Tired of being kicked to Overflow
You seem to have mixed some information up. Your home server map fills up on a first come first serve basis, on my server that usually happens within 5 seconds, give or take a few seconds depending on time of day. I’ve been in like 30 invasions and only 4 or 5 of them were on my home server. Which leads to the second part, all overflow servers created within 10 minutes of the invasion starting will also run the invasion event. It does not matter if you are “kicked to overflow” since you can still do the event. Keep in mind “10 minutes” does not mean X:10 since sometimes the event starts a couple minutes early or late. If you miss the window you get stuck in an overflow that’s not running the event, you can wait and hope to get in (not going to happen) or go do something else.
…all overflow servers created within 10 minutes of the invasion starting will also run the invasion event. It does not matter if you are “kicked to overflow” since you can still do the event.
This is not entirely accurate. Some overflows persist from the previous hour. You can join a map 5 minutes after the hour and wind up in an overflow that is 65 minutes old with no portal event running.
This is a re-post by OP.
Zacchaeed – Warrior | Alfvaldr – Guardian