Forging the Pact is still broken

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Boxy.3824


It bugs out every single time. i’ve done this 3 times now and i’m NOT a happy person atm

I’ve submitted 3 bug reports now i’m not sure what else i can do to provide feedback


Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Death by Chickens.6902

Death by Chickens.6902

I HAVE THE FIX (seriously)

Don’t listen to any other theories. This is it. I posted it in the other thread, but I want everyone to see. I guarantee this will work. The quest isn’t technically broken if you take your time. If you rush through this particular part though…

~ After searching the first objective for survivors, you need to actually fight the risen that spawn as you work your way to the 1st group of researchers. DO NOT just rush up the hill, ignoring the risen, to the next quest objective. I believe if the player (or more likely, Trahearne) are in combat when activating this step of the quest, it breaks the rest. ~

I played this mission properly on my necro. Took my time, killed everything. No problem. On my alt I tried to rush through, not fighting the risen between the first objective and the 1st group of researchers. Every single time the quest broke the same way – the 2nd team of researchers won’t follow. You know when you’ve done it right, because Trahearne should say, upon reaching the 1st group, “The next wave will face soldiers, not scholars” or something akin to that.

(edited by Death by Chickens.6902)

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Boxy.3824


I HAVE THE FIX (seriously)

Don’t listen to any other theories. This is it. I posted it in the other thread, but I want everyone to see. I guarantee this will work. The quest isn’t technically broken if you take your time. If you rush through this particular part though…

~ After searching the first objective for survivors, you need to actually fight the risen that spawn as you work your way to the 1st group of researchers. DO NOT just rush up the hill, ignoring the risen, to the next quest objective. I believe if the player (or more likely, Trahearne) are in combat when activating this step of the quest, it breaks the rest. ~

I played this mission properly on my necro. Took my time, killed everything. No problem. On my alt I tried to rush through, not fighting the risen between the first objective and the 1st group of researchers. Every single time the quest broke the same way – the 2nd team of researchers won’t follow. You know when you’ve done it right, because Trahearne should say, upon reaching the 1st group, “The next wave will face soldiers, not scholars” or something akin to that.

I’m gonna test your theory and report back shortly

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Boxy.3824


I can confirm that this indeed does the trick.

After reaching first objective if you do not follow the path and take shortcut through that hut it WILL bug, you must stay on the path otherwise treahern’s script dont continue. there is a green huge arrow on map you must follow that along the path and wait for attack from behind and then the barricade gets destroyed infront of you on the path and the script rolls on.

in short; reason it bugs is if you take shortcut through the hut and jump over should be easy to fix this by completely blocking the barricades, so you are forced to wait on the path for the attack from behind.

thank you my good sir

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sandie.1964


I have done this one many times, I have followed every suggestion and I still don’t have it. In fact I have started saving the Defenders of Lions Arch letters. I have 7 now.

Dobbs is stuck yet again, Traherne is standing beside me at the blockade he is supposed to clear doing nothing. (right where the green star is saying i need to be) Obviously it cant be fixed so it works for everyone. Just delete it so the rest of us can carry on. Or refund us the price of the game until it works.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jaglavak.5806


Did this quest this morning, then I lost the connection to the server and wrote this post:

Now I had another crack at it and this time 4 NPCs are stuck and refuses to follow me and thus the quest cant progress.

- Agent Zrii
- Krewe Leader Dobbs
- Krewe Reasercher INja
- Crusader Afanen

Its almost getting to a point where I’m not going to bother with the personal story any more, on this character or anyone else. At this point its just frustrating and when I log on I want to have fun, not be frustrated.

Jaglavak – Asura Elementalist + 7 alts / Server: Seafarer’s Rest

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Death by Chickens.6902

Death by Chickens.6902

Can the two of you please try the fix I posted?

It’s not just nonsense. It really does work.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jaglavak.5806


Can the two of you please try the fix I posted?

It’s not just nonsense. It really does work.

I always kill everything (not just in this part) and Trahearne says “The next wave will face soldiers, not scholars” and its still broken. So no, your solution may have been 100% successful for you but not for me.

Jaglavak – Asura Elementalist + 7 alts / Server: Seafarer’s Rest

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sandie.1964


I have done it your way quite a few times Death, I have done this mission over 7 times. We the customer shouldn’t have to beat our heads against the wall and find a magic way to proceed through this game . It was in closed and open beta for long enough for these issues to show up. It has been said it dosnt matter if Dobbs follows or not. I am curious to know if anyone had it succeed with him stuck. AS the story goes we are supposed to get him out of there. Well I am going to try it for a second time today. Then after that fails I may as well take the evening off. I am sure not going to see tier 3 armor anytime soon.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


What is your current objective?

This is a different stall than was reported initially, and though I’ve never seen it I’m going to see if I can recreate it.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jaglavak.5806


For me it was just before the cut-scene where Trahearne starts to summons his elite pets., right after we rescued the group inside the cave.

