PS execution...i don't understand it

PS execution...i don't understand it

in Personal Story

Posted by: kiba.2768


so i’ve been playing through my PS on my main and have been enjoying it and the rewards for a month now. i never once asked for help on any of the quests and found the difficulty more or less to be adequate. some deaths and a few rare loots later, i find myself at the final quest: victory or death.

now here is where i am confused. the whole time i’m completing this ‘personal story,’ i play it solo, which i think was the developer’s intent.

now not only am i forced into a party to complete a dungeon(how is this ‘personal? how is this soloable?) and on top of that, the gates to arah won’t even open until a group of 20-30 people follow a de chain to allow me to complete the personal story?

like some of the player base, i have obligations that don’t allow me to play for a solid 3-5 hours at a time, especially during the day. my peak gaming time only happens after 9pm. that being said, there is virtually no one in cursed shore after the afternoon, even on a weekend. no one is following the de chain to open the gates. i can’t complete the personal story. i’m not even after the loot. i just want to finish what i started and am unable to for TWO reasons, which i believe anet did not prepare me for.

1- forced group content after 79 levels of solo content.
2- forced 20-30 content just to open arah for further group content after 79 levels of solo content.

am i missing something here? i don’t think i’ll ever complete my personal story(been waiting every night for the past 2 weeks for arah to open…let alone find a party willing to do arah story).