My story jumped forward: Can I keep playing, or should I wait for the fix?

My story jumped forward: Can I keep playing, or should I wait for the fix?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lonami.2987


I got the Bad Blood bug that skips you to the next quest without letting you decide. I haven’t played since, waiting for a response if I am allowed to (after all, the logic solution is a reset to the previous quest, and progressing could be seen as an abuse of the unique rewards).

So, can I keep playing? It’s been nearly a month since I got it bugged, I don’t get any response, the consequences aren’t fixed yet and I want to keep playing.

Quoting myself from my original post (I reposted it in another compilation-thread, but seems it got deleted).

Once you finish Bad Blood, you’re asked between 2 options.

The bug comes here: If you choose “I’ll decide later”, the quest finishes suddenly, and you get the first of them automatically assigned, without you actually choosing it.

Even more, the “My Story” section for Bad Blood appears empty, so if you really love to look at the lore there often, like me, you’re pretty screwed.

Already informed about it, and I hope they can fix both the bug and both the repercussions for those affected by it.

Still, I think it would be better and simpler if someone just reverted my personal story back to Bad Blood. It wasn’t a hard quest so I won’t care too much if I have to repeat it, but I want to decide by myself by reading what Sieran tells me about each option.

Right now, the thing I’m more worried about is if I’m allowed to keep playing my personal story or not. If the simplest way to fix it is a reset, I shouldn’t play beyond where I am now (the quest just after Bad Blood), to avoid losing progress and to avoid getting extra items, money and experience I should only get once.

For others: Be careful there, or you may not get to decide what you want, and see a part of your biography empty.


Please, give me an answer :S.

Elonian elite specialization ideas: El: Dervish
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair

My story jumped forward: Can I keep playing, or should I wait for the fix?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

You should be able to keep going. We fixed the bug about 2 weeks ago, so it won’t inadvertently finish the quest if you exit the conversation without making a choice. The missing journal entry is a seperate issue that I sent to the writing team.

My story jumped forward: Can I keep playing, or should I wait for the fix?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lonami.2987


You should be able to keep going. We fixed the bug about 2 weeks ago, so it won’t inadvertently finish the quest if you exit the conversation without making a choice. The missing journal entry is a seperate issue that I sent to the writing team.

Thanks for the fast answer!

My problem is I already did Bad Blood back then, and got forced into a decision. I didn’t even get to know what the other decision was about, but I’d probably stick with the one I got since it looks cooler.

So yeah, I’m on “Search the Stone Sheath” now (I got jumped there). The deal is I would love to go back and decide, by reading whatever Sieran will tell me.

Not sure if the text bug is general, or just a side-effect of the bug. Wouldn’t a “go-back” fix it?

In case there’s no solution (no tools to effectively modify someone’s personal story progress), I don’t worry sticking with the decision too much (Would have probably chosen this anyway), but I wish the text was fixed so, at least, I get the summary of what was supposed to happen when I chose.

My main worry is progressing to then see the fix is a reset back to Bad Blood, or back to the beginning, losing that progress. That’s why I didn’t keep playing (together with possible reward-abusing).

Thanks for the fast answer, again!

Elonian elite specialization ideas: El: Dervish
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair