[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zany.8612


I was able to complete this quest solo yesterday after the patch. Everything worked as it should.

I tried several times on sunday night and the “defend the gates” was bugged.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: AYssaver.9753


Seems like sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. After three attempts (solo) I resign and try to do it tomorrow. I got stuck right after getting back to the gate and killing first wave of enemies. There were NO stuck enemies around, I searched well.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rigger.6984


We tried it twice more and failed. Then we got kicked off while the patch downloaded. Logged back in, entered the instance, and everything worked the way it was supposed to. Thanks for the fix!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: Kootje.9271


I tried it yesterday and it worked. Weird thing was though that defend the gate didn’t work at first. I retried and the second time i let myself get downed. And it worked, after that mobs kept spawning and story worked out fine. So in my case letting urself get downed by the first wave (i know is hard to get downed there) worked out well.

Proud member of Dutch-Finest Guild on Far Shiverpeaks.

If it ain’t dutch,… :P

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


Server: Stormbluff Isle
Character: Asura

Storyline choice at Pale Tree: Afraid innocent would die.
Issue: Step 3 ‘Defend the Gate’ not updating

Fight mobs outside fort on camp side, not at fort entrance.

This demonstrated how easily a quest will not update.
It’s possible such similar simple issues are occurring for others that also prevent updates.

It is particularly frustrating because the completion of this quest then opens Asura gates to cut already excessive travel expenses [imo at least while so many bugs still exist in game: 1. The gate should be open, 2. Travel costs should be drastically reduced or…suspend them altogether]

[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

(edited by Siliconmana.3816)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: xkevzarx.4750


Still no luck doing this quest. Have tried 4 times. stops at “Defend the Gate”. No multi-player on any portion of this, solo play the entire time to 80.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: sassoonss.4352


I tried this quest now thrice and I am stuck at “Defend the gate”

There was only 1 wave of attacka n after that nothing
The objective keeps saying defend the gate before its overun but there is no attack triggered
Waiting over 20 minutes tried running all over the place no npcs to kill
Went out retstrted quest twice still nothing

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: jackfool.2863


I have the exact same problem as sassoonss
1 wave of attacks, no more zombies in the area.
I used the arrow cart to kill all the zombies in the one wave.

I ran the perimeter of the area plus every inch inside it, there’s no other zombies.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: sassoonss.4352


ok on the 4th attempt i did not rush to defend the gate and got myself downed by the mob away from the gate entrance

this way the ways of attacks continued and was able to complete teh quest

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: jackfool.2863


I left and went back in, by not using the arrow cart the mission continued

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: bennY.6891


I’m stuck as well after the first wave.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: scooter.1239


Stuck after the first wave here also.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lord Sepentor.5487

Lord Sepentor.5487

this bug is really annoying i had to listen to Trahearne’s BS many times to no avail fix the kitten bug!!!! it shouldn’t matter if u listen or skip cut scenes! Its suppose to work either way!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: adri.2476



I tried just yesterday The Battle of Fort Trinity scnenario.

I did the personal story since lvl 20 with a friend. We made always the same choices. The last one was the fear:
The suffering of others which led us to the eventchain (“Striking Off the Chains”, “Wet Work” ,“Intercepting the Orb”)
When starting the Battle of Fort Trinity we had the same bug as many here.
I aproached Traherne and tried to talk to him while he was talking to the two other NPC. After they finished talking the cutscene won´t start. We reseted then the scenario and I aproached again without talking to anybody… just watching. Then it worked.

We went on until defending the docks and there we got stuck. The first waves of mobs came we killed them and then .. nothing. The cannons fired without success at the ship an nothing happens further on.
Allthough, we didn´t look for a mob stuck in a wall. I will try it today an edit my post here if necesary.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Chx.3928


I just got this bug as well, tried twice already and got stuck at the first wave as well. Not working.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Arthw.5748


Just tried to do Battle of Fort Trinity myself.

character name: aurelio foschia
Faction: vigil
Level: 70
After first wave at defend the gate the mobs don’t spawn – will attempt to try and be “downed” and see if that works.

Ok so it works if you let yourself get downed during the first wave when you are defending the gates – let them kill everyone and then kill them slowly. The next waves will spawn.

Still sucks – but at least you can get past it. Which is a shame because it seemed pretty cool otherwise, but total immersion breaker.

(edited by Arthw.5748)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: CriminalMind.4379


Just tried to do Battle of Fort Trinity myself.

character name: aurelio foschia
Faction: vigil
Level: 70
After first wave at defend the gate the mobs don’t spawn – will attempt to try and be “downed” and see if that works.

Ok so it works if you let yourself get downed during the first wave when you are defending the gates – let them kill everyone and then kill them slowly. The next waves will spawn.

Still sucks – but at least you can get past it. Which is a shame because it seemed pretty cool otherwise, but total immersion breaker.

Worked for me. Thanks!!!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: wardjp.6352


I think it might be the same case for me, sheer coincidence on the first run, but I messed up and reset the instance (used wp) now both times that I’ve used arrow carts, it does not progress past the first wave….

