[BUG] Yet Another Battle of Fort Trinity Bug.

[BUG] Yet Another Battle of Fort Trinity Bug.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Thorril.3261


Hey. I’m doing Battle for Fort Trinity, and I’ve managed to evade a few of the other bugs people seem to be suffering from (like the cut scene not triggering when you talk to Trahearne), but when I get to ‘Take back the Fort Trinity docks’, after taking back the central area, all the soldiers just run back and forth around the central area. They don’t attack the docks. Also, the mobs in the docks are all either yellow or white – none of them are hostile. I tried picking them off one by one (since they don’t seem to aggro even if you attack their friends), but they just respawned too fast – it would have been impossible to take them all down that way. Obviously, I can’t clear the docks and so I can’t progress in the quest. Playing a level 71 Norn Warrior; order is Vigil, greatest fear was causing an innocent to die.

[BUG] Yet Another Battle of Fort Trinity Bug.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Moofia.5437


I actually have a similar problem with the npc’s except that the enemies are all hostile and the knight monsters keep respawning.