Can't read my personal story?
You aren’t the only one, I noticed the same thing.
Scrolling down past a certain point cleared the page for me, and I couldn’t read the missions I had done further down.
I’m getting the same problem, I finished the personal story and tried to read all the entries and when they disappeared I was kind of bummed out, I’m sure it will be patched up soon.
I feel like saying thank the gods, but that isn’t probably the best approach when I’ve just heard others have the same problem.. Thank you for your answers, though – Makes me feel slightly less agitated over it: “It isn’t just me!!!” :P
Yeah, I’ve had the same problem over here, too. Don’t know if the same thing would happen with the alternate mission, though.
Yeah, I’ve had the same problem over here, too. Don’t know if the same thing would happen with the alternate mission, though.
Pretty sure the same thing will happen.
I didn’t do Estate of Decay, I did Starving the Beast.
My mission seems to be the alternate story path if Estate of Decay is not chosen.
Content Designer
It’s a known bug—the personal journal will cut off at a certain point. No ETA on a fix (it’s a code issue, not something I can fix myself.)
It’s a known bug—the personal journal will cut off at a certain point. No ETA on a fix (it’s a code issue, not something I can fix myself.)
Thanks for the post! It’s nice to know you guys are aware of it; I’ve noticed it since I first made it to that point in my storyline, roughly a month after launch.
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
But will this bug be fixed soon? Because I Really liked to read my story again :P and tell my friends.
Mines bugged , i think i did Arah Story Mode around 4 stonelines before victory or death and thats when it started
I also have this issue. I’d like to know exactly what choices I made with my previous characters, so I can round out my achievements as I level my new alts through their storylines.
Hope you’ll fix this before you introduce new steps of personal stories
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-
I’m having the same problem.
I’m glad your aware of it but do you think it’s going to be fixed?
Or is it too much trouble for a too small problem?
Ps. Thanks for the great game!
I have this same problem aswell. I really, really hope this is fixed before you add more to the story just like Aenaos said. Its also just generally frustrating that i can’t go back and read the story of my character.
This is happening to me as well, does it happen to everyone? I would like to be able to read my personal story especially when playing alts through it.
Yeah, it should happen to everyone.
A few posts up, ArenaNet mentioned they are aware of it and will fix it later.
I noticed a change in my story list about a month ago maybe.
Before, it used to to only scroll up to a certain point, without being able to see the last entries.
Now, when I open the story tab, it defaults to showing the last entry “Victory or Death”.
I still can’t see all the entries, but now I can at least see the last one.
So a modest improvement of one extra story element, but it’s a big one (the finale).
I still have this bug. It’s been 4 months now…
I stopped playing for about 4 months, came back, and discovered this problem. It’s annoying both to deal with and to know that it’s been months and still without a fix.
This is taking quite a while to fix.
The text for “The Battle of Claw Island” is also still bugged. Bugs like these kind of dampen the experience.
I don’t think this is working as intended, and quite frankly I’m pretty sure it’s a bug. But I tried reading what I’d done in my personal story before the mission “Victory or Death” and noticed that I couldn’t read my story after “Estate of Decay”, if I tried, there appeared to be emptiness where there should’ve been everything between “Estate of Decay” and “Victory or Death”.
I’m writing this here, because I want to know if I’m the only one with this problem?
(I did bug report it)
Same issue here, still isn’t fixed :O