Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

in Personal Story

Posted by: tokyoshoe.6308


MISSION NAME: “The Queen’s Justice”
ORDER: The Durmand Priory
CHARACTER: Level 28 Human Elementalist

This mission needs to be completely reworked, it is downright idiotic.

PROBLEM #1) You replace the character’s powers with a completely new set of five powers that they have no experience with or knowledge on how to use other that tooltips.

PROBLEM #2) After taking away my Elementalist powers you then lock me into using the “Mortis Verge” (which is mispelled “Mortis Virge” SEVERAL TIMES in the text). I can’t even hit the ` key to drop this “anti-undead weapon” and use my own abilities.

PROBLEM #3) You send in a wave of eight risen, with a mixture of thralls brutes and a few others I was too busy to catch the names of. That’s not the problem. The moment one ability is used on the Mortis Verge, your target Risen and at least two others pair off and bum rush you, dumping ABSURD amounts of damage on me. THAT is the problem.

PROBLEM #4) The Mortis Verge uses my HEALTH for ammo? Who’s imbecilic idea was THAT? I fire off an ability at a Risen Brute, I believe it was the #1 slot power, and it dumps a load of energy into my target. Since my target is already standing on my toes, he responds with a smack that does 400 points of damage. Trouble is… I only have 64 points of health level after ONE SALVO from my new health draining powerset that’s been forced upon me.

PROBLEM #5) With just TWO risen standing over my now downed body, they do exactly the same amount of damage that LOGAN THACKERY is healing while trying to revive me. To make matters worse the Risen are alternating shots so I can’t keep my #4 slot downed ability going long enough to contribute. It takes Logan the better part of SEVEN MINUTES to finally whittle my health back up while the Risen are beating on me.

This is a full seven minutes that I either sit there and wait, or just hit the teleport button and opt to respawn at the nearest check point. Oh did I mention I was pinned against the front door and I’m STANDING ON THE CHECKPOINT ? Yeah. 1 Mortis Verge power, the Risen I’ve got targeted goes from 85% health to 50% health, then downs me again with one shot.

RINSE. LATHER. REPEAT. This cycle went a total of 14 deaths.

SYNOPSIS: Totally stupid mission, especially for a CLOTH ARMOR WEARING CLASS. No player should ever be forced into swapping their powerset for another one that is fueled by HIT POINTS in order to complete a PERSONAL STORY MISSION.

< Ferguson’s Crossing >
WAY too many alts to list here.

(edited by tokyoshoe.6308)

Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sannou.8632


I had the exact same problem… I died about 20 times I’d say. There is that other skill you could use which was basically health drain on the enemy which damages them and heals you, but the damage on that is so low it took forever to kill them…

Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

in Personal Story

Posted by: tokyoshoe.6308


I had the exact same problem… I died about 20 times I’d say. There is that other skill you could use which was basically health drain on the enemy which damages them and heals you, but the damage on that is so low it took forever to kill them…

Nono, that is a 100% good point. There is a Life Siphon that drains health from your target, refilling your health bubble. Unfortunately it has a cool down of around 10 seconds, which may as well be forever when you are a cloth wearing elementalist.

Only one ability out of the five provided actually drains health. All of the rest of them actually SPEND your health, with all but one (the bubble, #5) taking up 95% of my total health.

The mission’s a nightmare and needs to be completely scrapped and re-structured.

< Ferguson’s Crossing >
WAY too many alts to list here.

Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

in Personal Story

Posted by: meloncash.6798


Something is definitely wrong with this quest, elementalist dies very fast.

Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Dezali.4960


I recently completed this quest on my necro, and I have to agree that the difficulty is totally inappropriate for cloth-wearing classes. Actually, I’d go so far as to say that the issue is not one of difficulty, but of “cheapness.” The quest is set up in such a way that the player is given several major disadvantages, as the OP listed. You’re forced to learn how to use a new weapon while being zerged by waves of fast-moving Risen; what’s more, the skills on this new weapon, the Mortis Verge (it could have been called Broken Piece of kitten for all it did) drain your health while dealing pathetic damage in return, and the mobs hit very hard. I still couldn’t manage to stay alive while using utility skills (wells and minions), and I could barely dodge and kite fast enough before I was overwhelmed and wound up rezzing. And I was overleveled and otherwise well-geared for the quest.

