GW2 beta...only 60 bucks

GW2 beta...only 60 bucks

in Personal Story

Posted by: Schleprock.7402


This game sucks. I play a class that is totally OP and yet still shadow step into walls and cant move, use heartseeker and wind up attacking a brick wall when my target is behind me. I target a mob in pve and attack and wind up with a completely different mob targetted sometimes not even visable, I target a player in pvp and wind up attacking his pet instead…, almost always out of range. Serious….I have played free games that are far superior than this. The programmers on this game need to put the crackpipe down. Oh yeah, no endgame so if you are a gamer you are bored in a month….they got yer 60 bucks tho. Don’t buy it, it is a waste.

GW2 beta...only 60 bucks

in Personal Story

Posted by: HiddenNick.7206


Having a bad day… Are we?

GW2 beta...only 60 bucks

in Personal Story

Posted by: Gilosean.3805



Obviously you’re having a rough time and I’m sympathetic, but dude – if you’re facing away from the enemy, you’re playing the game wrong.

GW2 beta...only 60 bucks

in Personal Story

Posted by: SFtheWolf.5179


This is the kind of person that perpetuates the idea that thief is OP.

The kind of person who can’t even figure out that the first step in attacking something is facing toward it

and initiates combat with Heartseeker.

GW2 beta...only 60 bucks

in Personal Story

Posted by: Orion the Cursed.1206

Orion the Cursed.1206

Also, this thread is suposed to be about the story