[BUG] Personal story and party members [Merged]
Content Designer
Are all the players in the same location (same region/map)? The prompt to enter another player’s story doesn’t appear for players in a different map.
I seem to recall there being one or two of the “just talk” stories where it would do that. I don’t recall which, exactly, but I seem to recall going into Eir’s instance area in Hoelbrak for one. (no idea which step, though)
This happened to me and my friend too. We were both in Lions Arch (no overflow) and my friend started to do Priory mission near Trading post. And yes, I was standing beside of him as usually. He went alone to the story and I didn’t have any joining window as normal. Then we tried to do my quest what was Vigil mission in Lions Arch near Fort Mariner. In that case I went alone to the Vigil mission and he didn’t get joining window as normally either.
We played together with different characters in Sunday 21st of July and we noticed this was happening first time in our personal story mission what was Blast from the Past. It happened around 08:30 pm EET first time. After that we couldn’t join any personal stories together.
We are playing in NA server Fort Aspenwood.
EDIT 1 and 2:
I have now check out what personal missions don’t let other party members join:
Asuran Thief and faction Vigil
— A Fragile Peace —
- Destiny’s Edge meeting
- Vigil meeting in Fort Marriner
- Entering Ebonhawke and assisting Vigil warmaster Forgal to save Ebonhawke
— Quaestor’s Siege —
- When returning Vigil’s Keep to meet Almorra
— Forewarned is Forearmed —
- When entering Vigil’s Keep
— The Battle of the Claw island —
— Killing Fields —
— Defence Contract —
— Retribution —
— Estate of Decay —
- When you need to go to kill Mouth of Zhaitan.
Sometimes happens that when Party can join in the personal story, but party members can not claim reward in the end, even whole party is doing same personal story. I am still playing that Asuran Thief, Vigil
— A Light in the Darkness—
- I didn’t saw cut-scenes in the personal story and when it ended couldn’t accept the choise what my party member did and didn’t got reward either. Had to do it again to get reward and continue the story.
I don’t know is this any help, but in these personal stories my party members could not join even they were beside of me.
(edited by Elessar Iso.9675)
It seems thet not all personal story missions are bugged in this way. I had the lvl 31 mission in LA to join my Order, and the party couldn’t come. They didn’t see the Pop up window to join.
But after that mission, the next ones were ok. up until some Orr mission I remember
I also noticed that the party member is not always seeing the cut-scenes even the story is in an instance not in open world
It seems that for all personal stories with a starting point in Lion’s Arch or Divinity Reach party members don’t see the join window. I am doing now Battle of Claw Island which had the same problem.
It seems the Vigil storyline gets this non showing join window problem in open world too not only in Lion’s Arch
(edited by Ronah.2869)
Hey, my friend and i were doing our personal stories together (she was the party host and we did it from her perspective). We have done this since the start of the game and we came to a mission called [spoiler=A Light in the Darkness]. We did it but i noticed when i got in i didn’t see any cutsceenes. Later in the mission i got defeated and got the promt to go to a checkpoint, but my friend revived me. We continued the mission and when we finished it i did not get a promt and i did not get to finish the mission. We are currently going to redo this but i wanted to make a post incase this was to happend again. I am wondering if this is just a bug that happends, or that some missions you cant get progress out of helping other players?
Hey, this same happened to me and my friend in Sunday, but we were doing personal story what was “Air Drop”. My friend did it first and I didn’t saw cutscreens and I didn’t got any reward when he finnish it. So we had to do it again. After that “Blast from the Past” personal story didnt let us go together in. We were playing Charr Guardians in that moment.
Guest on a low pop server, it might work then. Did for me, today.
Me and a few friends are also having this same problem, also having a problem where we cannot see each others pictures in the party window even if we are in the same map unless we are right next to each other.
This has started happening ever since the update on the 24th.
Hi Jeffrey,
It seems that this is not working yet. Me and my friend stand in same spot, in same region and map but my friend didn’t got prompt to join my personal story. And it seems that I am not only one who have same problem.
I really like this game and I enjoy to play it with my firends. Now this game has lost something and it feel like solo game. Please, I want to play with my friends and do personal stories with them.
Are you guys from different regions? I’ve been experiencing similar issues with story instances (trials, FotM) and to a lesser extent dungeon explorable instances as an EU player playing on NA Fort Aspenwood server. Many of my EU guild friends have also had the same bug and can’t join story or dungeons with NA players.
We are both from EU, but we are playing NA server. We saw yesterday at 26th of July that we can not join any Dungeon with NA players.
And the reason why we are playing NA server is that there are more players from all over the world. But it seems that if you are from EU and playing NA server, it causes all kind of the trouble.
I hope that they will find that bug what causing these problems. Well I bet they do, but it might take a time until they pinpoint what causes these problems.
What I have seen, it is not all the personal stories what does not let party members join in. Some of them works fine. Some of them let you join the personal story, but even if you are doing same story, you don’t get reward and you have to do it again.
I have made a list in my first post in here from all of those personal stories what does not give prompt to party members to join with your story. I hope it will help a little pinpoint that problem in these personal stories.
It seems it is true. European accounts playing in American servers are treated like coming from another region and can’t join multiple story missions plus dungeons or fractals.
Please fix this asap
Having the same problem here. Three European players playing from the very beggining in the US server Tarnished Coast. We’ve been sharing stories from the beginning but since we came back from holidays we seem unable to share our personal stories anymore. Also from time to time our characters are “lost” in the map even if we’re in the group. First story we had the problem was “Orders from Tyria”, now we have the same problem im “Mortus Virge”. Characters were not only in the same map but also in the same spot, waiting for the leader to take a step and get inside the story. Please fix the bug! We opened these accounts to play together and this is spoiling the fun a lot!