Never mind Trahearne's Wyld Hunt - what about mine?

Never mind Trahearne's Wyld Hunt - what about mine?

in Personal Story

Posted by: meltyfox.6183


So at the start of the Sylvari’s personal story, I was so excited and I felt so epic. My wyld hunt is to kill the dragon? Only one other sylvari has ever dreamt of an elder dragon? I felt like someone incredibly important, and I was eager to go out and save the Pale Tree and the rest of Tyria.

A few weeks later, I’m level 80 and I’ve just killed Zhaitan. Everyone celebrates and I look upon a restored Orr with Destiny’s Edge. But what about my wyld hunt? No one mentions it. I go to my home instance, but everyone there just says “hello” and nothing more. I travel up to see the Pale Tree and talk to her, but she refuses even to discuss my wyld hunt or give any word of congratulations of its completion.

Boo and foo, I say.

Never mind Trahearne's Wyld Hunt - what about mine?

in Personal Story

Posted by: yandere.9176


This was actually a part I was glad to forget. I wake up and I am the chosen one! isn’t really my cup of tea, so I wa rather glad that never mentioned this again.
I would be glad if many many Sylvari had the dream to fight the dragon. And there are many many Sylvari how had the dream to slay a dragon, I know that because I saw the other player in the tutorial. But to have the call to a Wyld Hunt shouldn’t mean that I can fullfil it or get even close to solving it. Just that I have the call to do something great.

Well that are my two cents on this issue.

Desolation – Mistress of significance level