Gods, what do they change?

Gods, what do they change?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Exo Wanted.4816

Exo Wanted.4816

Well, I chose that Melandru is my goddess, what does that change in my personal story?

Gods, what do they change?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ravrohan.8231


What priest shows up in your home instance, hanging around, doing nothing.

Gods, what do they change?

in Personal Story

Posted by: kagejuin.4713


that’s… underwhelming… wtf?

Gods, what do they change?

in Personal Story

Posted by: EdwinLi.1284


For now nothing much but most likely determine a future Personal Story path.

Most likely a way to explain why the Gods remain silent.

A lot of Personal Story remains unfinished and unanswered because Anet plans to explain these as future Personal Story parts.

Gods, what do they change?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Alex Sanchez.6792

Alex Sanchez.6792

For now nothing much but most likely determine a future Personal Story path.

Most likely a way to explain why the Gods remain silent.

A lot of Personal Story remains unfinished and unanswered because Anet plans to explain these as future Personal Story parts.


Gods, what do they change?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


Arent the gods, well.. dead?

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Gods, what do they change?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ravrohan.8231


For now nothing much but most likely determine a future Personal Story path.

Most likely a way to explain why the Gods remain silent.

A lot of Personal Story remains unfinished and unanswered because Anet plans to explain these as future Personal Story parts.


It’s just a very likely possibility. If you want your stories to have longevity, you include potential plot hooks to exploit later.

Gods, what do they change?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ramei.2715


Nothing as far as I can tell. Same with norn’s spirit of choice, asura’s first mentor, sylvari’s time of birth. Only one that really has any effect is charr sparring partner and thats only until you join an order.