Forging the Pact is still broken

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: PlagueMachine.6971


I’ve tried four times now. The Sep. 25th patch said it was fixed, but at I get to the part where you have to rescue the second research team, it just says “This content has been temporarily disabled, try again later.”

-Avid gamer and amateur music producer-

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


As mentioned in the other thread on this story step, we’ve had an extremely hard time trying to reproduce the bug that people are reporting. We made some changes in the 9/24 update that fixed the most common problem, but the 10/1 update has some more fixes.

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: PlagueMachine.6971


Wonderful, thanks! Can’t wait to finish it.

-Avid gamer and amateur music producer-

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: MaxTwelve.4725


Is there any specific details you would suggest I capture in my next attempt to complete this to help you?

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Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Nero.5943


The Arena Net said this same thing two weeks ago….!

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Lumpy.8760


i tried this mission; it was stuck at the last escort before trahearne was supposed to summon elite minions. tried it again and took it slow; i completed it without a problem

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Katai.6240


I don’t know if this helps at all, but is it possible that a Risen is getting stuck somewhere, and the even won’t continue because it’s still alive?

I ran into this problem during one of the quests before the quest appeared to be stuck, but I ran around for 15 minutes and found a Risen Asura stuck behind a tree.

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Pedra.4381


I had trouble with this twice (NPC’s getting stuck at 2nd Research Team), but on the 3rd try, I clicked on the NPC and selected “Let’s get out of here” or something to that effect, I didn’t do any other dialogue and it worked perfectly.

JonPeters.5630:]I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement…

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: PlagueMachine.6971


I don’t know if this helps at all, but is it possible that a Risen is getting stuck somewhere, and the even won’t continue because it’s still alive?

I ran into this problem during one of the quests before the quest appeared to be stuck, but I ran around for 15 minutes and found a Risen Asura stuck behind a tree.

I don’t believe so, because after a certain point in the story, whenever I try to kill something it displays “This content has been temporarily disabled, please try again later.” in large red letters across the screen. The first time I played trough with this, I ignored it, and it proved to be bugged. I tried it again today, and just left the instance when I saw this message.

-Avid gamer and amateur music producer-

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: PlagueMachine.6971


I had trouble with this twice (NPC’s getting stuck at 2nd Research Team), but on the 3rd try, I clicked on the NPC and selected “Let’s get out of here” or something to that effect, I didn’t do any other dialogue and it worked perfectly.

I’ll try this, thanks.

-Avid gamer and amateur music producer-

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


I believe the issue, which is fixed in the 10/1 build, is that the NPCs are set to follow Trahearne. If he’s out of range or dead when they receive the follow order, this can cause them to ignore it and do nothing. In the 10/1 update I set them to follow the primary player, so this shouldn’t be an issue.

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Pedra.4381


Jeff that may be part of the problem, but I wouldn’t stop there. In both my cases, Trahearne was not dead. The Asura guy simply wouldn’t follow.

JonPeters.5630:]I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement…

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Erkenofpwn.9684


Still doesn’t work for me, tried 4 times today, 2 of those times during the last hour :/ I get the same error. they just wont follow me

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Razgriz.7319


I don’t believe so, because after a certain point in the story, whenever I try to kill something it displays “This content has been temporarily disabled, please try again later.” in large red letters across the screen. The first time I played trough with this, I ignored it, and it proved to be bugged. I tried it again today, and just left the instance when I saw this message.

Hey, I just did this story quest today. I got the same message when killing some mobs. I ignored it and continued on (with the message repeating periodically) and completed it with no problems.

I’m not sure what causes the message to appear. It seems to be when I kill certain mobs. Can’t really be more specific, seemed to be rather random. I will note that some of the Risen Grubs were “moving” exceptionally fast. Seemed kind of like their animation was sped up (where they would “turn” really quickly on the spot, or move between two extremely close points really fast). They appeared to have normal speed animations when I aggroed them though.

Which part did you get stuck on? I just did this a few hours ago, and experienced the same message you did.

~ 80 Elementalist

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: MaxTwelve.4725


Ok I went back and kept Trahearne near me as much as I could especially at possible dialog points.

And I got it done. I still did see all the disabled messages for the grubs of course.

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Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Karadoth.8370


the cutscene after the first team is rescued just placed me aand all NPCs in a wall forcing me to quit.

