Losing Personal Story progress...

Losing Personal Story progress...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Undertow.6072


And some personal story segments are mighty long, so this is quite demotivating and most certainly not fun. Why is it when intso-disconnected (returned to the character select screen) and hopping right back in game you are booted from your story mission?

How is there no grace period for something like this? This is a serious problem with WvW/PvP as well. Its incredibly frustrating to be waiting in a queue for almost an hour, finally get in and then 5 minutes in you’re disconnected for no apparent reason with no way back to where you were… time for another hour long queue instead.. fun! :\

please, please fix this. i have a hard time staying interested the game with things like this happening so frequently. The disconnects have lessened in frequency, and i appreciate that, but this only takes one to ruin a night.

Losing Personal Story progress...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Nodora.1365


I also have this problem. Sometimes when I’m on WvW or doing Personal Story I lose connection with my ISP and have to start all over again. Not to mention the random dc from the game itself. It’s really annoying and demotivating for instance in long story lines like Claw Island. For sure they need to make a fix on it. Like the sPvP tournament when you got dc in a game you come back after loading Mists and then the map you were.