Criticism on the Defense of Claw Island [Spoilers]

Criticism on the Defense of Claw Island [Spoilers]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Biomanz.9302


I enjoyed the storyline and dialogue for the most part up until this point when I got the feeling everything in this story got rushed. First, Claw Island was hyped by several NPC’s to be an impenetrable fortress, and Sieran even says when you get there “so many soldiers! etc” but it didn’t look that impressive with only a few small wandering patrols and a thin wall of soldiers manning the cannons. The Vigil Base at Lion’s Arch looked much more fortified.
Then when the big invasion came, everything seemed to be just put in place. It didn’t show the Risen knocking down doors or being catapulted across the walls. It just felt way too static and passive. Lieutenant’s Mera’s slow, steady and calm voice didn’t help matters either. Some ways it could’ve been more effective? Just my ideas: Adding screams and battlecrys during the fight, show groups of LionGaurds rushing from the fort out to fight, have them man the cannons and trebs (Why is it I don’t see anyone using them???), and improve the AI a bit. There was no semblence of any AI. As the fight raged outside at one point, there was a squad in the court leisurely walking around. Why not implement similar AI as the world ‘defend the city’ events? A lot of Risen eventually swarmed and…stood in place like nothing’s happening. All this combined with the silent atmosphere gave the whole struggle none of the urgency and desperation it’s supposed to present, especially since it came for my mentor to throw herself into death.
Maybe the death of Sieran came too suddenly and disappointing and for her to be replaced by Traehorne??! GOD WHY?!!?!
I just hope the rest of the story don’t feel as rushed.

Taera Locke – staff ele
Red circles heal you. Just relax.

Criticism on the Defense of Claw Island [Spoilers]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


As far as I’m concerned, the mission had an excellent concept but poor execution. It didn’t necessarily need to be longer, but there’s a fair few plot holes – why aren’t we given the option to dissuade our mentor from sacrificing themselves? Why is the commander entrusted with the defence of Claw Island so arrogant and reckless? What happened to the Asura who was situated upon the wall? Why is Mira screaming about being blinded, only to be perfectly fine afterwards, showing up in a later mission in the personal story?

Criticism on the Defense of Claw Island [Spoilers]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ramei.2715


I wish the cut scene at the end include some reaction from people in Lion’s Arch.

Criticism on the Defense of Claw Island [Spoilers]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jaglavak.5806


I just hope the rest of the story don’t feel as rushed.

I’m sorry to say, don’t hold your breath.

Jaglavak – Asura Elementalist + 7 alts / Server: Seafarer’s Rest