(edited by OOQT.2938)
Enter Instance can't leave Instance
I have experienced this problem lately, too. I think it is a bug. Have you submitted a bug report?
Are you having this issue with one personal story instance or all of them?
I’ve been experiencing this too, though not for personal story; the character I’ve noticed this on has finished the personal story. It’s on most/all world instances (home instances, throne room, Caer Aval, etc.). I first saw and /bug-ed this before Monday’s patch.
Have you completed the personal story?
If you have, the exit isn’t marked, but when you approach the exit (the way you came in) it should prompt you to exit by interacting with the door. I believe Caer Aval is missing this exit, but all of the other instances that I know of should have them.
I can confirm this issue.
I finished my personal story and was working on Map completion, so I was entering instances to get the points of interest. I did try going to the opposite side of the instance and walking back to the door but there was nothing to interact with. Some of the places I went to were Tribune Ritlock’s room, Queen’s Throne room to name a few. Had to waypoint out and spend a couple of silver to leave.
I did notice that the places you couldn’t leave from didn’t have any labels on the door.
I can second there being an issue with Rytlock’s office in the Black Citadel. I’ve finished the personal story, and while not all instances have this problem, that was does.
Confirmed on my main character. Completed my personal story today. I started doing world completion in Black Citadel. Entering the instances is fine, but when you go to exit there is no marker and even when you approach the doors there is no prompt.
Have you completed the personal story?
If you have, the exit isn’t marked, but when you approach the exit (the way you came in) it should prompt you to exit by interacting with the door. I believe Caer Aval is missing this exit, but all of the other instances that I know of should have them.
I’m having the same issue too. It seems to be just this instance after I’ve finished my personal story and went in to exchange for the weapon. There’s no prompt for exit or anything similar.