I’ve actually managed to complete it. It seems I like to torture myself so I gave it a third try about 30 minutes ago and lo and behold, it worked. And yet I didn’t nothing I haven’t done before. Go figure.

I’m not doing it on my third character until I know for sure Its fixed. I don’t like self-torture that much.

Jaglavak – Asura Elementalist + 7 alts / Server: Seafarer’s Rest

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: stokesbook.7603


Just tried to complete this step, and it’s refusing to progress passed the point where Trehearne is supposed to blow open the wall.

Agent Zrii, and Crusader Afenen are idling at the camp just north of the wall objective point and refuse to move. Every single NPC apart from the aforementioned two are following me

Tried numerous paths, jumps,routes around the final room like previously suggested in this thread, and nothing will make Trehearne start to summon the pets to complete the next step.
I give up

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sandie.1964


Ok I finally got it done, Stay on the path and don’t believe the green circles. The first place you go to where all the guys are dead you have to wait, dialog log will appear stating such, don’t go from there. Run to the back wall 3 more will spawn. Kill them then proceed. At the blockade wait for the guys running up behind you. Once they are dead do not go up the hill until the little lady up there yells for help. Once up there just kill all the spawns as they come, once they are all dead stay up there untill you have someone else chat. When you follow the little fellow down the hill you can just avoid the guys prior to the blocked entrance. Killing as you go to the abomination once he is dead wait again until you see more dialog. After I talked with him I took the advice and only proceeded far enough to get the group to agro then let them clear the way. Frankly I don’t think that step was necessary as they were all trying to leave already when I talked to Dobbs. I cleared all the way down to the blockade and Traherne did his chat, we then fought or way back out of the area and it finished.

painfull but done

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Scar Less.4658

Scar Less.4658

I am having problems finishing “Forging the Pact” – I get to end – southern exit with Trahearne alive – but two NPCs are stuck where I found second team – SOuthern Exit remains blocked. Have tried it twice now with same results

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sandie.1964


well you can pm me if im not busy i will show you

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: dejavu.5031


I HAVE THE FIX (seriously)

Don’t listen to any other theories. This is it. I posted it in the other thread, but I want everyone to see. I guarantee this will work. The quest isn’t technically broken if you take your time. If you rush through this particular part though…

~ After searching the first objective for survivors, you need to actually fight the risen that spawn as you work your way to the 1st group of researchers. DO NOT just rush up the hill, ignoring the risen, to the next quest objective. I believe if the player (or more likely, Trahearne) are in combat when activating this step of the quest, it breaks the rest. ~

I played this mission properly on my necro. Took my time, killed everything. No problem. On my alt I tried to rush through, not fighting the risen between the first objective and the 1st group of researchers. Every single time the quest broke the same way – the 2nd team of researchers won’t follow. You know when you’ve done it right, because Trahearne should say, upon reaching the 1st group, “The next wave will face soldiers, not scholars” or something akin to that.

Thanks man 3 attempts and finally completed it. I think not jumping over barriers before the unread charged it did it for me. Also I fought a wave and moved to the next green circle instead of running and fighting them at the green circle.

I survived the Searing, died and was ascended, ended the affliction plague, killed a God and
saw the dwarfs turn into stone, AMA!

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Death by Chickens.6902

Death by Chickens.6902

I have done it your way quite a few times Death, I have done this mission over 7 times.

So you weren’t doing it my way? Then you did and it worked.

As far as I can tell nothing really matters about how you tackle the mission, except for the space of time between searching the first objective (green circle), and then proceeding past the barricades to the 1st research team.

I’ve tested this and the only time the mission didn’t work was when I was rushing through the barricades, ignoring mobs, etc. I’m pretty sure it’s because Trahearne is stuck in combat and his script doesn’t activate.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ty Cobb.2134

Ty Cobb.2134

I can confirm that not rushing through the barricades fixed it for me as well.

I actually can’t remember Trahearne ever saying “The next wave will face soldiers, not scholars” before. But this time he said it and the mission continued and didn’t bug at the south gate.

So slowing down and killing all the spawning enemies at the first camp then killing all the enemies on the way to the first group of researchers instead of jumping over the barricades seems to be the key.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jaglavak.5806


I can confirm that not rushing through the barricades fixed it for me as well.

I actually can’t remember Trahearne ever saying “The next wave will face soldiers, not scholars” before. But this time he said it and the mission continued and didn’t bug at the south gate.

So slowing down and killing all the spawning enemies at the first camp then killing all the enemies on the way to the first group of researchers instead of jumping over the barricades seems to be the key.

It seems to be a key but not a 100% solution because I’ve cleared all the mobs, Trahearne said all the right things and still some of the NPC from the group you rescue inside the cave refused to follow. But its definitively something to keep an eye on since it seems to help the majority of players who have issues with this part of the personal story.

Jaglavak – Asura Elementalist + 7 alts / Server: Seafarer’s Rest

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Death by Chickens.6902

Death by Chickens.6902

That sucks man. For everyone else, it would seem Trahearne’s bit of dialogue on reaching the researchers means that the script is working. I haven’t seen it not work for anyone after that point.

