ArenaNet, dual wielding classes get the shaft..AGAIN?

ArenaNet, dual wielding classes get the shaft..AGAIN?

in Personal Story

Posted by: TheBob.9863


When you finish the personal story you now get a 1 token which you can trade in turn for a greatsword, a longbow,shortbow, a dagger, an axe?? Classes that use one-handed weapons need to do the personal story twice! to get the skin for their weapons? How does this make sense?

ArenaNet, dual wielding classes get the shaft..AGAIN?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Darmikau.9413


Just buy the skins you want off the TP.

Anet has never been good about this, even in GW1.

The realistic solution would to make one handed weapons require a different token, of which you receive two (and you select whether you’d receive one two-hander token or two one-hander tokens). Of course, this is a little convoluted and a bit of work on Anet’s part.

ArenaNet, dual wielding classes get the shaft..AGAIN?

in Personal Story

Posted by: TheBob.9863


Just buy the skins you want off the TP.

Anet has never been good about this, even in GW1.

The realistic solution would to make one handed weapons require a different token, of which you receive two (and you select whether you’d receive one two-hander token or two one-hander tokens). Of course, this is a little convoluted and a bit of work on Anet’s part.

The work required to do that is minimal instead of screwing dual-wielders again, yes we can buy them from TP but why should we pay money for something that two-handed classes get for “free”

ArenaNet, dual wielding classes get the shaft..AGAIN?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


Easy solution. Items cost the same but dual wield items come in 2’s. Wow that was hard.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

ArenaNet, dual wielding classes get the shaft..AGAIN?

in Personal Story

Posted by: synk.6907


You’d have a different problem, then -- classes that only use one of those items may get an extra item. For example, a warrior might want to dual-wield axes and use two. A necromancer might want the axe mainhand; does the necro also get two?

edit: Unless the idea is for offhands (focus, torch, warhorn, shield) as well as one-handed weapons to all just be half the cost of greatswords, hammers, bows, and staves. Then I guess the player is free to choose.

Perhaps the reward token itself should come in two flavours: one that’s good for one two-handed item and then one that’s good for any desired pairing of one-handed weapons. The vendor would have to be altered to fit this logic, and I still wonder if there’s ways this might somehow be exploited, but perhaps it might help alleviate the annoyance of only being able to skin half of a weapon set with the token.

Though, to be fair, this is the same way it works with the token at the end of each campaign in GW1. Fortunately daggers always came as a pair, but warriors and paragons who used shields and any caster using a one-hander and a focus had to steal an alt’s token or buy another player’s if they wanted multiple items.

(edited by synk.6907)

ArenaNet, dual wielding classes get the shaft..AGAIN?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

Easy solution. Items cost the same but dual wield items come in 2’s. Wow that was hard.

My ranger uses an axe, and torch.

ArenaNet, dual wielding classes get the shaft..AGAIN?

in Personal Story

Posted by: TheBob.9863


First suggestion seems to fit best, when you’re done with personal story you get to choose, if you want 2x token A or 1x token B. Two-handers are purchasable with 1x tokenB and 1handers are purchasable with 1x tokenA, what is the downside for this?

ArenaNet, dual wielding classes get the shaft..AGAIN?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Atticus.7194


First suggestion seems to fit best, when you’re done with personal story you get to choose, if you want 2x token A or 1x token B. Two-handers are purchasable with 1x tokenB and 1handers are purchasable with 1x tokenA, what is the downside for this?

That some people just salvage the items straight off for mats and now you have someone who potentially can get twice the items as another. So you’d have to make 2h weps result in twice as much salvageable materials.

Really though this is such nitpicking, I play a dual wielding warrior and I could care less because it is so painfully easy to get weapons that are even better than the ones offered as a reward from this. So if I was the OP I would stop trying to turn molehills into mountains, this just isn’t that big a deal.

ArenaNet, dual wielding classes get the shaft..AGAIN?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


Perhaps the reward should be given in two’s and the two-handed items require 2 tokens to purchase?

Sorry if someone replied with this idea, I skimmed the posts quickly while at work

ArenaNet, dual wielding classes get the shaft..AGAIN?

in Personal Story

Posted by: TheBob.9863


First suggestion seems to fit best, when you’re done with personal story you get to choose, if you want 2x token A or 1x token B. Two-handers are purchasable with 1x tokenB and 1handers are purchasable with 1x tokenA, what is the downside for this?

That some people just salvage the items straight off for mats and now you have someone who potentially can get twice the items as another. So you’d have to make 2h weps result in twice as much salvageable materials.

Really though this is such nitpicking, I play a dual wielding warrior and I could care less because it is so painfully easy to get weapons that are even better than the ones offered as a reward from this. So if I was the OP I would stop trying to turn molehills into mountains, this just isn’t that big a deal.

No one is going to salvage items worth 1g and I’m not trying to turn something into something else, personal story reward should be equal across all classes and this isnt the first issue regarding this type of reward, if you don’t like it then dont comment you bring nothing to the discussion with “why care” attitude.

Also in regards to salvaging what? Everyone can pick two 1handers and salvage them if thats their intention or they can pick two-handers if they intend on using, there is 0 disadvange with that suggestion whereas in its current state dual-weilders are clearly at a disadvantage

(edited by TheBob.9863)

ArenaNet, dual wielding classes get the shaft..AGAIN?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


Easy solution. Items cost the same but dual wield items come in 2’s. Wow that was hard.

My ranger uses an axe, and torch.

Granted and tbh I didnt really explain what i meant to well. I dont mean each one is 2 axes or 2 swords etc. I meant you choose 2 of any 1 handed weapon. Maybe I should have spent more time explaining that My bad.

Simple solution would be u get 2 tokens. 2 handed weps cost 2. 1 handed 1. Yay fixed for all

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013