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: wardjp.6352


4th time around, no downed, no carts, and it still did not trigger after the first wave, so yep, got to be that you have to get downed… That’s a pretty annoying deal if you ask me…

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

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Posted by: CyberFive.6528


Tried to do the battle two times today. Both times it stuck on defending the gate.

1st try – defend lumber camp, run to gate, use arrow cart until no enemies are left (and I did check under the ramp). Ran all over the map but no go.

2nd try – defend lumber camp, run to gate, help nps’s kill the enemies till none are left. Stil a no go.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: synk.6907


Posting to say that on the first run through, no additional waves spawned at the gate. If I had video recording software installed, I’d have recorded myself running all over the map looking for an extra risen. I figured maybe one decided to climb a tree, like in "A Light in the Darkness". No go.

So then I read in this thread about being downed. Second attempt, I let myself get downed, most of the poor NPCs I had saved the first time died, and then more waves spawned. So I guess we have to play poorly to advance? *shrug*

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Frvwfr.4307


Ok… So I was at the defend the docks part. Killed 2 waves of risen.. Then nothing. Cannons fired at the ship and did not hit it. Nothing happened.

I then proceeded to swim to the dead ship and shoot it with my harpoon until it died. (Takes longer than you would think.)

And then… Nothing.

Just sitting here with nothing to do inside fort trinity..

I mean really… This game has been out over 2 months… And the CAMPAIGN is not working….?


[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Frvwfr.4307


EDIT: I found the problem.. A risen spawned underneath of the floor.. So I cannot kill him, and therefore the story will not continue.

EDIT: Managed to kill the guy by using AOE through the floor. Story continued as normal after. Still, problem NEEDS to be addressed.


(edited by Frvwfr.4307)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: arabeth.2361


For what it’s worth I just completed this mission and it worked. I actually had sort of the opposite experience of many in this thread: I think each wave had about 3-6 enemies and was completely trivial to defeat. In fact, at one point I wondered why I was even there because I could barely make it to the next risen attack area before everything was dead.

Also, I noticed that (as has been pointed out) in the final wave near the docks, the risen were not “enemies” but rather “attackable neutrals” – i.e. yellow and not red. I assumed this was done intentionally so that your character wouldn’t get overwhelmed quite so quickly (although, again: I think I managed to kill one guy as by the time I got there, the NPCs had cleaned up), but now I see it’s a long-standing bug. Just wanted to say this is still happening!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: arabeth.2361


(My post was mainly talking about the point after you moved some weird water orb that had never been talked about in my story previously. The part before the weird orb was mainly just moving from point to point and had nothing to do with enemy waves. I learned from earlier missions that when the game tells you to go somewhere, you ignore EVERYTHING and just go there! Stopping to fight just means you die against waves of infinite enemies.)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Neraka.4062


Well I’m stuck at talking to Trahaerne. I first enter the instance, and he’s talking to the two priory scholars, and after the conversation ends, I cannot talk to him. He has the green asterisk over his head, and my quest status says to report to Trahearne, but I do so and he does not respond. Nothing happens, and the dialogue does not move forward.

Any ideas on when this will get fixed?

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

When did this happen? That bug was fixed about a month ago.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Neraka.4062


This happened last night, Dec. 5. I had another person in my party. Today I tried to go through this on my own, and was able to progress past the point where I was stuck at the initial conversation with Trahearne when entering the instance. This part of my story is now completed, so it seems it may be an issue with groups doing this together. Anyway, thought I should update this. The bug didn’t go away, but after reading several others’ replies here, I decided to solo this part and was able to complete this portion of the storyline.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Eolwynd.9847



Read this thread and we did the pre-requisits. Me and my friend are experiencing the same bug. We go in listen to the converstation with Trahearn and he 2 npcs then nothing happens, star disapears and “Report to trahearn at Fort Trinity” is checked.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Eolwynd.9847


Exited the quest and went back in and it worked this time

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Valius.3142


welp either it was fixed or not. I am getting the issue at the point of retaking the docks back the npc will all be dead and right before the cutscene the game crashes and having to redo the whole thing again. OR the story doesnt continue and theres a hidden npc somewhere (seeing friendly NPC’s attacking midair as an enemy is under the floor) and the game eventually locks up to the point of closing with the task manager, as I have tried at least 15 times to do this stupid storyline i get this every time. Done the repairs, reinstallation, updating drivers, reverting drivers, sending in crash reports ect. still no clear. best solution, skip this storyline part for me or fix it! >:(

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: jedishin.9731


2 days ago my warrior charr got to Fort Trinity, but no Trahearne so cannot start the instance. Logged in and out several times, got fed up rolled an Asura Mesmer instead.

Our chief weapons are Fear, Fear and Surprise!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jayvenpup.4978


I can confirm too that this bug is happening still. My wife and I just got to Battle of Fort Trinity and listened to Traherne and the two NPCs and it makes the sound effect like it is about to go into a talking scene yet nothing happens.

