Human god choice affects no story?

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Milennin.4825


I played up to the final story in the game with my human character, but can’t remember having my god of choice having any effect on my personal story? For my Elementalist I went with Dwayna (cause lightning rocks), but the only time a human god was part of the story was during the temple of Grenth mission and the underwater Abaddon dungeon.
Did I miss something?

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


I believe the god choice affects skills that you have access to.

Pretty sure I chose Lyssa and have a Blessing of Lyssa boon skill on my thief.

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Xenigma.4305


If it is anything like the Sylvari choice of what cycle you awaken in, all it does it determine which NPC you (very briefly) converse with in the early stages of your main story. Pretty disappointing, but from what I’ve seen, at least it seems to be consistently unimportant across the races from.

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Milennin.4825


I believe the god choice affects skills that you have access to.

Pretty sure I chose Lyssa and have a Blessing of Lyssa boon skill on my thief.

I have access to all god skills, so I don’t think it’s that.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Wasselin.1235


I don’t think so Xenigma as all humans talk to a priestess of dwayna no matter what they choose. It also doesn’t effect the prayer utility skills, all humans have access to all of them.

“Please find my dear friends… Dead or Alive” -redmakoto

(edited by Wasselin.1235)

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: lysander.6154


Oh, so it’s always a temple of grenth…not sure that it affects anything noticeable then. There are a few choices like that where if they affect anything it’s only a few lines of dialogue here or there rather than an actual branch. While it might seem odd to include such a thing in character creation, that’s probably what god choice is for humans.

Another example would be the optional, ‘lost sister only’ choice of what continent you’re from, where you can tell logan you’re originally from Elona and such. Kind of neat that stuff like that is there, but until they (eventually?) connect it into bigger things it’s largely just fluff.

Definitely doesn’t/wouldn’t ever affect skill/stat related things though. Heck, you might be able to throw ‘getting locked into or out of’ item skins into that category too.

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Keep in mind it may be some placeholder flags used more extensively in future content, as the assumption is that GW2 will work on a serious of proper expansions rather than standalone campaigns like the first game, and as such you’d expect to have continuing personal story that isn’t exactly the same as everyone else’s based on your creation questions and certain important choices later like your choice of minor race to assist or order.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Eamil.7168


Another example would be the optional, ‘lost sister only’ choice of what continent you’re from, where you can tell logan you’re originally from Elona and such. Kind of neat that stuff like that is there, but until they (eventually?) connect it into bigger things it’s largely just fluff.

I believe that choice actually determines the appearance of your sister.

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: MrEpsilon.3480


I just said this in my post
But what would of been awesome would be to get find an ancient weapon left in Orr by the Gods to be used against Zhaitan
Trahearne gets his ultimate weapon, I want Fiery Greatsword of Balthazar

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Milennin.4825


I just said this in my post
But what would of been awesome would be to get find an ancient weapon left in Orr by the Gods to be used against Zhaitan
Trahearne gets his ultimate weapon, I want Fiery Greatsword of Balthazar

Getting a Fiery Greatsword as item (not skill) would be friggin’ awesome.xD

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Grakor.3450


If it is anything like the Sylvari choice of what cycle you awaken in, all it does it determine which NPC you (very briefly) converse with in the early stages of your main story. Pretty disappointing, but from what I’ve seen, at least it seems to be consistently unimportant across the races from.

To be fair, it’s actually quite important for Charr. Your choice of sparring partner determines which NPC will be following you around for your first thirty levels worth of personal story quests, which also provides a lot of unique dialogue if you take the time to talk to him/her at every opportunity.

Compare that to the choice of Norn spirit guide, which seems to only affect a single line of dialogue in Hoelbrak with a fairly meaningless NPC.

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: MrEpsilon.3480


I just said this in my post
But what would of been awesome would be to get find an ancient weapon left in Orr by the Gods to be used against Zhaitan
Trahearne gets his ultimate weapon, I want Fiery Greatsword of Balthazar

Getting a Fiery Greatsword as item (not skill) would be friggin’ awesome.xD

Even just the skin would be awesome

An easy way to recycle skins (Just thinking of Greatsword versions)
Balthazar – Fiery Great Sword
Dwayna – Mystic Claymore Reskin (Has a lightning bolt going through it)
Melandru – Reskin of Warden Greatsword (Sylvari Cultural Weapon)
Lyssa – Reskin of Priory Greatsword (Deep Purple instead of Blue)

Not sure about Grenth and Kormir, but Im sure there could be something.

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


For humans, it changes which type of priest appears in your home district.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: MrEpsilon.3480


That’s it??
What the hell
I found said priest after running around like a headless chicken for 5 mins, so they aren’t exactly visible either, all they do is greet you, no awesome end-game vendor or anything.
So Dissapointed

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Noviere.7309


It’s the same with Asura and their choice of mentor… While wandering around my lab, I found Master Zynga. I don’t recall her having anything interesting to say though.

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Majse.7942


I still don’t understand why the starting headpiece/gear choice is even part of the personal story. Its purely cosmetic, changeable, and (to my knowledge) is no way referenced anywhere in the actual story. I’d rather not even have these personal story questions as they feel like “commitments” to an an aspect of the character that gets no attention.

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Milennin.4825


I still don’t understand why the starting headpiece/gear choice is even part of the personal story. Its purely cosmetic, changeable, and (to my knowledge) is no way referenced anywhere in the actual story. I’d rather not even have these personal story questions as they feel like “commitments” to an an aspect of the character that gets no attention.

Oh, this is another thing, yeah.
I went with Air, but nowhere in my story does it seem to reference back to that choice I made there. The headgear piece itself is replaced within a few hours of gameplay for something better.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Human god choice affects no story?

in Personal Story

Posted by: MrEpsilon.3480


Actually that is a good point as well
It didn’t really matter for me as I changed into the HoM gear, but if these pieces of selectable gear are supposed to mean something to us, why not make said gear level stat wise while we have them equipped, wouldn’t have to be every level like every 5-10 levels, could even be a choice in a personal story quest of which stats you want on it.