I just finished my Personal Story. Here are my thoughts. (Spoilers Within)
Posted by: Half Tooth.1867
Hi there, I just finished my personal story and I wanted to share my thoughts about it.
There will definately be spoilers in my post and I think I’ll start at the end and go backwards.
The Fight With Zhaitan
Like.. what on earth was going on here? I got to the Victory or Death quest and got excited that now I was finally going to face Zhaitan, then I realised I was being asked to do a dungeon. So already I know I now have to make sure I have 2 or more hours free to do this, and I have to share my story with 4 other players.
Don’t get me wrong, I love working with other players it’s actually one of the highlights of the game to work together with friends or strangers to do random stuff or kill things. But this felt really inappropriate for a Personal story.
The next thing was that this mission seemed to finish off the Destiny’s Edge story. Which I haven’t participated in at all yet, because while I am able to play the game for several hours at a time I am not able to give it my 100% focus and attention. Please understand here I am not critisizing dungeons here, I think they should be lengthy, challenging and have good rewards. The story modes for the dungeons should be just that, they should be about the story. They should be fun and straight forward for 5 people who’ve never been in a dungeon to do. The explorable modes should then be what you would expect of a dungeon.
Anyway I didn’t play through the story modes on dungeons so when I got to Arah there seemed to be some kind of epic reunion occuring between Destiny’s Edge and I had no idea what was going on. So as well as feelingannoyed that I have to share ym story with 4 other players, I also have to work with 5 people where the last I saw of them was pointless arguing and now they’re all friends?
Then getting the airship off the ground. For some reason 3 of the pieces are being guarded by random bosses that have nothing better to do with their time. I had no idea the air ship crashed in the first palce for it to have thrown pieces everywhere, or myabe that’s how the Pact store things? I don’t know. Maybe I just missed something.
So the airship is now in the air and there are massive camera issues.
*Firstly, the camera didn’t treat the walls of the ship as walls, it didn’t even know they were there. So as I walked out of a door the camera remained behind the wall and I got full view of a wall for a large part of my time on the airship. The camera also seemed to catch on the guns a lot so it was all over the place as I walked near the guns. And I couldn’t zoom out far enough. I wanted to have a look at the surroundings and see all the work that went into building the map, I wanted to see what Orr looked like from above. But the camera wouldn’t let me.
When we got to the part where the Dragon’s come to attack us I really started to question what on eather we were doing in an airship. Generally throughout history Dragons are always more dangerous in the air than they are on the ground.They would have no trouble damaging and airship enough to knock it out of the sky. I don’t understand at all why they seemed intent on attacking us and not attacking the airship.
It would have made so much more sense for them to do that, it would have reinforced that Dragons are intelligent and to be feared. Instead they seemed stupid and unthreatening. They repeatedly threw minions at us which irked me because by now… really…. the Dragon should have learnt that tactic doesn’t work against us.
By now it appears Zhaitan is annoyed enough to turn up himself, which I think ought to have meritted a cutscene. This is the first time we meet Zhaitan, I wanted to see the enemy who I’ve been indirectly fighting since the beginning. I also would have liked a few moments to admire the work that went into making him. I didn’t get that
I can’t remember clearly what happened next. I think Zhaitan threw more minions at us… which as I previously said, surely he knows that wont work. Also Zhaitan was huge, and even if the previous dragons had issues attacking our ship, Zhaitan certainly wouldn’t have a problem just batting us out the sky.