[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: dpcnh.3798


I’m having the same issue with the defend the gate portion. Clear the camp, NPC dialog, then first wave at the gate. After that, nothing. REALLY frustrating. Personal story is kind of pointless when you can’t do it. Second time I’ve been unable to progress in my story. I was hoping for better than this.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: tink.6475


Bugged on defending the gate as well. I have tried several times over the last 72 hours, and haven’t had any progression past the first wave of attackers.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: jsib.8256


I was having the same problem as everyone else. I went to this thread and tried all the suggestions, but to no avail.

After trying the same strategy for three tries, I decided to try something else, since the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting the same result.

So when getting to the objective of <Defending the Lumber Mill>, instead of going all out and owning the mobs, I took a couple out and then ran back to the front gate, expecting the NPC’s to take the remainder out. After waiting for a couple minutes and still seeing the objective still active, I went back to the lumber mill and noticed there were about 5-7 zombies battling a couple of NPC’s that were still alive.

I proceeded to take out the remaining mobs at the lumber mill and kited a couple towards the main road heading to the Front Gate, and finished them off on the road. I got the message to <Defend the Front Gate> and headed down the road to defend the Front Gate.

When arriving to the Front Gate, there were way more zombies than the first three bugged tries, so immediately I knew that the questline would progress as normal, which it did and I completed the quest.

I believe the trick is when finishing the lumber mill objective, to kite the mobs towards the main road and then kill them, which somehow gives the zombies in the next phase a clear line of sight to the Front Gate so they can spawn correctly. I hope this helps since it worked for me.

(edited by jsib.8256)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Chaoschimp.9250


I’ve been stuck on this for around two days now. I’ve tried around twelve times in total with no change. Always getting stuck standing with NPC’s in front of the gate.

What did work for me however, that i did not do in any of my previous attempts was watch all of the cut scenes. After trying again and watching all of the cut scenes through the mission progressed as normal with no bug.

I don’t know if this is a solution or just luck, but i would recommend trying it out.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: fenduru.3165


I ran into this last night. Had to restart twice, but it worked today.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Twoflower.3176


Stuck in the same place as other folks — “Defend the Front Gate” and only the first ambush wave spawns. Nothing happens after that. I’ll try restarting the mission…

I picked letting an innocent die.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Azalea Skie.9714

Azalea Skie.9714

I am a level 70 ele…I have tried everything listed in this forum, including trying it solo or with other people. I have tried about 10 times now. NOTHING WORKS! I seriously don’t know what else to do and I really do not want to wait over another week to see if it is fixed. Any other suggestions?

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Twoflower.3176


Okay, it worked for me on the second try. I guess the Front Gate sequence is a bit random. I didn’t do anything differently this time around, except maybe to leg it with speed to the gate as soon as that goal was available; I only lagged behind by a few second the previous time though, to loot the guys attacking the logging camp.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: ArchaicZeus.5076


I’ve had the same issue myself, I wouldn’t be so irritated if it wasn’t for the fact that they made a PoI only obtainable through a story quest. So far it is the only PoI that I am aware of that is unreachable in the game unless done via story quest. So that means my world completion is put on hold for another week or 2. Oh well, glad they at least found a fix (hopefully), can’t wait for the update anyways =)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Azalea Skie.9714

Azalea Skie.9714

Is it only working for people if you do it solo? Or does it also work while you’re in a group? I have tried so many times and so many different ways I lost count. It always gets stuck at defending the front gate. I kill everything then nothing happens. Like I said in my previous post, I have tried it all the different ways as suggested in this forum.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rose.8532


The quest is completely bugged in multiplayer mode. My husband and I tried to do this 4 times and got stuck every time at defending the gate. As soon as I read this thread, we each were able to do this successfully solo.

This should help Arenanet in solving the problem.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Blitzkrieg.8436


I was waiting at this gate for about a half hour (having reset after this happened once before). I looked all over, found nothing to do. After a long wait I spotted a risen preserver perched to the right of the gate (when facing the fort, standing on the grassy area outside). He’s standing on top of some of the blue vines/brambles. No idea if he was there before or not – I didn’t see him initially. I killed him (with ranged, the NPCs joined in) and the story proceeded. Hope that helps someone.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Hobbes.8510


Also stuck, tried all the solution in the thread, and restarted several times….

