Norn level 14 storyline weapon - what?

Norn level 14 storyline weapon - what?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jammypack.3018


Just finished some low-level Norn quest (forgot the name of it) and had to go retrieve some Kodan’s SUPER FAVORITE RIFLE, which after having to auto-equip upon said retrieval (with no option to switch to my normal weapons) got me shot to pieces by dredge. What the hell was that thing? A whoopie cushion with a rifle stock? Did you guys forget to put actual weapon damage mechanics on it? Why did the guy want it back so badly? Was he trolling me? MAN THIS RIFLE IS REALLY AWESOME AND UH HEY (SNICKER) COULD YOU GO GRAB IT IT MEANS A LOT TO ME (SNORT) THANKS A BUNCH PUMPKIN

Other than the push-back option, the thing was worse than useless. It literally did nothing as far as damage went. I would have fared better by slap-fighting my way out of there.

Not the end of the world, and i’m not saying it’s a game breaker by any stretch, but it’s either broken or just designed to be a nuisance.

Norn level 14 storyline weapon - what?

in Personal Story

Posted by: moonstarmac.4603


You must’ve chose the ‘horn’ as part of your story. Gotta say I agree. The trick to it is to hide while Eir does the heavy lifting so to speak, pop a few shots off to inflict confusion, then hide again.

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Norn level 14 storyline weapon - what?

in Personal Story

Posted by: smekras.8203


…i just imagine the Kodans trying to keep a straight face when you return with the rifle, trying to be all mystical and kungfuey about it

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