[BUG] Estate of Decay - Blocking progress

[BUG] Estate of Decay - Blocking progress

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sukeena.3506


On the step: “Enter Khitai Manse and find the scout party.” when Lord Khitai speaking to you and ask to come further in. I run upstairs to the next door but the door won’t open, and doesn’t respond.

Can someone help me with this? Are there players who also ran on this issue?

[BUG] Estate of Decay - Blocking progress

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


TL;DR Known issue, it’s being investigated. No ETA on a fix. Workaround: climb around to the TOP of the door, it will let you interact frpm the top.

[BUG] Estate of Decay - Blocking progress

in Personal Story

Posted by: Phero.4897


I am stuck at this point as well