Estate of Decay

Estate of Decay

in Personal Story

Posted by: VCR.9721


In the “Estate of Decay” personal story mission, I believe the fight with the Mouth of Zhaitan is bugged.

One of the Mouth’s attacks is a shock wave, ground tremor that knocks you down and adds 5 stacks of confusion. Many times after being knocked down, my character stands back up, but he was unable to move for up to 5 seconds, and then at some point, I couldn’t move at all, and I had to quit the mission.

The Mouth also spews out this disgusting brown sludge attack, that when in contact with, hurts you with various conditions. Now see, the Mouth would get me with the sludge AoE after knocking me down with the shock wave, and I was assuming that maybe I received the Immobilized condition, but it just wasn’t showing up on the condition bar, and even after using multiple condition removals, I was still unable to move. After awhile, I came to the conclusion that perhaps the knockdown was the root problem here.

So in summary: I think the Mouth of Zhaitan’s knockdown is bugged because even after standing up, my character was still unable to move for up to 5 seconds, and eventually, he couldn’t move at all!

Thanks in advanced! And keep up the good work

Beacon don’t fly too high.

Estate of Decay

in Personal Story

Posted by: Player.9621


how do you beat this?
has anyone done it recently?
to solo it like i have to seems impossibly overtuned
spoil away

Estate of Decay

in Personal Story

Posted by: Vard.5621


It’s been a while since I did this fight (solo, as a Guardian) so my recollection isn’t going to be exact.

- Your NPCs will all end up face down. All of them. Don’t try to stop this.

- You need to be packing some sort of ranged weaponry. If you’re a Guardian, bring the tennis ball launcher – the almighty scepter, in order to execute pulls.

- Use the pillar as cover. Pull and kite each of the Orrian spectral weapons out of its orbit, take it behind the pillar and DPS it down. You need to get rid of all of them before you work on the Mouth.

- If you have a Mistfire Wolf, minion, et cetera, use it to aggro the Mouth and take threat off of you. Do your best to rez each of your NPCs to around 95% (do not rez any of them 100%; tap ESC).

- The Mouth is going to periodically receive food from upstairs transported by Risen servants. If you don’t have the means to stunlock/DPS down with a quickness, just ignore the servants.

- Rapidly rez your three NPCs. This should take no more than 5 seconds tops since they were all at 95% prepped and ready to go. After this, DPS the hell out of the Mouth. I went all melee with greatsword at zero contact distance and stacked burning on it. After that, it goes down with a quickness.

That should be it – though I can’t say for certain this will work for anyone else. I do not recall a bug being in place for this instance.

(edited by Vard.5621)

Estate of Decay

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rosen Myst.7641

Rosen Myst.7641

Basically it’s what Vard said except that you don’t have to rez the NPCs. They will automatically rez once you’ve eliminated the spectral guards circling the mouth. Using the pillar is good cover, but finding the right angle to gain protection and be able to pull wasn’t so easy for me. It still took a while to clear those. I didn’t worry about the servants bringing food during this part.

When the NPCs rez then you should melee the boss and apply as many conditions as you can to take him down fast. Also it’s good to have some way to cripple him or immobilize him, so he can’t reach the chests of food. Otherwise he will start to regen health and a new set of spectral guards will appear causing you have to start the process of killing those again.

This was the most tedious and challenging of all the missions I did. I’d rather fight Zhaitan again (including the dungeon) than redo that mission.

(edited by Rosen Myst.7641)

Estate of Decay

in Personal Story

Posted by: Player.9621


i got it done straight away with another try.
i scooted past him to the far end of the room, effectively doubling my space to kite without the stairway.
i took threat on myself and planted my spider on one side and i dodged on the other keeping the pet alive the whole time.
strange tho it seemed to take a lot more damage from the far end in comparison to the stairway side. or perhaps the first run was just buggy, who knows but it died super easy.
cheers for replies tho

Estate of Decay

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rosen Myst.7641

Rosen Myst.7641

Sounds like that strategy was a lot better than fighting from the steps…. more room for dodging and better position for attacks.

Estate of Decay

in Personal Story

Posted by: Hologramx.6402


Another horrible imbalance that give you 200% frustration for the 100% fun.

I just did it today and it took me like 30 minutes to kill the boss. Its like a raid boss design but the boss has TOO MANY HP for an average solo player. It should be 1/5 of current health. I am level 80 with Exotic rifle and mostly exotic or rare gear, dps specced, yet it still took me 30 minutes to just repeat hit and dodge. Imagine how long it will take for a level 75 even with all green gears, not to mention that not everyone is specced for ranged. It is just a boring fight if it takes so f**king long to down him.

Besides, his sludge attack always hits you even if you dodge quickly enough to be away from it. His attack frequency is also too high if your ranged attack are mostly casted attacks, which means you will get constantly stunned and burned for everything he releases. This fight makes me feel that you guys at ANet were testing this with full exotic gears.

Estate of Decay

in Personal Story

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


Btw anyone doing this on warrior here is a hint. Use the trait Crack Shot.

Rifle and harpoon gun shots pierce. Rifle and harpoon gun skills recharge 20% faster.

Even if it is bugged with some of your skills, the pierce is what is important. Now you just target the mouth. Strafe out, pew pew pew. Step behind piller. You manage to kill everything this way. Really funny.