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: thorir.5306


did the quest like 30 mins ago and it bugged for me, right after rescuing the second research team. All the npc’s stopped moving and following, all except Trahearne – me and thaheanre cleared the cave right to the southern exit but nothing happened. Sent ticket ingame as well … really annoying:(

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Dire.2674


To add another bug to the list, after trying to do this last night (in a party with 2 random people) and getting multiple ‘Content not available’ messages throughout, at one point weapon swapping became unavailable to me. As in, the button was grayed out, the shorcut key would not work, and of course I couldn’t swap weapons manually either while in combat. Now granted, the Ranger’s sword and warhorn can get you through most everything but it was still supremely annoying – the choice of either standing in death to contribute to the fight, or doing nothing except buffing others when CDs allow is not exactly ideal. The other two people in my party did not have the weapon swapping issue.

Eventually the quest bugged out entirely where most seem to have trouble (the Asura researcher would not follow) and we ended up having to leave the instance and abandon the whole thing.

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: BAEK.8561


I just had this problem as of today. I may have some insight to what might be the cause of it.

I tried it 2 times:

First time, the researchers (in the cave) got stuck and weren’t following anyone (even if the supposed patch fix made them follow the player, not trahearne). Trahearne wasn’t dead, however, he did die some time previously during the quest.

Second time around, everything was fine. The only difference was that trahearne never died in the quest. Trahearne’s death is the only difference I can possibly think of between the two trials I did. Maybe there’s some bug related to him?

{Sanctum of Rall} Since Day -3
Weekend Guardian/Elementalist
No Guild Affiliation

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: mulch.2586


Took me 4 (yes kittens times kittenly 4) attempts to get thru that one. What really sucks is it’s soooooo long, and each time you have to start at the very beginning. I got all the way to the end by the green star, didn’t die, none of my NPCs are dead, and nothing.

Another time, was getting attacked by invisible mobs. Another time, just plain old dumped out of the game. By the fourth time, believe me, you’re tired of that voice acting.

I don’t think I ever rezzed Trahearne, but I did notice that he wouldn’t heal between combat. Acts like a typical MMO tank and wants you to top him off. I swear I’m spiking his drink with Round-Up next time.

Edit: oh the point I wanted to make
Since it’s soooo kiten long, how about a save point so we don’t have to go all the way back. At least separate the stupid talky talky stuff from the fighty stuff.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


I had a problem with the risen brutes who spawn after trahearne summons the minions, spawning in the air above my head.

Trahearne promptly used teleport hacks to teleport up there and got owned and died.

The minions sat up there, where they were invulnerable to ranged fire and out of range of melee attacks.

So the quest could not progress.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Razgriz.7319


When I finished this quest, Trahearne had died at least once in the process so that may not be the issue. I didn’t have any problems beyond the aforementioned “That content is has been temporarily disabled, please try again later.” message.

~ 80 Elementalist

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: The Coppermind.5974

The Coppermind.5974

I also tried today. Tre never died, but the other two NPCs did. Same issue as everyone else, can’t proceed past southern entrance, researcher NPCs refuse to move.

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: DJRiful.3749


So we all have to wait till Oct 1st? That sucks.

Stormïe ~ Tarnished Coast | My little monster <3 –

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: mulch.2586


So we all have to wait till Oct 1st? That sucks.

Not necessarily. I got thru it on my 4th attempt.

It’s your choice. Risk the likelihood of a bug, or wait.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: seoushi.5702


This is still broken for me as well. I get the content is temporary disabled message as soon as I step into the cave and the camp does not follow me.

Can you implement being able to talk to one of the priory members or Trahearne to force them to follow you?

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Thunderstruck.5368


How about some compensation for all the silver wasted on repairs? Very frustrated after my 3rd attempt to get this broken quest working with no luck!!

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: virgil.3706


still broken…..

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sandie.1964


With all the bugged skill points and areas I don’t even log into the game anymore. I just pop onto the forums and check all my saved threads. If people are still glitched I don’t even bother to log on. A game should be fun, challenging and occasionally frustrating to keep us busy. What I really don’t need is my 16 year old saying " you know mom if a game is making you into a potty mouth you need to step away" ugh having my words come back at me .. yikes.
So Jeffery I am sure I speak for everyone in this topic when I say PM any one of us and we will gladly take you along on our failed exploits just so you can see it yourself.

