Can't complete "The Steel Tide"

Can't complete "The Steel Tide"

in Personal Story

Posted by: xev.9476


There’s a segment of “The Steel Tide” where I’m supposed to control a charr tank and stop the risen assault. It’s not working. Attempting to turn the tank’s gun removes me from the control and prevents me from interacting with it again for a few seconds, in addition to rotating the gun all the way to the left or right, depending on which direction I chose. Every now and again it won’t do this (rarely), and I manage to gun down a few packs. However, inevitably, it glitches again and I can’t eradicate the risen before they all respawn, decimate the front ranks, and swarm around me. In other words, I can’t complete the quest.

I’ve leveled several characters to 80 and I’ve noticed how many of the Orr portions of the personal story frequently bug out (I always submit in-game bug reports). Usually, though, if I just exit the instance and start again the mission won’t bug as severely and I’m able to complete the quest. This one isn’t like that; the tank gun just won’t work.

Address this, please!

Can't complete "The Steel Tide"

in Personal Story

Posted by: skinypupy.9024


I’m having the exact same issue. Frustrating that after building up a powerful character to 80 and working my way through the entire story, I won’t finish the campaign…because of a malfunctioning tank turret.

Can't complete "The Steel Tide"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Defence.1749


Same issue here, I managed to just manually attack the giants (the other tanks will help out when they take some damage). What sucks is you can’t even use the mortars scattered around the place, all they do is get in the way.

I uploaded a video of the end of it for a friend who wanted to see what was happening (its low quality) – here

Can't complete "The Steel Tide"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Caelib.2497


The amount of blocking issues with personal story quests is completely unacceptable. In my own experience, more than half of the personal story quests above level 40 have the potential to create some form of blocking where it will not progress and we have to completely start over.

On my first level 80, I did not encounter as much blocking as I do now on my other three level 60+ toons … which means I was really lucky or they introduced a lot of breakage since then.

In any case, the current state of personal story quests is unacceptable. In fact, I got so frustrated that I quit doing them altogether.

Can't complete "The Steel Tide"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


yup me and my partner for story have the same issue, tank is kicking us from control and mobs are constantly spawned…so what next?wait for 7 days to be repaired? :S

Can't complete "The Steel Tide"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


while writing this i entered game and my partner killed 2 giants, so you must kill those 2 big giants at the same time and story goes to next level

Can't complete "The Steel Tide"

in Personal Story

Posted by: xev.9476


I managed to finish the mission as well. It took a few attempts and several deaths, but if you want to ignore the infuriating tank altogether you can just sit back and wait for the two giants to spawn, whittle one giant down to low health, then go kill the other, and finally finish off the low health giant. This is the only method that allowed me to get both giants down fast enough before others spawned, or until abominations swarmed and killed me.

Can't complete "The Steel Tide"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Malisane.9461


Exact same problem for me – seriously, do you even bother testing any of the high-level quests or zones?

Can't complete "The Steel Tide"

in Personal Story

Posted by: PalmTrees.3796


I’m in the same boat. Stupid thing keeps kicking me away.

Can't complete "The Steel Tide"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Hazma.7049


I just tried this last night and had the same issue, i ended up quitting without finishing it. I didn’t know if it was ever going to finish without using the tank.