Can any one help with (Personal Story) name?
Well, it depends on what kind of name you want. You say you want a real first name, but what is real for you? Do names from different countries or languages count? Or historical/uncommon names?
I personally have a favour for historical names and give them a slight twist. You could always google something along the lines of ‘baby names’ which brings up a whole lot of pages, where you can select gender, where the name is from, etc.
These 2 pages are my favourites when looking for historical/unusual names.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”
Thank you for information
What race are you playing? That might help you pin things down. The viking names would help name a Norn. Asura have short single names, ending in consonants for males and vowels for females. Charr names sometimes have a Roman influence with their first name but not always by any means. Their warband name is the first half of the surname and the second half often reflects the profession – hence Pyre Fierceshot was in the Fierce warband and was a ranger. Sylvari names tend towards the Celtic so try Irish or Welsh baby name websites.
Here is a good link to play with: http://www.namegeneratorfun.com/
Here is one.
Dark Nemesis
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