(edited by Sandie.1964)

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Frvwfr.4307


Will all the bugged skill points and areas I don’t even log into the game anymore. I just pop onto the forums and check all my saved threads. If people are still glitched I don’t even bother to log on. A game should be fun, challenging and occasionally frustrating to keep up busy. What I really don’t need is my 16 year old saying " you know mom if a game is making you into a potty mouth you need to step away" ugh having my words come back at me .. yikes.
So Jeffery I am sure I speak for everyone in this topic when I say PM any one of us and we will gladly take you along on our failed exploits just so you can see it yourself.

Agreed with this. Jeffery, if your having problems replicating it. Please, contact me in game and I can show you EXACTLY what is going wrong -.-

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: DancingPenguins.9875


Let us skip the quest and give us the Fort Trinity POI meanwhile.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Hommit.5204


Just completed on my second try
Important thing is to look after each group of mobs at npcs: they HAVE to stand still, without battle animation. if they not, look out for nearby undead and kill them all, cuz npcs stuck in aggro at that place. when every1 follow you, all will be ok

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: lauriewawa.9675


Beyond aggravated with this part of the personal story! Finally got to the part where Trehearne is supposed to summon something to break down a bone wall. He says he will when I talk to him, then he just stands there. All the other charaters are there too so it’s not a problem of people following me….what is up?

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Hammercannon.3945


I cant complete it either, I’ve searched all around the map for Risen, and any missing npc’s Ive tried the quest multiple times, but trahern will not summon the minions to break the bone gate. its VERY frustrating when i just wanna continue Traherns personal story, because he ninja’d it its more about him then me. but still the quest wont complete…..

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: lorddawg.7342


Sorry to report this is still broken as of 0830 GMT

Trahearne, Kekt, Hekja, Inkblood and Amphebe followed me in the last stage without a problem. Krewe Leader Dobbs makes it about half way and stands still (possibly with his foot caught in a rock).

All risen in the caves are killed (or rekilled). Trahearne was next to me when I spoke to the researcher.

When you accept the escort I have a risen or two spawn behind me, all the researchers run and attack it, but after it is defeated they return to their place and refuse to move.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sandie.1964


Yeah me to. They are spending a considerable amount of time and money to stop people from farming, and catching botters and gold sellers. And seem to have no regard to fix a broken game that we have paid money for. They have even offered tokens for working on your story line and haven’t made it so the average player can complete their story line.

You can buy thier gems and convert them to gold to buy gear and such, I did that when I hit level 60. I spent 50.00$ I got a few more inventory slots and couldnt afford to buy a whole set of tier 2 armor. Way to go, your sure making those gold sellers look good.

So basically this has been going on for 3 weeks? I read somewhere that they are not really that concerned about fixing it because its only affecting a few of us. Huh I thinks it time for me to start shopping for a game that wont stress me out, is fun, entertaining and works as it was designed to do.

(edited by Sandie.1964)

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


I’ve tried over and over to reproduce this block, but I cannot. Make sure when you talk to Gixx you select and click on all the dialogue options with a star. Closing the conversation window or just walking away will not trigger him to follow you. Also, for the bone wall, only Trahearne matters; you need to get him close enough to the wall for him to deal with it. The other NPCs don’t matter.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sandie.1964


Well I beg to differ Jeff, I am still in that instance with myself, Traehern, Inkblood, Heckja, and amphebe at the bone wall, I even did the stuck feature. Was moved back to the beginning and ran Traehern to the outside of the Bone all following all the way around the outside. Just take a look at my account. In fact I will get her to dance for you.

One more thing Gixx is no longer anywhere around so I assume I chatted with him correctly.

In fact pm me in game if you cant see my char and we will do this one together. Just a question but have you done this one as a ele?

(edited by Sandie.1964)

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sandie.1964


ps. Gixx isnt in my story

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: RetroSamus.9860


It is still bugged. That team finally follows me. But I am at the gate now I am stanign next to it and Traehern is also next to it. and it still does not trigger. I did this kitten quest way to many times now, and I am getting actually kitten of by this. This needs to be fixed asap this problem is well known.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Icarus Pherae.4680

Icarus Pherae.4680

I too am having this problem, cleared all the undead traehern, inkblood, amphebe, hekja, and kekt are standing AT the bone wall with me dobbs is stuck back where others have said as is the whispers agent and inja. Traehern is prompting me to break down the bone wall but nothing happens.

