Playing on Seafarer’s Rest
Ellen! Ellen! She’s our woman! Don’t vote Charr! Elect a Human!
In another topic, a player was highlighting how Scarlet’s invasions seem to lack a purpose and a strategy. This got me thinking… what exactly is she trying to achieve by opening portals in so many areas of Tyria, causing adventurers to rise up and stop the invasions?
I think there’s a very interesting motivation behind this, after reading the following passage from What Scarlet Saw :
The forces that push us this way or that can be redirected. They can be set against one another to the detriment of both, and now I know how.
From the story, it appears that Scarlet’s ultimate goal is to reshape the world by plunging it into chaos, and rebuild it after its destruction.
And to that end, we, the players, the adventurers of Tyria, have become the perfect tools. Think about it: all over the continent, Scarlet is causing opposing armies to engage in combat, no doubt causing death and destruction (obviously, due to the game’s design, we don’t actually get to see that reflected in map updates… yet). Maybe the scope of these invasions is not readily apparent when we’re busy trying to keep up with the zerg, but they’re massive. So many areas of the map, thrown entirely into battle. We are not preserving order, despite what we might think; instead, we have been turned into harbingers of chaos that serve Scarlet’s purpose just as much as the Molten Alliance and the Aetherblades.
All in all, I’m impressed by how her plan seems to be working out.
Scarlet isn’t doing anything. Scarlet isn’t planning anything. Scarlet is nothing.
Scarlet is a cardboard cut-out that ArenaNet has stolen from DC Comics because they couldn’t come up with a more original, compelling antagonist.
In my opinion, Scarlet isn’t doing anything. Scarlet isn’t planning anything. Scarlet is nothing.
Scarlet is a cardboard cut-out that ArenaNet has stolen from DC Comics because they couldn’t come up with a more original, compelling antagonist.
If you haven’t read her short story, yes she is. However, she seems like a much more interesting character if you take the time to. I’m interested in seeing more of her and learning more about what she has learned from the Eternal Alchemy. (practically pulled a Full Metal Alchemist with this plot point)
Scarlet is Harley Quinn. It’s as simple as that.
Instead of getting antagonist that makes sense (like another dragon), we got fem!Joker villain sue out of nothing. It’s an a$$pull like no other.
Scarlet is Harley Quinn. It’s as simple as that.
Instead of getting antagonist that makes sense (like another dragon), we got fem!Joker villain sue out of nothing. It’s an a$$pull like no other.
Scarlet is the joker. Just because she’s a female doesnt mean she can’t be the joker. Harley and the joker are different.
Anyway i’m fine with being a force of chaos. Tyria needs more chaos, it makes life interesting.
Again, read the short story. She asks some pretty interesting questions about her race and her own existence as a whole. She questions fate and the “free will” Sylvari supposedly have. She comes to the realization they are really not much more than slaves to the tree. Much like Zerg are to the Overmind. The other alternative, is to go rogue and become part of the Nightmare court. She chose to seek a third option. An option not yet even considered by her peers. To call her Harley Quinn, is an insult to her much deeper character then the game leads you to believe.
yep because there were no characters with a story similar to harley quinn before her, or dragons, or undeads
Again, read the short story. She asks some pretty interesting questions about her race and her own existence as a whole. She questions fate and the “free will” Sylvari supposedly have. She comes to the realization they are really not much more than slaves to the tree. Much like Zerg are to the Overmind. The other alternative, is to go rogue and become part of the Nightmare court. She chose to seek a third option. An option not yet even considered by her peers. To call her Harley Quinn, is an insult to her much deeper character then the game leads you to believe.
I can paint a hole at the bottom of a kiddie pool but that won’t make the water any deeper.
I didn’t read the short story. I can’t, in good conscience, read a game-related short story on the official website when the in-game storytelling is so poor as to be virtually nonexistent. It’s a matter of principle.
The post-introduction release of Scarlet’s short story also leads me to believe that ArenaNet is scrambling to retcon Scarlet Briar into a more interesting villain due, in part, to the forum backlash.
If she’s Harley Quinn, who’s Puddin’?
The post-introduction release of Scarlet’s short story also leads me to believe that ArenaNet is scrambling to retcon Scarlet Briar into a more interesting villain due, in part, to the forum backlash.