Really not good enough

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: punkitty.5709


I am also having this problem. I tried it by myself and died from all the waves, went back with a friend and Traherne’s dialogue at the begining didn’t pop, and then we got stuck after defending the gate. No more mobs showed up and we looked around with no mobs and repeated with the same results. I tried on my own after reading this thread, didn’t work. I tried with another person, didn’t work. I thought it might have been fixed after the patch came out today, but that didn’t fix it either. What is going on here, people??

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Maria.7208


I also have the same problem yesterday with this quest “Defend the front gate” and I finally got it now.. its a bit tricky though.. just look my path while doing the quest..


What I did:
1. Solo (no pt, no partner whatsoever just leave any party you have)
2. Defend the upper camp
3. Tried to catch the mobs that will attack the gate (I was trying to pull them up but failed.. so I continued killing them with the npcs near gate)
4. Killed all the spawn mobs. (I died a lot and can’t res any npc to help me because of the mob so it took some time to finish them all)
5. After the 3rd wave.. the spawn of mob stops.. I run around the green circle.. then left side of the gate (as you can see in my screenshot) when I got back to the gate.. the mob is there.. killed them and that’s it..

Hope this help..

(edited by Maria.7208)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: blue.6275


I had the same problem, also finally figured out it was a risen perched on top of the brambles. Try running in circles near the gate for a while and just hitting tab over and over, you may find a hidden Risen…

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Oldboy.3821


Just one thing is working …. let them kill ALL the guards and arrow cart.
Than defeat 3 waves….that’s over…

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Trillistar.4071


I just ran into this same issue on my ranger, 4 times in a row so far. I have ran over the entire area and nothing is attackable. I ge tthe first wave at the gate and nothing more.
This is running it solo, I am hearing the same thing from most of my friends too. I have done this quest previously on another with no problem, but it was right after a reset of zone.
If npcs spawning irregularly was what was causing this I should have been able to find them, and looking also shouldn’t be necessary as it should be a simple fix in the code just limiting spawn points.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: jade.6034


this is definitely still broken. “defend the gate” nothing happens i killed 1st wave of undead and now been sitting here for like 10 min within the green circle….awesome!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Allons.3214


I have the same problem. Tried all the ideas put forth here but none worked.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Pokerjoker.7246



[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Panchitto.9810


Ran into the same issue and had to restart the quest. As someone else posted, either letting them kill everything at the gate phase (after the camp) and then engaging them worked for me. Prepare for another small bug on the next quest though… Unfortunately, the deeper I progress into my personal story, the more I have to guess where to place myself/re-check if all mobs engaged and are actually defeated so I can head to the cutscenes

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Cerxi.5472


Alright so following some of the tips here (waiting for all the NPCs to die and soloing the risen) got me finished the mission. But. BUT. I am now suffering the strangest bug. I had picked “death of an innocent” as my greatest fear, and done two of the Tonn missions. But following the Battle of Fort Trinity, I’ve somehow been bumped sideways onto the Syska chain. It even shows on my Story list. “Tower Down, To The Core, Breaking The Bone Ship” are Tonn missions, but my current is “Delivering Justice”, where I GUESS I HATE SYSKA AND HAVE TO GO KILL HER??


[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Oselot.4793


well i am very dissapointed in support on this chat, i get the feeling that this is a very low priority and really wont get alot of attention. i am stuck at the gate. searching around no mob visible in solo mode did 3 attempts and no luck. you guys may be unable to reproduce it but it is happening and from reading here to often. why not have a timer placed in there or just skip the section untill you can get it working rather then just leaving it broken and have us all wait on your conveinence.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer



As I’ve stated before, we tested a change that worked for 1,2, and 5 players, but it’s not slated to go in until the next content update (10/22).

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Cerxi.5472


Jeffery: Any word on the fact that the mission literally CHANGED MY STORY PATH?

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: DUAxWolff.2759


Holy crap this forum is full of little children.

Jeffrey I truly feel sorry for you having to deal with the way this community is acting.

I mean seriously people? You have an employee ACTIVELY working on a fix for your problem and all you can do is bad mouth him complain about poor old you. Does this game have bugs. OF COURSE, its new. What would you get from 90% of all other game forums? MAYBE 1 post that they are working on the problem, if you are lucky. You should be thanking the employees for taking the time to give you updates, HE EVEN GAVE YOU AN UPDATE WHEN HE WAS NOT AT WORK. That is how much he cares about you. Then, when you do complain and bad mouth him, he doesn’t even dignify your comments with a response.