I understand something like this can be difficult to deal with, would it be possible to allow us to skip the mission in the mean time?

Guys, I understand you are frustrated, BELIEVE ME but try to keep it civil, they are trying to fix things, just be patient.

I think the reason it is so frustrating is that the mission is very long and it bugs at the end, and it is dependent on npcs following you.
further information, not sure if it matters I am level 80 sylvari priory.

Strangely it seems when I go back to where we rescue the second team it looks like an ally follower is waiting up there on my minimap but no one is there when I go up, not sure if this could be the issue?

(edited by Icarus Pherae.4680)

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: lorddawg.7342


Hi Jeff,

I’m sure this is infuriating for you as well. I/we do appreciate the effort for working on this and I do have friends that have completed this quest (and have come along with me and be boggled why I can’t) which is doubly frustrating.

I’m enclosing a screenie. I’ve spoken to all the NPCs, you can see that some researchers have followed me down to the bone wall at the bottom of the minimap. Further up you can see dobbs is the one kind of in the middle, then the Sylvari Crusader (forgotten her name, sorry) is the next one up, and finally the remainder are grouped at the top.


Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Faythe.7528


Having done this on a couple of characters now (multiple times due to the bug) and most recently just today, I can say that the ONLY way I have been able to successfully complete this quest is to fervently protect Trahearne. He MUST NOT die. I have tried every variation on how I speak to each NPC, when, what line, etc. However, if Trahearne has previously died, it is a no-go, despite being able to get most of the NPCs to follow you to the next wall (including Trahearne, but the next step will just not trigger).

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Thunderstruck.5368


Finally got it to work on my 5th attempt last night, Thank God lol.

Ok guys here is what i did different. When i entered the cave to find the second research team I went slow. When i first entered i was still getting the dreaded red “This content is not available at this time Bull&^%%” . Ok here is what i believe made the differance.

Instead of going directly to the second research team fighting the mini boss “Like YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO” I swung a left and cleared ALL the mobs to the blocked cave exit. To my surprise when i reached the “Blocked exit” It was actually open…. So after ALL the mobs in the cave were dead I went back to the research team , They had the mini boss down to about 50% . I finished him off and when the dilagoue option came up to talk to the little dude I just clicked the main quest option “No side dialogue .ask questions stuff”

To my surprise this worked and the TEAM actually followed. Hope this helps some of you. Again my advice would be to go Extremely slow right before you enter the cave and dont get ahead of that first team, Let the little dude explode the hole in the cave and let him finish his dilaogue before moving,Then clear ENTIRE CAVE

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Thunderstruck.5368


Odd the blocked exit was actually open before downing the mini boss in the cave… Is this working as intended devs ? Also maybe this bug is related the the grubs/slug things , They seem to glitch out in the cave and when you engage them in combat is when the red text "This content is not available pops up.

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: nish.2360


I managed to complete it finally. Went slow and steady, everyone seemed to follow (although Trehearn got stuck a few times)

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Murcatto.6908


Broken. They no follow.

Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: Boxy.3824


i have submitted 2 bug reports for this mission now (yesterday) i was able to reproduce the same problem 2 times in a row, gixx and co. does not follow, so the next step with breaking down the wall does not start. and as i wrote i’ve repeated this 2 times in a row. will try it yet another time later today.

before the patch (yesterday) i did this on guardian and i had np with it.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: lorddawg.7342


I’ve done this now half a dozen times since the patch. I’ve gone slow, I’ve cleared the caves first on a couple of runs, I’ve killed the mini-boss first on other runs.

What I have seen consistently is that Pekk does not follow us down the hill at all. The rogue blip you see on the minimap outside of the cave is him. As he actually gets a bit of dialogue “The dig should be just around the corner” I assume he’s supposed to be there.

After accepting the escort and the risen spawn (presumably when the bone door is spawned) Inja, Zrii and Dobbs all run back to the camp and don’t move. Dobbs appears to have his weapon out in a state of aggro.

Afanen holds a position just outside of the camp and will always run back to that if you aggro mobs onto her and cause her to fight.

Enclosed a screenie showing what I’ve described on the minimap… and the other screenie… lets just call it frustration….


Forging the Pact is still broken

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Posted by: behub.3456


Did it three times – not going to do it again until it’s fixed but it’s the same as lorddawg screenshots above.