Difficulty is a bad joke
The personal story is easily soloable on any class. I’ve done it. It just might require a different approach than you’re used to.
easily soloable
Everyone has a different definition of this this term, something also tells me that you’ve went through the story on a heavy armor class character, the light armor class is such a different take on the game where you do die so much more often in the story.
The problem is not so much with the difficulty but more with ANET’s design where they like to overwhelm you with numbers, be it health %, damage % or sheer numbers – this has existed in the original GW too.
What also adds to the problem is that in this game you never ever really feel powerful, unlike traditional mmorpgs you can over level, and in each new zone/stage you visit you tend to more powerful than your foes – with the scaling (which makes you significantly more weaker if you over level and don’t wear that current level gear), you fall over much more often and frequent that you’d expect… especially when the NPC’s call you “hero” and given you their highest rank in the 3 factions….
easily soloable
Everyone has a different definition of this this term, something also tells me that you’ve went through the story on a heavy armor class character, the light armor class is such a different take on the game where you do die so much more often in the story.
The problem is not so much with the difficulty but more with ANET’s design where they like to overwhelm you with numbers, be it health %, damage % or sheer numbers – this has existed in the original GW too.
What also adds to the problem is that in this game you never ever really feel powerful, unlike traditional mmorpgs you can over level, and in each new zone/stage you visit you tend to more powerful than your foes – with the scaling (which makes you significantly more weaker if you over level and don’t wear that current level gear), you fall over much more often and frequent that you’d expect… especially when the NPC’s call you “hero” and given you their highest rank in the 3 factions….
What adds to the problem is “legendary” heroes like Caithe and Rytlock lying knocked out for 80% of a fight whilst I kite around an enemy. I am definitely the most powerful person in the world when the heroes of the fabled Destiny’s Edge can’t stay alive.
easily soloable
Everyone has a different definition of this this term, something also tells me that you’ve went through the story on a heavy armor class character, the light armor class is such a different take on the game where you do die so much more often in the story.
The problem is not so much with the difficulty but more with ANET’s design where they like to overwhelm you with numbers, be it health %, damage % or sheer numbers – this has existed in the original GW too.
What also adds to the problem is that in this game you never ever really feel powerful, unlike traditional mmorpgs you can over level, and in each new zone/stage you visit you tend to more powerful than your foes – with the scaling (which makes you significantly more weaker if you over level and don’t wear that current level gear), you fall over much more often and frequent that you’d expect… especially when the NPC’s call you “hero” and given you their highest rank in the 3 factions….
My main is a mesmer, but i’ve gone through the PS with my mesmer, ele, thief, guardian, necro, engi, and ranger. And never had any problems.
As an elementalist, I have to agree that there needs to be some serious work done to smooth out the difficulty levels. It took me and 2 friends to finish the level 68 personal story because of a ridiculously overpowered final boss (flanked by a number of regular enemies who didn’t help matters) and the only help I was given before I brought in outside help was one useless npc who died before I even made a dent in the final boss. Thankfully the stories following don’t appear to be too bad but it really sucks to be level 80 and knowing that when I go into my level 71 quest, I’m going to be bumped down to 71 to fight level 71-72 mobs!
For the most part I didn’t have too much trouble with the human personal story on a light armored class. I think some of you are being too harsh on the designers. All players do their personal story at different levels, with different builds and different classes. It can be hard to balance every single mission in the personal story in respect of all these factors. Sure, maybe the game could have benefited from a bit more testing. But overall it’s not that bad. It’s not like the difficulty is all over the place.
If personal story is too difficult for you to solo it then you just suck at mastering your chosen class. Simple.
For me it was easy both for my ele and for my guardian. You just need to learn your class mechanic, learn your class advantages and weak points and find viable build. The personal story development gives you that opportunity. The game even gives you opportunity to lvl up your char to 80 before doing that.
Actually I would make personal story even more difficult and more challenging.
If personal story is too difficult for you to solo it then you just suck at mastering your chosen class. Simple.
