What if in a future Personal Story a Elder Dragon Tried to corrupt our character by place him or her into a illusion where we have to fight all the allies that died and failed to save in the past Personal Story missions as they try to convince you to embrace the corruption?
How will you react to this kind of Personal Story mission?
For example:
Street Rat background: If you did not save Quinn in your personal Story he will appear to attack you and tell you to embrace the corruption.
-Quinn: “Accept what he offers. Don’t you want to prevent what happened to me from happening to others?”
Never Meet Parents Background: This will be the first time you meet your real parents but they’re not your real parents.
-Mother: " Son/Daughter it is us. Don’t you want to be with us again?"
-Father: " Yes we can be together like how you always wanted. Just accept what he offers."
-Mother: “Come to us. We are waiting for you on this side.”
And etc. from you background to the Orr part of the Storyline.
The final Boss for this personal mission will (in a heart breaking tiwst that would make everyone angry at a Elder Dragon) You fight your former Order Mentor as the Final boss and for each 1/3 percent of the HP he will stop fighting and ask you a question on why do you continue to resist embracing the Corruption?
Vigil Path
Forgal (100% HP) – “Why do you continue to fight us? Will you kill me like how you killed the others kid?”
Option 1 – You are not Forgal!
Option 2 – Forgal… no you can’t be Forgal!
Option 3- I will not fall for your tricks!
Forgal (65% HP) – " I thought I taught you better. How long do you want to keep up this pointless fight kid. Join the Dragon and you can bring us all back!"
Option 1 – Stop trying to pretend to be Forgal!
Option 2 – I will keep fighting because some must fight so all can be free!
Option 3- You can not fool me no matter what you say!
Forgal ( 30% HP) – “You really are stubborn kid. Not matter how much you deny it I am Forgal, son of Kern. My father was the last Dolyak Shaman! I am a Warmaster of the Vigil! You will never make me kneel! !”
Option 2 – I am “player name”, <First Race background>, My Mentor was Warmaster Forgal! I am Warmaster of the Vigil! You will not trample over Forgal’s memories anymore!
Option 3 – Your illusion ends here!
Priory Path
Sieran(100%) -" Why do you fight us? We only want you to have the time of your life?"
Option 1- You’re not Sieran!
Option 2- You can’t be…… no Sieran will never be on the Dragon’s side?
Option 3- You cannot trick me with this illusion!
Sieran(65%)- “That was fun. You know what will be more fun? Embracing the power of the Elder Dragon!”
Option 1 – Stop trying to be Sieran!
Option 2 – Sieran always loved having fun and adventure but she would never embrace the Elder Dragon!"
Option 3 – You can keep trying but I will not fall for this!
Sieran (30%)- " Is this how it will end? Will you be the one who kill me this time? What about all the fun time we had together?"
Option 2- I will never forget about Sieran but I will not allow you to use the memory of Sieran anymore!
Option 3- Your illusion ends here!
Order of Whisper Path
Tybalt(100%)- " Are you going to fight me as well buddy? Why don’t you just embrace what he offers?"
Option 1- You’re not Tybalt!
Option 2 – Tybalt….. no you can not be Tybalt!
Option 3 – You illusion will not work!
Tybalt(65%) – “Aren’t buddies <player name>. Why do you continue to resist. If you accept it we can have the apple cider you promised me.”
Option 1- Stop trying to act like Tybalt!
Option 2 – I did promise a apple cider to Tybalt but not to you!"
Option 3 – I will not fall for this trick!
Tybalt (30%) – “So you will actually kill me? I thought we were buddies.”
Option 2 – Tybalt is my buddy but you are just a rotten apple!
Option 3 – This illusion ends here!
(edited by EdwinLi.1284)