I’ve messed around with the quest some more, and for the life of me I can’t figure out what else could be a problem.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: road range.6293

road range.6293

Definitely bugged. Just ran this one twice tonight. Can’t move on in the story line. He won’t open the barricade at the Southern Entrance. He just says, guard me from both sides, and then …nothing. Nobody is dead, nobody to retrieve. …You are just stuck, so, you have to start over. It’s a long run just to discover it won’t work again. We read the Wikki, tried things… no help.

It’s busticated.

If crossing a barricade too soon causes the mission to fail, then clearly, it should not be cross-able until it’s OK to proceed.

We’ll try this stuff tomorrow, but, not looking forward to it. Especially since we don’t know what to do, or what will make it work for sure. It might be a long and frustrating day, instead of a fun day…

(edited by road range.6293)

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rainfall.4017


Yeah this is Incredibly frustrating. Was bugged to kitten on ,y first char now on my Necro. I may have skipped a few mobs accidentally while running to second group of researchers but.. still? Then we run to the gate where Trahearne breaks it and nothing happens. Researchers are with me but not one soldier. But Trahearne is there, with me at the wall.

I’ve been patient with bugs, you wont hear me complain. But i have no desire to do anymore personal story. I could try more band aids but i do not want to. It’s the only part of the game which is like this for me. That’s a shame aswel. I guess i’ll wait until the next patch to try one again.

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Cinaed.2649


Still broken for me, I had every NPC and killed all the risen. I went back several times to make sure I cleaned them out. Crusader Afanan & Agent Zrii don’t move from the second research team holdout while all the other NPCs follow me. I can’t get Trahearne to open the bone gate. No dialog options to speak of to move things forward.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: road range.6293

road range.6293

We got it this time. As others have said. You really have to go slow. You can’t cross the barrier until it’s down. You have to kill everything before you get to it at the 5 way intersection. Don’t cross the barricade until it is down. Then go slow and let all the cinematics and such, move ahead as you go.

I suppose if the first group of researchers don’t follow you, and help you in the cave, start over at that point, because it’s already broken.

It is a fun story line mission, when it works. But, it needs fixing. The barricade should not allow you past it, until you are ready to move ahead. Before it breaks it, and you don’t know it.


Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: lorddawg.7342


Very pleased to report that I completed this today. Didn’t do anything different so I assume the patch this morning fixed it up.

Pekk followed down the hill. I missed a couple of the dialogues at the top of the hill such as Trahearne bragging about being a soldier and the Asura saying “we’re gonna make it”, but other than that went nice and smooth.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Mr Quinn.9815

Mr Quinn.9815

do I stand on my left foot with my right finger in my left ear, as you look at me, or stand on my head and pirouet in a clockwise motion while picking my nose with my right foot’s big toe …

I still cannot complete this, and, along with other char’s personal story BUGS, I have just given up on doing any more ‘personal stories’ until such time as we get away from this BETA testing stage.

It’s NOT fun!

this notice was brought to you by a Misguided Misfit

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: clegane.5861


yay, I did manage to complete it this time!
thanks for the fix and the tips!

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Farscaped.4762


This is still broken for me. I did everything right and Trahearne still won’t do whatever he’s supposed to to remove the barricade. You obviously didn’t fix it, so please do. How frustrating to not be able to proceed with the story quests just because of this one little thing that you should be able to fix for everyone.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Farscaped.4762


So is this going to be fixed soon, or are some of us going to never finish our story quests?

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

I need exact details on when and how it’s stalling. It’s not ocurring for me, or for our testing department, so obviously there’s something we’re doing different.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Farscaped.4762


Everything is fine until the end, Trahearne just never does anything to take the barricade down. All the mobs are dead, so that’s not it.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Anochi.3025


This quest is still bugged for me. I remember it being bugged in the cave portion on my first character and I subsequently stopped playing him because I could progress no further. Now I am on my 2nd character and this mission has me stuck on the “Search the area for survivors” part of the mission, sorta near the beginning of the area with all the mobs in it.

Quite frankly…this is frustrating. I’ve had two different characters now that have gotten stuck on this one story mission…and nobody else on my friends list seems to be having this problem.

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: Xillix.6708


i’ve had this quest bug on me several times, on 2 different characters

it’s funny how Anet keeps BSing its fixed but people are still having the same issues

doing it slowly can minimize the chances of a bug, but seriously?

fix this bug once and for all.

(it won’t progress past retrieve the second research team) without doing your job, i would recommend fixing the triggers, or give trahearne the ability to progress through dialog

Forging the Pact is still broken

in Personal Story

Posted by: STS.6279


I don’t know who is the one design this mission, but i have to say this mission is terrible! What’s the problem of the final boss? It can’t do anything but keeping people stun, what the hell was that? I had been through this mission for three times, it always cast me like 20 to 30 minute to kill that boss, it’s totally not fun with all that stun noise and just looking at the screen can’t do anything! Fix that kitten problem!