For me it was easy both for my ele and for my guardian. You just need to learn your class mechanic, learn your class advantages and weak points and find viable build. The personal story development gives you that opportunity. The game even gives you opportunity to lvl up your char to 80 before doing that.
Actually I would make personal story even more difficult and more challenging.
You’re kidding, right?
There is part of my Guardian’s personal story that I only beat because it glitched, no amount of skill I could muster or build I could create was going to get past that part. Not without a complete redo of the entire mission and with a prayer that the NPCs and the enemy both behaved that time. It just was not happening. I’m at a similar point with my thief – the enemy fight was designed for multiple characters but the enemy is so overbuffed and the NPC’s so poorly coded that winning it comes down to luck alone, not skill, and that’s out of your hands – the NPCs die, then you’re screwed. The amount of unavoidable damage done is meant to be spread out and not concentrated on a single target. That’s the game sucking, not the player.
I’m at level 80 on both. Level 80 doesn’t mean kitten when one enemy knocks you down and the rest all gang up on you for an insta-kill. There have been some challenging and enjoyable parts that tested my abilities, I’ll give you that, and then there have been some which were unforgivably hard and poorly designed. The final boss is easier than two particular badly designed fights I can name off the top of my head. That’s an obvious issue.
Great for you that you are The Best Player On Earth and wholly in tune with The Game so that you can easily overcome everything thrown at you but not everyone is going to be a hardcore Nintendo Hard gamer who enjoys crying tears of frustration all the time.
And if you want things more difficult, go play “I Want To Be The Guy”.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
It is important to keep in mind, that since release there have been various changes to enemies that have had unexpected effects on the difficulty of some of the personal story quests. Some of the quests that we found easy, might now be hard due to buffs that some enemy types received. And sure, you can level up to 80 if you want, but personal story should be doable at level they are designed for.
That said, I have not experienced any spike in difficulty. So some specific information regarding which quest, and what enemies, might be helpful.
It is important to keep in mind, that since release there have been various changes to enemies that have had unexpected effects on the difficulty of some of the personal story quests. Some of the quests that we found easy, might now be hard due to buffs that some enemy types received. And sure, you can level up to 80 if you want, but personal story should be doable at level they are designed for.
That said, I have not experienced any spike in difficulty. So some specific information regarding which quest, and what enemies, might be helpful.
Critical Blowback (Order of Whispers – level 57) – the risen boss (Admiral Feiste Bakkir) of this instance is a champion and has the ability to summon several locust shields. His attacks seem to be meant for several targets and when focused on one, they can become insta-kills. Due to the NPCs tending to die when he’s down to 10% of his health, these attacks quickly get focused on you. The NPCs will instantly aggro him if you retry and manage to res one of them without him noticing you leading to their quick death and yours as well. This boss was obviously meant to be taken down as a group, non-heavy armor classes are at severe limitations even at level 80. I cannot complete this story and am stuck here, it’s looking like I’ll have to call in some guildies to help which, personally, I feel you should never need to do in a PS.
Cathedral of Silence (Pact – level 80) – The risen temple keeper has the ability to summon shades. Once the NPCs get themselves killed (and they will), these shades will swarm, one will knock down while the others and the boss will insta-kill. Taking out the shades doesn’t matter as he will continue to summon more and they are largely impossible to avoid. The only way I managed to beat this was that when I retried for the fifth time, the boss was right next to me at the checkpoint – minus his shades. Without the shades, he can be soloed with some difficulty. A better boss design would have been to make taking out his shades the first order of action and then focusing on him, taking away his ability to summon more would have made this a challenging but winnable fight.
Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.
Zojja is the only DE character I’ve seen act remotely useful.
Mostly because she stands back, dealing out constant(if painfully low) dps. The others don’t live long enough to worry about DPS, they’re just distractions. Especially you, Caithe. I don’t mean to be that shrub, but for a heroic half-depressed mistress of knives, you aren’t very good at your job.
