Help needed for personal quest: The Steel Tide
Content Designer
The objective is tied to some undead giants that are part of the attack wave, you don’t NEED the tank but it can be very difficult without it.
I’ve submitted a bug for the turret issue, I can’t find any obvious reasons why it’s misbehaving, especially since it was working at release.
I had run into the same problem, the tank being almost impossible to use for the same reason you describe. I tried killing the horde of undead for awhile but that didn’t seem to advance anything. I used the mortars nearby to kill the giants but they kept respawning as well. I almost gave up after about 30 minutes of constant fighting and a few deaths, but then it finally updated and went on to the next part and I was able to complete it. I’m guessing I had to kill a certain number of giants and then kill a bit of undead afterwards, not sure what exactly made it update.
So to work around the tank bug, I’d suggest using mortars to kill some giants (maybe about 6-8 or so?) and kill off some undead and hope it updates. Good luck!
I’m glad to hear this is a recent issue. I just did this story event today and after much difficulty/annoyance, I finally finished it. I was beside myself thinking that something that broken could have persisted since launch; I even stopped in the middle of the chaos and submitted a bug report on it.
Thank you all for the replies. I just managed to complete the event.
Now what I did was interact with the tank from the right side and just an inch behind the front right wheel. Doing this I had no issue with being “thrown out” of the interaction except when an undead slipped through and hit me. Any other place interacted with however threw me off immediately.
I also ran into this problem. I was able to complete it after a while though.
Also experienced this issue. Holding down the left/right buttons to adjust the turret appears to throw me out of the tank. If I did it in small increments, it was fine. The only other times I was thrown out of the tank was when a risen popped in close enough to hit me.
I took down three giants using the tank before I got fed up with being thrown out. I killed the remaining giants on foot (pretty much ignored all the other mobs). As soon the last one goes down (I counted six?), all the other risen mobs melt away and you can move on. I recommend anyone stuck on this section to just kill the giants on foot when they appear.
this quest is soooo broken… Tank and mortars are uncontrollable. So many bugs…. so many many bugs… Had so much hope for this game… Auto attack is ‘AWESOME AND INNOVATIVE’ put mouse on auto click and come back 10 hours later… That’s what this game is pretty much… after getting all your Exotic gear… really sad… really really sad…
Guys one trick which worked great. Get on the middle tank. Yes, sometimes you well get kicked off,but you can minimize this by simply pressing 1 or 3 for small amounts of time. Don’t press long on the keys, just short bursts. This way you have better control over the tank and can nuke the giants. After 3-4 giants the event stops. Good luck.
Caught on this as well, tried it multiple times but the tank part is far too frustrating
I just tried to do this with a buggy turret, after 20 min of trying to get tank to work i just ran and killed giants. 1 of the most frustrating quests I’ve ever done, right up there with the battletoads surfing mission.
Bugged for me as well, I’ve pretty much given up on the Personal Story at this point. No way its gonna be fixed, only gonna finish it if I get some friends to bumrush the giants with me.
i am totally disgusted that this has not been fixed before anything else you tank is uselessssssss!!!!!!!! you should have made the tank fire like arcing arrow where you can target by place your cursor and how the hell can it be a tank when im outside firing it!!!!!! the quest was not fun at all but a total frustration for goodness sake get your act together.
Just to add on, I had the same issue. It’s really frustrating trying to control the tank. And extremely difficult to solo it without the machines
OMG this is one of THE most frustrating bugs. The turret works fine for the first couple of minutes and then it just goes haywire. I can’t figure out what’s bugging it: am I trying to turn too far too fast? Is something hitting me and knocking me out? Am I mashing buttons?
I finally figure out, after reading the dev comments that it’s tied to the giants, that I need to kill four giants. I managed to kill the two ‘on the left’ (from my perspective within the tank) and then I had to corpse kill (ie, die multiple times) the two ‘on the right’.
The objective is tied to some undead giants that are part of the attack wave, you don’t NEED the tank but it can be very difficult without it.
I’ve submitted a bug for the turret issue, I can’t find any obvious reasons why it’s misbehaving, especially since it was working at release.
Hello, not trying to hi-jack the thread, just thinking this info might help you.
I got kicked off a cannon at the Shatterer multiple times.
I had to re-position myself many times and once I got a working position and fired it once it kicked me off again it.
Maybe the same glitch is affecting both the tank and these cannons?
I was so excited at the start of this, and excitement about personal story in latter levels is rare as chicken lips for me. Finally! A chance to drive one of the amazing charr tanks I’ve seen in the Black Citadel and in the Gear warband’s “secret-ish” base. But no, what I get is just another static cannon and, as if that wasn’t disappointing enough, it’s a static cannon (dressed like an armoured car) that kicks me out if I change its aim by more than 6 degrees!
Much as I hate to say this (no, really, you have no idea) but WoW implemented the whole tank thing so much better in the Flame Leviathan encounter of Icecrown. Come on! GW2’s mechanics generally blow WoW out of the water, but when it comes to vehicles for some reason the ball is dropped.
Piken Square
I did this quest Saturday and had the same issue, I was able to complete it by using the Mortar and slowly whittling away the giants HP. Luckily the rifle turrets nearby one shot any risen so you cannot become overwhelmed. Another “bug” (intended?) is that the NPC army that comes with you literally died in seconds once the risen zerg starts its attack. This is not really an issue since the rifle turret protects you but makes the mission seem very unrealistic and sort of ruins the immersion.
I don’t know if the cannon/camera issue is connected but I am using the beta FOV and the issue affecting cannons and getting kicked seems to have started around the same time this was released.
(edited by skulldrip.1374)
I had this happen to me last night. I had to just give up on the turret and killed the giants the old fashion way.
Its still happening, oh dear god this topic was submitted like a month ago and not even fixed.. really Im so frustrated atm trying to do it
I just completed this last night. Just kill the giants with the mortars. You have to kill 5 or 6 of them. They keep respawning until you kill a half-dozen, then it ends. Actually pretty easy.
I faced the same issue while doing this quest a while ago. I just abandoned that buggy piece of junk and used mortars/regular attacks to get rid of the giants instead.
The camera is notoriously frustrating in this game so the particular bug came as no surprise.
Okay. This is the 4th post about this ONE story piece about the tank being absolutely crap.
PLEASE get on top of these bugs and fix them! >.<
Just to say, I’m doing this quest now and the tank is still broken. I believe I’ll choose to attack the giants head-on as was described in this thread.
I love this game, but there’s numerous bugs/glitches that are getting more frustrating as time goes on.
Still completely and totally bugged. Doesn’t even work for a short period of time. I know it’s neat to let players use a tank — but it’s so poorly designed I’d rather do a jumping puzzle. And the poorness of their design doesn’t need to be expressed.
idk if that is wrong but i think i can add that the game begins to lag as soon as i touch that tank cannon …. oh god that is kitten the hell out of me … please fix that bug it is horrible
I had to mortar me out of that mission.
- Piken Square, [REN][DKAL]
Just a reminder to everyone, you can’t use the tank, so kill the giants with the mortars. It isn’t hard, and it doesn’t take long. Don’t screw with the tank, it doesn’t work. Play with the mortars. Kill 6 giants = mission over.
bump. This is still broken