We tried leaving the story instance and coming back in (same toon initiating) and it happened exactly the same.

We have done this step before on other toons, perhaps up to 1-2 months ago, with no issues. We’ll try it with the other toon in the duo and see if that allows it to work.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Cauldron.1653


FYI, this bug is still happening. Experienced it last night.
First time it happened I was coming from smashing the Shatterer and I was in a group of 2 (incl. me) when I went into the instance.

What happened was that at the step “Take back the Fort Trinity Docks” I would slay all foes but then nothing would trigger. I could the free roam with Trahearne following me and some of my friendly NPC mobs alive and nothing would happen.

I then left the group, logged out and logged back in. I then had to redo the whole mission chain. However, this time in the end while I was still fighting a group of Krayt Dimoss coming from the water, suddenly a cut scene animation triggered and I could end the mission successfully.

It is my opinion that the error lies in the last wave of mobs that is spawned. For some reason they spawn as yellow mobs when they should spawn as red mobs. I think this causes the next trigger (which most likely triggers on “all foes dead”) to not activate if you manage to not tag the trigger critical group in time before friendly NPCs slay them.

To guard against that, make sure that on the last step, you actually turn all usually enemy mob types in to red colored foe mobs.

“Your subterfuge of incognizance will erode under my fulgent dupery”

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: summourn.4982


This quest is broken for me now as well. The first time, I was able to complete it, but half way through the ending cinematic, the game crashed, giving the message that my connection was lost, and booted me back to the character screen. I re-entered as quickly as I could but to no avail. I had to start over from the beginning and was back outside of the quest.

I tried again and wasn’t even able to make it that far the second time. I am stuck on the step: “Take Back Fort Trinity Docks”. All enemy NPCs are dead, I checked every square inch of the fort, underwater, etc to make sure this was true. There’s nothing left to kill, but nothing triggers and simply tells me to take back the docks.

Is this something I should file a ticket over or just keep trying?

Edit: One of the npcs kept flinching as though he was being hurt. His health never dropped though and try as I might, I couldn’t find any invisible or hidden enemies causing the damage. Also, for some bizarre reason, many enemies died and afterwards froze standing straight up instead of falling over like the normal death animation. I have never seen this anywhere else in game.

(edited by summourn.4982)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: dollyrocka.4397


I, too, had this issue today and came here to find out what the problem was. I also had one Risen trapped underneath the docks.

My conclusion was to go as close to the area where he was as possible- Trahearne (the NPC) would follow wherever I was going. Then, I would summon either my Sylvan Hound/Elemental and it would detect that the Risen was there and try to go after it. Trahearne would also then start attacking. Somehow, Trahearne was able to go through the docks and fight the Risen (if that makes sense). The Risen was then drawn out to the point where he was half in the docks/half in the water and I was able to go underwater and finally kill him. Took me a while to figure this out, and I know this is kind of not a clear explanation, but you can give this a try- just try to make an NPC detect the Risen and magically walk through walls to kill it.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Crimson.4527


I had this problem as well with the retake the docks section.

I had 2 Krait in the water not coming up and one yellow riesn to the side that I had to find.

There was one left that was stuck in the the ground that I only found due the pact soldiers all standing on top of him. I had to randomly attack the area to lock onto him then I mucked around until I bought my toolkit (engie) and had to use the magnet to pull him out of the ground. Overall it took about 30 for the entire thing.
I also sent a report fyi

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Smercius.4312


welp either it was fixed or not. I am getting the issue at the point of retaking the docks back the npc will all be dead and right before the cutscene the game crashes and having to redo the whole thing again. OR the story doesnt continue and theres a hidden npc somewhere (seeing friendly NPC’s attacking midair as an enemy is under the floor) and the game eventually locks up to the point of closing with the task manager, as I have tried at least 15 times to do this stupid storyline i get this every time. Done the repairs, reinstallation, updating drivers, reverting drivers, sending in crash reports ect. still no clear. best solution, skip this storyline part for me or fix it! >:(

same here. Strange that this isn’t fixed yet

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: TheFlyingDutchman.1649


Hey guys we did indeed experience the old bug yesterday where we, both Asura who made the same choices in the character creation for the purpose of playing the story duo, were entering the instance and the conversation between trahearne wouldnt start, no matter how an how or how often we tried to move or strand still around him. We tried this many times and finally decided to play it solo, which worked.
Afterwards the game split us, one of us had to do a medic mission just outside fort tri whilst the other one should go free lionguard XY(the norn girl) from the risen krait. We dont know how or when we made the splitting decision but we played every story instance together thus making the same choices. Dunno if you wanna look into that. Other than this thank you for creating and maintaining a great game!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Modernmin.8617


I can confirm this bug STILL exists, having done it 3 times now and I STILL can’t get past this. Wtf, why is this bug STILL here?!?! Geez

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: SaltyNutz.8216


i am having the same problems with this quest as in the start of this post talk to npc star goes away nothing after