Therefore, on behave of the mature members on this forum and who play this game, Thank you for all your hard work on all the things you do to make this awesome game better.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: akamon.2769


hey everyone. Akaimon here, Norn Guardian, lvl 80. Been doing the personal story once it joined early on with the wife. After a certain bit, we branched off. Don’t remember if that was intentional or not, but most likely was forging the pact. Wife recalls seeing a popup, and she instinctively clicked something and our paths were split then. : ((( Wife went the Tower Down line and just finished Breaking the Bone Ship (i did this with her). I just finished my part Wet Works and finished with Being Taken Captive (or whatever the story’s name was). Next up for both of us i believe is Battle at Fort Trinity. Hopefully it’ll work out for us! We really want to do the personal story together and hope this doesn’t bug out.

I’ll try to offer any insight on this and can hopefully help you guys and anyone else figure out what’s going on! Usuaully she leads the instance, but the last one (before we split), i triggered it since it bugged out when she did, so i’ll try doing the same.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: jmuharsky.5628


…1,2, and 5…

Three, sir!

Looking forward to the fix.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Disconnected.9253


also having an issue and i’m doing it with 1 other person

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Troop.1369


I’m also bugged maybe it has to do with using the arrow carts? I killed the last mob with the left one. Stuck on part: *Defend the front gate

I ran across the map to find a mob to kill… nothing. I’ll re-do it without using the arrow cart this time.


Black Talons – We make you nervous.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Troop.1369


Second try, without touching the arrow carts, still bugged:


Black Talons – We make you nervous.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Wahoowah.4721


I tried this quest five times on my Ranger before it ran correctly, and my wife ran it six. On my fifth try, I inadvertently died during the battle and had to respawn and voila, the quest ran perfectly. I suggested to my wife that she try dying on purpose, and voila, her quest ran perfectly.

So, try dying during the battle.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: akamon.2769


I tried this quest five times on my Ranger before it ran correctly, and my wife ran it six. On my fifth try, I inadvertently died during the battle and had to respawn and voila, the quest ran perfectly. I suggested to my wife that she try dying on purpose, and voila, her quest ran perfectly.

So, try dying during the battle.

ah, that’s something i’m sure we all try not to do. but in this case, might be well worth it. a temporary workaround perhaps for those that are still having trouble.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Xenite.7418


Just hit 70 and tried Battle for Fort Trinity and it has bugged out on me as well.

Everything seems to go fine to begin with, I got to the lumber camp and the undead attack, defeat them then it says to defend the main gate. After killing all the undead, nothing happens…. it just stalls out.

The only peculiar thing I noticed was the group of four soldiers that leave from the lumber camp towards the gate, when they get there they just stand around, they don’t fight or move…. even when stuff was hitting them.

Finally, I exited and tried the whole event over from the start, same outcome. So I am basically stuck on my story and can do nothing….

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: FXcreation.3215


After having tried 8 times with a group of 2, I decided to do this solo…. and it WORKS. It was frustrating being stuck in the same place for a week! Hope this works out for you!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: sbr.8170


I just tried this for the first time, actually first two times, and it didn’t work either time. I will probably try again tonight and if that doesn’t work just wait for the next update.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Azalea Skie.9714

Azalea Skie.9714

Has anyone tried this solo as an Ele? I tried and it is way to hard solo. I can’t even get past the mob at the defending the gate part.

I seriously hope this is fixed soon, as I would love to progress in my story line.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: jbb.9571


yeah i did it solo on my ele it was hard, but i just had to kite.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Joker.5016


Has anyone tried this solo as an Ele? I tried and it is way to hard solo. I can’t even get past the mob at the defending the gate part.

I seriously hope this is fixed soon, as I would love to progress in my story line.

I wouldn’t say this needs to be fixed, as it’s not a bug lol. Done this on a thief, war, and now ranger. Each one required a different tactic but the missions can be down if ya don’t experience a bug, like what this thread is about.

As too why I’m here, this is my 3rd time through this story mission (as noted above, Thief, Warrior, and now my Ranger) And for the first time, I’m experiencing a bug preventing me from completing the mission. It’s the same one as the OP’s, I start it off w/out issue, but after I defend the camp, I then have to defend the gate.

I then Run too the gate with NPC’s in toe, and as I approach, a small pack of Risen spawn. About four I think. After I dispatch them, and the initial pack of risen that attack the gaurds at the gate…. nothing… just some pretty background music and a butterfly or two. No risen, now I know the gate is supposed to be a losing battle spoiler and a large risen force is suppose to spawn and overpower the gate, but they never show up. Hope this gets resolved soon.