What adds to the problem is “legendary” heroes like Caithe and Rytlock lying knocked out for 80% of a fight whilst I kite around an enemy. I am definitely the most powerful person in the world when the heroes of the fabled Destiny’s Edge can’t stay alive.
I didn’t have this issue as much as others, and I was dealing with Logan.
I am about the worst player you can imagine, and I can say: the PS is easily soloable on any class… except elementalist where it is the most frustrating thing I have dealt with in a PC game (9 deaths in the reaper of Grenth mission, all other classes, I aced it).
Sometimes you may have to take 2-3 shots at a story mission but they are all doable.
easily soloable
Everyone has a different definition of this this term, something also tells me that you’ve went through the story on a heavy armor class character, the light armor class is such a different take on the game where you do die so much more often in the story.
The problem is not so much with the difficulty but more with ANET’s design where they like to overwhelm you with numbers, be it health %, damage % or sheer numbers – this has existed in the original GW too.
What also adds to the problem is that in this game you never ever really feel powerful, unlike traditional mmorpgs you can over level, and in each new zone/stage you visit you tend to more powerful than your foes – with the scaling (which makes you significantly more weaker if you over level and don’t wear that current level gear), you fall over much more often and frequent that you’d expect… especially when the NPC’s call you “hero” and given you their highest rank in the 3 factions….
What adds to the problem is “legendary” heroes like Caithe and Rytlock lying knocked out for 80% of a fight whilst I kite around an enemy. I am definitely the most powerful person in the world when the heroes of the fabled Destiny’s Edge can’t stay alive.
I’m not sure why but Logan’s rushing ahead to die first always makes me laugh the hardest…he’s just so eager to face plant…
Bad@Thief: Kiera Gordon
Sea of Sorrows, a server never before so appropriately named.
The personal story itself is easily soloable, but the story mode dungeons (which is the impression I got from seeing the words “story mode”) are not designed to be soloed.
Read: Playing to Win.
Guide: How to play a Mesmer in dungeons.
i stopped doing the story missions
id rather miss out on the content, than suffering through these insane missions
some classes, like ranger or guardian can do them quite easily
but the squishy classes? forget it
ill just do most of the normal content, and move to another game
yes, there is still difficulty spikes
Not sure if I have been playing the right classes, so far I’ve gotten to the 60’s with Engi, Warrior, Guardian, and 80 with a necromancer and really have never had a problem with the story. If anything, I had the most problems on the Guardian, but that was due to me not really knowing how to work the class well. Other than that, most parts are really too easy.
All this “Personal Story is too hard” business reminds me of another mmo with a similar mechanic and all the complaints it received. I made a character in there for the sole purpose of tackling the “hardest” story boss according to the forums and was met with…disappointment. He had an attack that could 1 shot you, or close to it…all you had to do was save an interrupt and the fight was a simple tank and spank. He got nerfed two weeks later and that only added to my disappointment.
Now, examples aside, there will usually be a trick to most fights in your story. Most of the time all you need to do is dodge or interrupt a certain attack. This is almost always the case. However, due to the way leveling works and you all saying you had a lack of dps or health, maybe your gear is out of date? Due to how scaling works that can be a pretty bad situation to be in. A new set of up to date blue gear costs less than 10-15s all the way up to 80 on the market. If possible, try to get green or yellow weapons too.
Oh, and very very important. Dodge. Dodge everything and anything you can (unless there is a super attack you need to save a dodge for). If you can get vigor in any way shape or form, use that too. Dodging is very important for avoiding cc, conditions, or just massive damage.
thanks,,but no thanx
i did my part of BOSS BATTLES in wow, now i cant stand them anymore
getting a Group kills the immersion, IMO, and is always a hassle
my suggestion would be this: make an easier mode with reduced rewards
and possibly tweak the levelling curve for the squishies
tbh i was glad every time i failed a story mission… so many of then a so easy there may aswell be a “skip me” button at the start…. the “hard” missions only seemed hard until i learned how to beat them. but that was rewarding, i felt id actualy done “somthing”. rather than the mindless semi afk buttonmash that the rest of the story missions are…