an issue that has yet to be dealt with unfortunately :<
also, the progress bar goes faster near the end. I’ve been in one where we had 25% to go with 4 min remaining and we killed her with 1:30 to spare. Definitely don’t leave when it gets low.
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Or, you can see if anyone you know is in an overflow with the event going on. Join their party, and try to join them in their overflow.
It works more often than you might expect.
7. IT’S NOT OVER TILL ITS OVER. I’ve had lots of people give up because they’re not finishing fast enough. DO NOT. I was in a fight where we literally killed Scarlet at 00:08 on the timer. If you haven’t beaten her at that timing, no matter how bad things look, don’t give up. Because if you put your back into it, you can pull it off.
This is SO TRUE.
I once finished killing Scarlet so late that the event gave the message of “failure”, but we all got the rewards for completing it and the achievement (that one for defeating her). She literally was defeated on the last second.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
7. IT’S NOT OVER TILL ITS OVER. I’ve had lots of people give up because they’re not finishing fast enough. DO NOT. I was in a fight where we literally killed Scarlet at 00:08 on the timer. If you haven’t beaten her at that timing, no matter how bad things look, don’t give up. Because if you put your back into it, you can pull it off.
This is SO TRUE.
I once finished killing Scarlet so late that the event gave the message of “failure”, but we all got the rewards for completing it and the achievements. She literally was defeated on the last second.
Exactly. Hopefully people will take note of these things and it will make them more successful \o/
How are you able to do this in overflow? Every time we entered an invasion zone in overflow we get the message that we can’t do the invasion there.
That’s a bit of an issue with all the servers and crap. The only thing I’ve found for that is you either keep in your overflow till the event is over, if it is taking place, or you go back to a town and do something else till the next one starts. Its an issue that has yet to be dealt with unfortunately :<
Might be a good idea to add this info about overflows. It should also be noted that if you are in an overflow and toward the end you suddenly see that message permitting you to travel to the main instance, DONT! This means the main instance just finished the event and you will lose out on the final reward if you travel.
How are you able to do this in overflow? Every time we entered an invasion zone in overflow we get the message that we can’t do the invasion there.
That’s a bit of an issue with all the servers and crap. The only thing I’ve found for that is you either keep in your overflow till the event is over, if it is taking place, or you go back to a town and do something else till the next one starts. Its an issue that has yet to be dealt with unfortunately :<
Might be a good idea to add this info about overflows. It should also be noted that if you are in an overflow and toward the end you suddenly see that message permitting you to travel to the main instance, DONT! This means the main instance just finished the event and you will lose out on the final reward if you travel.
Added it :B
There is no point in busting my kitten for people who only care about loot.
Don’t forget to add a few things about how the event works.
The “First Wave of Scarlet’s minions”, “Second Wave of Scarlet’s Minions” and “Third Wave of Scarlet’s minions” progress bars counts Twisted Watchworks and Steam creatures mobs, not events. Aetherblade and Molten Alliance don’t progress this bar. So when a portal closes, and there is still mobs, kill the mobs as that still contributes to the meta event.
- A subnote to that, Twisted horrors reform into veterans when 2 are damaged. Veteran Twisted Horrors reform into Lieutenant Twisted Nightmares (silvers). You can progress the portal event by ignoring the reformed creatures, as they don’t count towards the portal event. I’m unsure whether they count to the Meta progress bar though.
Steam Creature events are alot easier to do than Twisted Watchworks.
During the Molten Alliance phase, killing Tunneling devices is the fastest, as you only need to kill the device. You can actually do this solo if you’re good enough at avoiding the Molten Alliance mobs.
During the Aetherblade Phase, the progress bar counts Aetherblade captains killing (about 10-20 I think)
Another note that I sometimes do as well is, if you feel people are farming the Aetherblades, try to do Steam Portal or Twisted Watchwork Portal events instead. Those are always needed, and it’s more likely people will farm the Aetherblade captains.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Don’t forget to add a few things about how the event works.
The “First Wave of Scarlet’s minions”, “Second Wave of Scarlet’s Minions” and “Third Wave of Scarlet’s minions” progress bars counts Twisted Watchworks and Steam creatures mobs, not events. Aetherblade and Molten Alliance don’t progress this bar. So when a portal closes, and there is still mobs, kill the mobs as that still contributes to the meta event.
- A subnote to that, Twisted horrors reform into veterans when 2 are damaged. Veteran Twisted Horrors reform into Lieutenant Twisted Nightmares (silvers). You can progress the portal event by ignoring the reformed creatures, as they don’t count towards the portal event. I’m unsure whether they count to the Meta progress bar though.
Steam Creature events are alot easier to do than Twisted Watchworks.
During the Molten Alliance phase, killing Tunneling devices is the fastest, as you only need to kill the device. You can actually do this solo if you’re good enough at avoiding the Molten Alliance mobs.
During the Aetherblade Phase, the progress bar counts Aetherblade captains killing (about 10-20 I think)
Another note that I sometimes do as well is, if you feel people are farming the Aetherblades, try to do Steam Portal or Twisted Watchwork Portal events instead. Those are always needed, and it’s more likely people will farm the Aetherblade captains.
That too. Ill add it with your name to the list.
During the Molten Alliance phase, killing Tunneling devices is the fastest, as you only need to kill the device. You can actually do this solo if you’re good enough at avoiding the Molten Alliance mobs.
I tried targeting those tunneling devices with my axe and with my bow (I’m a ranger). I simply couldn’t do any damage. It kept saying: out of range (even though I was standing next to them). This wasn’t an isolated incident, I’ve seen it on every single map I’ve done.
Pfft, 8 seconds. We did it today with like… 2, maybe 3 (or even 1). Forget now if it was TC or overflow though.
1 second? we spawned scarlet at 1 second (deso bloodtide coast) and still killed her before the timer ran out! XD
gotta love buggy timers :P
I tried targeting those tunneling devices with my axe and with my bow (I’m a ranger). I simply couldn’t do any damage. It kept saying: out of range (even though I was standing next to them). This wasn’t an isolated incident, I’ve seen it on every single map I’ve done.
I haven’t see that before, might be the same ranged issue as usual, I am using warrior AoE attacks with the bow, or my guardian, so. I think I actually used my rifle before too, but now I’m unsure.
Stupid props bug I think.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
QQ I reached the character limit. Oh well.