I want to be able to fail a personal story mission

I want to be able to fail a personal story mission

in Personal Story

Posted by: Shanaeri Rynale.6897

Shanaeri Rynale.6897

While I greatly enjoyed my personal story there was one thing that kinda bugged me.

In the choices I made it was impossible to fail the personal story, only run out of money or patience.

This is especially true of the final fight where there is an armor repair vendor in easy reach at each stage.

Now I loved to hate missions in GW1 like Thunderhead keep, Elona’s reach, Fow and UW circa 2005/6. While these were hugely frustrating at times, they gave you a massive sense of achievement when complete.

Now, both in dungeons and PS if you let an NPC die then thats fine. Just res them up and carry on.

If your team wipes, well back to the checkpoint you go and carry on.

In short I think there should be consequences for letting an NPC die, or failing to complete an object in time. In short it feels like i’m playing with training wheels on..

Guild Leader of DVDF www.dvdf.org.uk since 2005

(edited by Shanaeri Rynale.6897)