Or, you know, because her reveal was supposed to have the air of surprise and publishing her backstory before the reveal would have been silly.
But yeah, your thing is probably the right one since it couldn’t possibly be the other thing and the most likely answer is usually the one that involved a conspiracy. I believe we call this Occam’s Foil Hat.
The post-introduction release of Scarlet’s short story also leads me to believe that ArenaNet is scrambling to retcon Scarlet Briar into a more interesting villain due, in part, to the forum backlash.
Or, you know, because her reveal was supposed to have the air of surprise and publishing her backstory before the reveal would have been silly.
But yeah, your thing is probably the right one since it couldn’t possibly be the other thing and the most likely answer is usually the one that involved a conspiracy. I believe we call this Occam’s Foil Hat.
The short story was released three days after the patch. If it weren’t a retcon, why did they not release it on patch day?
Scarlet is Harley Quinn. It’s as simple as that.
Instead of getting antagonist that makes sense (like another dragon), we got fem!Joker villain sue out of nothing. It’s an a$$pull like no other.
Scarlet is the joker. Just because she’s a female doesnt mean she can’t be the joker. Harley and the joker are different.
Anyway i’m fine with being a force of chaos. Tyria needs more chaos, it makes life interesting.
Didn’t see any chaos in game. Just bunch of victims who stand and do nothing at portals and wait army of butchers to kill them.
In my opinion, Scarlet isn’t doing anything. Scarlet isn’t planning anything. Scarlet is nothing.
Scarlet is a cardboard cut-out that ArenaNet has stolen from DC Comics because they couldn’t come up with a more original, compelling antagonist.
Have you ever been tempted to amend STOP signs with ‘-moving forwards’ by any chance?
The short story was released three days after the patch. If it weren’t a retcon, why did they not release it on patch day?
First, retroactively adding information is NOT a retcon unless ’it CHANGES something. Simply going back and adding previously unknown facts that do not contradict previous information is known as “Lore”.
Second, the patch people and the story people are in different departments.
Third, from a suspension of disbelief point of view, it makes more sense that we would not have access to her backstory on the same day she revealed herself simply because she didn’t hand out her bio while attacking. It would have actually been silly for the backstory to show up at the same time as the character.
FYI, Harley Quinn was created by and for the animated series and was written into the comics later., so she’s not technically a creation of DC comics, but Warner Brothers.
As for the subject at hand: when I read the title of this thread, I thought about the disorganization and name-calling I see in a lot of invasion overflows and it made me chuckle.
Also, bringing up the idle-nature of enemy NPCs is kind of silly when you also have a group of several dozen people hacking, slashing, and blowing up the same person for several minutes without killing them.
The post-introduction release of Scarlet’s short story also leads me to believe that ArenaNet is scrambling to retcon Scarlet Briar into a more interesting villain due, in part, to the forum backlash.
Or, you know, because her reveal was supposed to have the air of surprise and publishing her backstory before the reveal would have been silly.
But yeah, your thing is probably the right one since it couldn’t possibly be the other thing and the most likely answer is usually the one that involved a conspiracy. I believe we call this Occam’s Foil Hat.
The short story was released three days after the patch. If it weren’t a retcon, why did they not release it on patch day?
I’m…..not sure you know what a retcon is, no offense. Or at least not what it is in practice.
The post-introduction release of Scarlet’s short story also leads me to believe that ArenaNet is scrambling to retcon Scarlet Briar into a more interesting villain due, in part, to the forum backlash.
Or, you know, because her reveal was supposed to have the air of surprise and publishing her backstory before the reveal would have been silly.
But yeah, your thing is probably the right one since it couldn’t possibly be the other thing and the most likely answer is usually the one that involved a conspiracy. I believe we call this Occam’s Foil Hat.
The short story was released three days after the patch. If it weren’t a retcon, why did they not release it on patch day?
I’m…..not sure you know what a retcon is, no offense. Or at least not what it is in practice.
“Retroactive continuity, or retcon for short, is the alteration of previously established facts in the continuity of a fictional work.”
“Some retcons do not necessarily directly contradict previously established facts but instead fill in missing background details, usually to support current plot points.” – Wikipedia
(edited by Elbegast.6970)
People do not seem to take notice of the nature of Nightmare.
