Zerging = Fun? Hardly.
why are you not using a shortbow
like your autoattack bounces to 3 targets
cluster bomb can ignore the 5 mob aoe cap and spread out across a very wide area if you explode it while in mid air
thief is great for aoe zergfests what are you even
But yeah I don’t like being in a terrible single-digit fps zergfest across the entire map either.
Cluster Bomb doesn’t ignore the 5 AoE cap, it simply splits into 3 projectiles which each have their own 5 AoE cap so you can potentially hit 15 targets.
In the zerg you get tons of shinies. Getting shinies is fun.
Well, that’s pretty much it. If you don’t like shinies, then there’s no reason to do zergs, you’ll only be shortening the lifespan of your GPU…
Though, like the poster above said, why on earth are you not using a shortbow?
PS. And you don’t want to roll an elementalist. For zergs, what you really need is a necromancer
You can’t aoe? My main is thief and I loathe the shortbow so let me give you some advice: Trickery X – Ricochet. Coupled with infiltrators signet, a stealth utility and daggerstorm your dual pistols just became the mother of farming weapons. In melee just use a sword. You’re welcome.
Now on to your valid points: Yes the fps drop is major which sucks and sometimes a zerg can be fun but not for 45 minutes every hour…
Thanks Dakan, I’ll definitely try that out.
My main gripe about zergs is that I can’t see anything, as AoEs are going off all over the place, as well as GPU / CPU taking a massive hit. That makes it really not fun for me. I ran into one of the portal events that had about 10 people, and that was the best experience ever. It felt like I had a presence and doing something.
As for shortbows, yes I have been using a shortbow now because of the massive amounts of zerging required to finish this living story event. I can’t wait for it to be over so I can switch back to daggers.
Try putting changing your settings to best performance, and playing GW2 in a smaller windowed mode. Works wonders for your fps.
I’ve been joining the zerg as a Thief and am easily tagging everything around me using Shortbow, getting tons of loot.
Also, if you don’t like zergs, then just don’t join them?
1. Its not hundreds of peoples. Only 75 people at the map at the same time, before it start making overflows.
2. Use a shortbow.
3. I find it more fun to have alot of people around me, talking and joking than going around by myself…
Try putting changing your settings to best performance, and playing GW2 in a smaller windowed mode. Works wonders for your fps.
It can potentially hurt more if you play in a small windowed mode versus full screen depending on your screen size. But follow this and make sure vertical sync is on. Also set your frame limiter to 30 (it stops your machine from trying to over-achieve, even if you never reach 30 fps it still makes a difference).
TBH I really wish they’d put two maps up for invasion at a time. It would help with overflows, it would help with getting the achievement when you’re only on like 1hr a day and keep getting unlucky with the map, it would help if you’re tired of running behind (or ahead of) zergs to save your FPS and/or be able to participate in events before they’re flattened or scaled to the point you can barely do anything, it would even help if you’re outright missing some zones or too low-level to get to them.
I can only assume they’re not actually able to do it for some reason… though I can’t quite figure out what, because surely they’d be handling the same number of players regardless, but with fewer on overflows. Given the way getting into an invasion works it even seems like it would be incredibly hard (if not impossible) to do something like get rewards for both of them.
zergs suck. This is what’s wrong with GW2’s open-world event system. It’s always been this bad. The AI is just terrible with no strategy required.
They need to make them harder and have people actually die over and over again, until they stop zerging the content, and start using their brains.
Get rid of the timer-event systems, and this will help improve strategy. Otherwise, people feel rushed, so they just spam skills and zerg the content.
A-net needs to tweak their event-system, and give us time to coordinate. Look at how WoW and Rift do open-world bosses. People actually wait before zerging them. They actually coordinate and cooperate. There is none of this in GW2.
I’m using S/P and P/P and built pretty tanky and doing pretty well in these zergs.
don’t join the zergs, there’s plenty of events on the map
The way I see it, there are three major flaws with the setup of the current invasion living story. The first is the whole “Every hour on the hour” thing. The second is the length of the invasion and having to be in it for the entire time. The third is the randomness of which maps the invasion happens in. All three of these problems work together to make the entire thing fairly annoying.
It’s nice that I know exactly when the invasions start. However, it’s not nice that if I miss the short window to join the invasion I have to wait another hour to try again. Even if I get into the invasion on time, it might not be the map that I want or need for achievements, meaning that I have to wait around for a full hour to try again.
And even THEN if I’m both on time and it’s the map I want, I have to slug through the entire 30-40 minute invasion and hope that, even if I have the time commitment available, I don’t get disconnected or have my computer die or something else like that.
When all of that lines up correctly, I still have to bounce around in an uber-zerg, which often is more interested in farming champions and chest hunting than completing events.
Sometimes zerging is fun, but for most people it’s not all that great. Many people have performance issues, and sometimes the servers still don’t handle the load very well either. IMHO, zerging kills the fun of WvW, and I’m not at all happy to see it appear here as well. At this point it’s obviously too late to change or reprogram the event. I just hope that Anet looks at these complaints and critiques and takes note.
Small group events like instances or puzzles that can be done at any time are far superior. More JPs, dungeons, riddles, puzzles, or exploration in the next Living Story, please!
There’s no reason to go after Scarlet after you have her achieve, she doesn’t give any extra reward for being there, and that’s the only true “zerg” on the map usually (and the only event in the game that causes my FPS to drop). 20-40 people working together to take an event isn’t really a zerg, it’s a raid, and there’s usually challenge involved if you are actually trying to contribute.
I’ve started ignoring Scarlet and finishing up some of the other events on the map while most other people rush over to her.
For us zerg this event is awesome,gj Anet by mixing it up and not always have those boring mini games ;P
For the SWARM!!!
It’s not really even mildly entertaining even when you are Contributing and dodging and staying alive while everyone else around you goes * splat *. It’s a grindy war of attrition usually with mobs that have “artificial difficulty” through too much CC which does NOT create interesting fights. (it just makes you crutch on stability/guardians)
Also, if you don’t like zergs, then just don’t join them?
Make a choice instead of trying to force everyone to do what a single person wants who has no power what so ever!? Silliness.