Meaningful choices: Personality-based titles
This is probably going to get moved to the “Suggestions” forum, so you know.
I’d like to see this. It could even be expanded upon a bit to reflect other choices.
- Personal Story titles. You’re asked one question which defines what you are, but it doesn’t seem to play into much. For a sylvari, it’s what cycle you’re in, but it doesn’t seem to play much into the story. For the humans, it’s which of the Six you follow most. For the charr, it’s which High Legion you offer allegiance to. Why does this not get shown?
- Personality-based titles. You can find it in the dropdown menu at the top and put it on so everyone knows you’re “Noble” or “Brutish”.
- Titles showing up as a reward for clearing meta-events. “Tequatl’s Bane”, “Clawbreaker”, “Champion of the Six” (For doing all temple meta-events.)
Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.
Nice ideas :-)
Titles would be a good start for acknowledging the character’s personality, but what they really need to do is to make the personality system go hand in hand with the personal story. It doesn’t really make sense that a feature that is designed to let us shape our character’s personality has utterly no impact in the RPG mode.
Actually personality should have a larger impact in the personal story.