I normally have no trouble with PVE content and can take on multiple mobs and solo veterans with minimal effort, even with a profession that is considered one of the buggiest and least balanced in the game thus far. This quest was an absolute joke. I walked in with a full set of armor, and walked out with nothing. It was the first time I’d ever had all my gear broken, and needless to say I was rather miffed… to put it lightly. I wouldn’t have been annoyed if I’d died because the challenge had been a fair fight—it wasn’t. I’d been barred from using my main abilities which would have been so much more effective than the Mortis Verge, and the number of mobs and the damage they deal is simply disproportionate to what you can do in return. TL;DR, this quest needs SERIOUS tuning. It’s so far one of the few quests that I’ve genuinely hated.

Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Alex.6750


I am an elementalist and just played through this quest yesterday, and while it was challenging, I completed it first time without dying at all so not sure why you are struggling so much tbh. I don’t think it needs to be made easier, perhaps it could just give you a chance to see what the moves do before launching you in against the risen.

Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

in Personal Story

Posted by: arabeth.2361


This was a very challenging encounter, to be sure. I died a few times, but fortunately I could just pop back up in the throne room away from the mobs and the boss never healed. The NPCs are much better for this encounter, at least (well, Logan is, although he still died a lot). My quickly-developed strategy was to kite like mad and use the lifepull constantly and the armor bubble while lifepull was on cooldown. The other abilities were too difficult to figure out while you’re constantly dying (and since they use health you just die faster), so I just used those. I admit that while it was quite a difficulty spike, I actually enjoyed the “new weapon” mechanic, since it made the fight different from others. I agree that being able to practice before you started would have been nice.

Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

10/1 update notes:

- Spread out undead waves so that only 1 can be active at a time, and reduced their numbers a bit (previously if you just focused on Kellach you could have a dozen undead active at once, since they spawned based on his health)
- Marked the “must do” conversation responses with the green star icon (it hasn’t come up, but I’ve seen people on other steps who thought that just closing the conversation window was the same as picking the “exit” conversation option, and the story wouldn’t continue)
- Kellach will wait for about 30 seconds before entering the fray—he’s determined during this time, but he won’t aggro or respond to attacks until he’s good and ready

Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

in Personal Story

Posted by: arabeth.2361


(Quote button is missing again)
“- Spread out undead waves so that only 1 can be active at a time, and reduced their numbers a bit”
Ah, now that’s a good fix – I think that will help a great deal. I noticed that trying to ignore the waves and focusing on the boss got me into trouble fast, but I thought they were infinite. Keeping it to one wave at a time means you can try either strategy (boss focus or kill waves) without getting swarmed.

Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

in Personal Story

Posted by: JesterX.6730


I found that quest extremely easy for my mesmer. Not that class can matter much for this particular combat.

But… It’s really hard to die when you use the first skill of this weapon … It heals you … repetitively.

Just don’t spam all attacks in order. → That’s the worst way to play GW!

Use “1” and an attack skill of your choice when you’re at full health.

The Mortis Verge is really powerful.

Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

in Personal Story

Posted by: Fira Star.3057

Fira Star.3057

Elementalists, I just did this one and found an easy way to get through it. Use Signet of Fire and burn them to death! Well a mix of #2, #5, Mist Form and Signet of Fire will kill them fast. Use #2, Signet Of Fire, they hit me some, #5, #2 again, Signet of Fire etc… Each died about 30 seconds burning them. Mist Form is there for the extra help, and Signet of Earth will help too. Just have to get through the first wave first, there were about 3 or 4 of em that aggros at start with the boss, after that, the ones near the queen you can pick them off one by one, I only had link a couple times, just cast Signet Of Fire on the one you want to pull and stay near door.

Note: idk if it matters, but I’m slow on doing my missions, so I’m level 80, capped to the level 20something level for this mission. Mist Form, Signet of Earth isn’t needed, but they can help if you get links.

(edited by Fira Star.3057)

Mission: "The Queen's Justice"

in Personal Story

Posted by: meloncash.6798


Thanks for taking another look at and fixing this story quest. Much appreciated.