Pact plot hole?

Pact plot hole?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


So they make Trahearne the Grand Marshal because he is apparently a neutral actor. However, then he spins around and appoints your character his second in command – and your character is a high-ranking member of either the Vigil, Order of Whispers or the Durmand Priory!

Wouldn’t the other factions get sorta peeved at his blatant display of favoritism? Or if they don’t care, why couldn’t your character be the Grand Marshal?

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Pact plot hole?

in Personal Story

Posted by: SirDrygan.1823


The thing is about this is, the Order’s Leader said they need a neutral party to “Lead” them, so Trahearne being the one without an order get’s appointed. No problems there.

The problem now is, your character. For example, my ele is a high ranking Order of Whispers officer, yet when Trahearne appoints me second-in-command, no one complains. The Vigil and the Priory just kept quiet. Even my own order did not go about bragging like they have an Order member appointed second in command of the Pact! In fact, i felt my character was “Forgotten” that she is still an Order of Whisper member. No Order of Whisper agents or officer or even the Preceptors even recognized my ele after that.

That is the plot hole.

Some may argue that they all trust’s Trahearne’s appointment. Yet, in a few stories later, the orders are voicing they own mistrust of Trahearne’s leadership!!!

You tell me if that is not a contradiction from the Claw Island story?

Yes, we follow the leaders, but blindly?

It makes me ponder on a phrase that I came about from an Eve Online trailer for one of their expansion pack thing.

“There are those who are brave. And there are those whom the brave will follow”

And Trahearne ain’t one of it. Maybe later in the story he got bolder, yet he still has “issues” (which is another discussion for another place).

Anyways, the OP is right about the appointment of your own character as second-in-command. No one said anything, they just follow blindly after they say they needed someone neutral.

A better way for the story would be that at that moment, the order you are in said something like or you yourself said to your own order “I hereby resigned from my position in the order.”
or something to that extend. And the story would be much better and less contradiction.

Pact plot hole?

in Personal Story

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

The answer lies right before an independent leader is picked:

<Trahearne>: Enough bickering, all of you! Our real enemy lurks across the waves.

<Trahearne>: Zhaitan’s servants march at the gates of Lion’s Arch. We must band together, or we will all be destroyed.

<Character Name>: When I joined my order, I sword to fight Zhaitan. I will die for Tyria, if I must. However, I believe that together we can win.

<Character Name>: The Vigil has shown tremendous courage in the fight against the dragons. This alliance will require courage as well. Why back down now?

<Character Name>: The Order of Whispers has seen nations rise and fall. You cannot hide from this threat. You need to make a stand.

<Character Name>: And who knows more about the dragons than the Priory? Just think of how much there is to learn. Where else, but in Orr?

<Gixx>: By the whorls of the Eternal Alchemy, you’re bold! But… you’re correct. Knowledge is useless if it is not used. We shall aid you.

<Halvora Snapdagger>: The Order of Whispers has worked for generations to bring nations together. We can do no less now. Our blades are yours.

<General Almorra Soulkeeper>: The Vigil fears nothing! Not even ill-tempered, undisciplined louts like these two. We’ll join, but I insist there’s a decent hierarchy. Who will lead this compact?

It is your speech that convinced the three leaders to combine powers and resources. So with neutrality garanteed by picking Trahearne, the main architect is appointed an even more important role. Besides that, it is only for the neutrality that Trahearne is leading right? it is not that he could have done anything without you
Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Pact plot hole?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ellisande.5218


In the real world you would never appoint some random person with no leadership experience or ability to be the leader. The leader would be chosen from among the ranks of the other orders who would then have to act neutrally.

The person appointed leader would also generally be the one who got everyone else to elect him leader and the only person with the people skills to get themselves elected is not Trahearnce but our character who is also the one who makes the motivating speech. This would be like holding a presidential election where one of the candidates kills every debate, holds a huge margin of the popular vote and then out of nowhere some small uknown candidate who randomly appeared on the very bottom of the ballot gets elected because their name was similar to the candidate holding the popular vote.

(edited by Ellisande.5218)

Pact plot hole?

in Personal Story

Posted by: jROON.7501


What about the “congrats you are lightbringer now” (last mention of lightbringer ever again) holes. Also the “you are such a great hero” while your character is thinking i just stood still and pressed 1, 100 times.