When fighting the Sinister Triad, we learn that the Inquest want supplies and testing their inventions, and that the bandits want powerful weapons.
Why is the Nightmare Court helping them?
For the freaking sake of it! They just want to create conflict!
Since she’s a sylvari, she doesn’t need some excuse to create havoc. All she needs is being corrupted by nightmare, and there you are.
Sylvari corrupted by Nightmare will not have some mysterious secret plan with complex parts and a surprising result.
They just want nightmare to spread. The result of their plans will always be pain and suffering, no surprises.
The post-introduction release of Scarlet’s short story also leads me to believe that ArenaNet is scrambling to retcon Scarlet Briar into a more interesting villain due, in part, to the forum backlash.
Or, you know, because her reveal was supposed to have the air of surprise and publishing her backstory before the reveal would have been silly.
But yeah, your thing is probably the right one since it couldn’t possibly be the other thing and the most likely answer is usually the one that involved a conspiracy. I believe we call this Occam’s Foil Hat.
The short story was released three days after the patch. If it weren’t a retcon, why did they not release it on patch day?
I’m…..not sure you know what a retcon is, no offense. Or at least not what it is in practice.
“Retroactive continuity, or retcon for short, is the alteration of previously established facts in the continuity of a fictional work.”
“Some retcons do not necessarily directly contradict previously established facts but instead fill in missing background details, usually to support current plot points.” – Wikipedia
Adding previously missing information is not a retcon.
Imagine your life is a story. Your [insert family member here] comes to you with a job offer. He/she doesn’t tell you (or the readers) the specific details of the job, only that it pays well and offers great benefits. What do you do in this situation? Do you immediately run to fill out an application? Or do you do research to find out more information about the job?
You can’t automatically cry RETCON!!! whenever you encounter a bit of lore you don’t agree with. Glint -a powerful dragon in GW1- was revealed in the book Edge of Destiny to be one of Kralkatorrik’s lieutenants. This information, and all information about the elder dragons was conveniently missing from GW1. Was this a retcon? Were the elder dragons themselves a retcon? Was Abaddon’s involvement in the fall of Orr and the assassination of emperor Angsiyan a retcon?
I didn’t read the short story. I can’t, in good conscience, read a game-related short story on the official website when the in-game storytelling is so poor as to be virtually nonexistent. It’s a matter of principle.
So you’re criticizing a villain and saying she’s shallow because you refuse to take the time to learn more about her? LMAO!
If she’s Harley Quinn, who’s Puddin’?
Bill Cosby is. Yeah, I went there.
I’m starting to think this is some kind of psychological experiment, like the development team created this event for research purposes and is collecting data regarding it. It’s like an experiment with a mouse in a maze with cheese at the end, except we’re players farming events with loot at the end.
Scarlet is Harley Quinn. It’s as simple as that.
Instead of getting antagonist that makes sense (like another dragon), we got fem!Joker villain sue out of nothing. It’s an a$$pull like no other.
Good, the Elder Dragons suck as antagonists anyway. They have close to no personality. For example, what is the personality of Zhaitan? His plans, his motives?
There, I said it.
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
The short story was released three days after the patch. If it weren’t a retcon, why did they not release it on patch day?
Ya know, to brainstorm, lay out, compose, edit, and get the green light from a company to publish a short story (even on-line) usually takes a little bit more than 3 days. It might be possible to whip something up like that, but if that writer existed at right now, you likely wouldn’t be complaining about the quality of the story.
Just sayin’.
(edited by chemiclord.3978)
The short story was released three days after the patch. If it weren’t a retcon, why did they not release it on patch day?
You know, they also did a post-release story on Canach as well. There is no difference. I personally don’t see a problem adding lore after the fact.
And what forum backlash do you refer to?? I have yet to notice backlash to scarlet’s back story…
The short story was released three days after the patch. If it weren’t a retcon, why did they not release it on patch day?
You know, they also did a post-release story on Canach as well. There is no difference. I personally don’t see a problem adding lore after the fact.
And what forum backlash do you refer to?? I have yet to notice backlash to scarlet’s back story…
Check out the merged “Villain sue” thread. Also the ones over in “Lore”, there’s a couple people who are really steamed the “three asuran colleges” didn’t turn out to be wrong.
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