Lieutenant of Reawakened[RE] ~ Sanctum of Rall

(edited by Joker.5016)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: BlanaFoflana.9085


First attempt: Zombie went AWOL on Defend the Gate.
Second attempt: The whole quest worked.

Due to some deaths on Defend the Gate I played the rest of the quest naked. Means it is not too hard, if it can be played underequipped.

Positive: Great athmosphere! Extremely immersive, you feel the Chaos of such a battle, even knowing that you can restart anytime. (I’m glad I didn’t go to the military.)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lianesse Modief.2683

Lianesse Modief.2683

I have been stuck on The Battle of Fort Trinity for 2 weeks. I start just fine. go out defend the logging camp, then go and defend the gate. That’s where my problem is. After defending the gate I am supposed to get a cut scene with the giant. I do not get the cut scene. All the npcs are just standing around. nothing happens after I defend the gate. help please.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Blu.4302


I’ve been trying to do the Battle of Fort Trinity for weeks now. Really getting tired of all the bugs. I’ve tried everything I’ve seen mentioned and I can not get past Defend the Gate. Please fix this Problem soon.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Roku Necrosis.9432

Roku Necrosis.9432

For what it is worth – I had the same bug where you go to logging camp – defend the gates – and then nothing… just sitting around.

Attempt one – was myself +wife in the same instance. She had one path – I had another – we met at this common instance. I took lead.

The next attempt was separately. Both had the same bug same place.

The next attempt I did on my own again. The difference is that this time I did not touch the arrow carts. I did not “use them” meaning have them replace my skill bar.

It did not bug and worked as intended.

In all other points where it bugged out (2 different characters – together and separate) we had touched the arrow carts – and bugged IMMEDIATELY following a RL player touching them outside the gate.

Fluke? Maybe – but it looks like there could be a tie. Testing again with my wife’s instance to be sure. If you are held up and frustrated – don’t want to wait – give it a try.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Mystafyi.5987


The ole lady and I both just did this seperately. On my attempt It bugged out and I died from falling damage( i know lol) while hunting around for a hidden mob? This caused the script to spawn the next wave.

When my wife did the event, it bugged at the same place. I told her to die somehow and it would fix it…. it did.

very annoying to have to die in order to have script work.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: jmrathbun.7263


This is still badly bugged. It would help if you would break it into segments so a bugged segment can be repeated without repeating the whole disaster. The battle at the gate either stops after the first, easy wave, or spawns overwhelming legions of mobs who are very hard to defeat. After an hour I had all my armor broken. If you really want that many mobs, at least let us pull them one at a time! Then after the defense of the docks, where the difficulty was trivial, it glitched terminally at Throw the Left Switch, Throw the Right Switch. I threw both switches and they became inoperative, but the quest is stuck on that step. I do not intend to invest any more time and gold in this badly bugged quest. It’s a disgrace!

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Mia.7230


Ok, I have been trying to complete this part of my story line for weeks. Finally I see where it will be fixed with the patch today. I updated my game and have tried it three times and it still stalls at defend the gate. I have tried this solo and also in party. I have tried it every way suggested except standing on my head. I understand every game has bugs, but this one has been going on far too long. Would you PLEASE fix this so I can complete my story line.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Arysta.9530


I suppose the patch didn’t work because I just tried this quest for the first time this morning. I ended up here after a google search. I’m on the “defend the gate” stage. The initial wave of mobs at the gate were killed, then nothing else happened… just been standing there for about 10 mins.

Edit: I relogged and started the whole thing over. It worked this time, but the ensuing battle at the gate seemed to be very difficult (like a previous poster mentioned). The arrow carts and gate guards were killed by the time I even got to them. Trahearne died about 4 times. The only thing that saved me was running away a few times (I was scared that would bug things, but luckily it didn’t). The rest of the story played out in what seemed to be a normal manner.

(edited by Arysta.9530)

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Razarn.7461


I’m just about ready to put my hand through my screen. Been running around for twenty minutes trying to find a place to kill myself with fall damage and see if that starts it up again. Gah.

[BUG] The Battle of Fort Trinity

in Personal Story

Posted by: Azalea Skie.9714

Azalea Skie.9714

It finally worked for me today! The one thing I tried different was not to use the arrow carts at defend the gate. I also did this with one other person. We didn’t have to die and it worked fine. Finally, after trying at least 10 different ways it worked.