Death during a cut scene

Death during a cut scene

in Personal Story

Posted by: Solitaire.3680


This happened to me twice now, the first was part of the vigil story where we had to cross a bridge to attack a weapon they want to use to take down the priory..
As I am crossing the bridge and fighting a cut scene triggers while I am still fighting NPC’s.. Now I could have skipped to the end but I wanted to listen to the dialog because I am very interested in Lore and don’t want to miss anything. When I came back I was just about dead and all my allies were downed and the rest of the mission became extremely difficult to do because it was just me alone and I couldn’t rez anyone so I had to try to pick them off one by one.

The other time was the end of the quest in Orr to destroy the ship that is spawning undead. I have to use some asura technology that sets the ship on fire instead and I have to escape. So there’s a fire condition on you but as I get to the top the cut scene triggers and rescues me but I die anyway and spawn back dead at the base. Not as big of a deal as the first one but still kind of annoying.

I don’t like having these scenes pull me from the world and what I am doing, and especially having my character all relaxed in a conversation while she’s being slaughtered in reality