Idea for Next Elder Dragon Integration

Idea for Next Elder Dragon Integration

in Personal Story

Posted by: RedWolfCrusader.2365


So after playing through the story two times now, i realized how similar the endings of the stories were. From the mission where you have to go to Timberline Falls it gets pretty similar throughout any character accept for a dialogue choice you make that affects who you do a missions with. I was thinking everything about the personal story be the same expect parts with Zhaitan and instead have a “living story” where you go after an Elder Dragon. So lets say Jormag is the next Elder Dragon we go after, the the character creation you’ll get a choice at point in time the character comes about so after Zhaitans death. So instead of killing Zhaitan over and over you can have a different campaign against a different foe to keep things new and fresh, Just an idea comment!!

Fenris Gwynblade- We either unite and die together or be divided and fall alone

Idea for Next Elder Dragon Integration

in Personal Story

Posted by: Seven Star Stalker.1740

Seven Star Stalker.1740

This would be kinda cool, but people might be kitten ed at the lack of content access. Look at how much people QQ about missing out LS updates.

I ? Karkas.