Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Uber Yuna Skillz.9847

Uber Yuna Skillz.9847

Well the first few levels are all about you, gotta agree on that, but as soon as Trahearne appears its all about him. Its the Kormir syndrome all over again.
I find this abit dissapointing. Anyone else having that problem?

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sarcazar.6148


Could be worse, at least he didn’t decide to take godhood from under your feet like Kormir did.

I have a stupid handle, didn’t know what I was thinking.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


i’m more annoyed by the fact that the final personal story mission, it might be a random dude doing the talking, rather than you.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lox.1089


Just wait till you get to the very last step.
Personal story, and yet it requires group + dungeon to kill the dragon in the last step. lolwhut?
Where the bleep, is the “personal” in that? You can do every single step solo, but instead of rewards and a pat on the back for reaching the end, you get super-trolled and are forced into finding a group. :/

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Dante.1508


Yes i think Arenanet don’t understand this word “Personal” or “your” as well..

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Huck.1405


Yeah, you’r a “Commander” with a ARMY at your command, but you need other players to complete your mission.

“You can teach ’em, but you cant learn ’em.”

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Cyrotek.7019


“Personal” and “solo” are two different words and meanings. Just saying.

Also “your” Story can involve other players. Why not?
In reality you got many people that are all part of your “personal” Story and you dont complain …

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Palefire.6259


I don’t like Trahearne at all, but I could care less if I’m the center of the story. Most games that are released put you at the role of Messiah. I tend to prefer TSW’s approach at making you just one piece of a big puzzle.

I’m over being the all-conquering hero.

Sanctum of Rall [SAVD]

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


I actually liked that the final mission did come down to me and four other real players, finally relegating Trahearne and Destiny’s Edge to the back seats they deserved. That did feel personal, just shared with like-minded people. Plus, my character was the focus in the cutscenes

But yeah, as soon as you finish the order quests, it’s tragic how ol’ monotone Mary takes centre stage.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Being from Guild Wars 1 I would rather have npcs with me on every mission.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rakenclaw.3508


Trahearn’s personal story. It’s all about him.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ragamok.1905


My beef is that there is nothing personal at all about this game! It dose its best to force you into groups right from the start. The hype for the game indicated theat there would be a solo option here and I have seen none of that. I enjoy groups, but I also enjoy solo dungeons and scenarios. Here. either I group up or I die 20 or 30 times a day
which is no fun at all. By ignoring players who like the social aspect of a MMO but still are primarily solo players I think the game will eventually aleinate a large number of players that it could have held onto if only they had offered a solo choice to their dungeons and made the personal story PERSONAL instead of forcing people to find groups to complete it!!

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Dante.1508


Trahearn’s personal story. It’s all about him.

This needs to be added to the Forum section name…

And yeah Anet this really needs to be addressed, i’d buy new character slots and redo over my stories if this NPC was removed, i know destiny’s edge are whiny cry babies but at least they made sense, why weren’t they in trahearnes place…

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Orion the Cursed.1206

Orion the Cursed.1206

I’m stuck at the final mission because both the massive event is bugged and i cant get a group to do the event.

I agree that Trahearn is very bland but i can live with him being the main focus. I also do not find story missions hard (i played all 3 armor class) although those with heavy armor class do have things easier.

(edited by Orion the Cursed.1206)

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Aevic.9675


Trahearne’s personal story. It’s all about him.

Lol This really should be the seller for GW2.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Torvarren.6295


Does no one else remember Togo and Mhenlo through factions? And Kormir though Nightfall?

AT LEAST you don’t fail a mission when Trahearne goes down. That was my number one rage reason in Guild Wars 1.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


it would have been more interesting if you can do the Mass Effect Paragon or Renegade options (well, i thought that’s why we chose the Charm/Ferocity aspects). Sending Trahearne to his death early and other NPCs would be interesting. your choices also reflecting in the final few missions leading to Zhaitan (much like the Omega Relay sequence in Mass Effect 1).

When i started playing Gw2 with my Ele, i thought Trahearne was going to end up like Rurik, and i would see him later on corrupted by Zhaitan (like undead Rurik).

With the story stuff laid out to be “personal”, it still would have been nice to have mission instances like in Guild Wars. For example, at Claw Island (?) with Mira, that could have been way cooler to have a party of maybe 10 players, because it’s a major event, and it would have felt more epic than static NPC battles in the courtyrard. Also, the Battle for Fort Trinity could have been an awesome 10-player party story event. stuff like that.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


Beginning racial stories are great. Full of personality, humor, each race has a unique story.

After you join an order the stories really tank hard. Helping a faction is a cool idea, but it ends up being bland and generic. Then it gets even worse once you get to the “main” story. Your hero starts spouting off generic, over the top, dramatic lines along with Traherne. All personality between the races are erased and everyone becomes the same.

Another huge let down was your personality choice at the beginning. Which does exactly…..nothing. Choices in story consist of do mission A or mission B. Once or twice there was actually a cool decision like save the boy or save the town, but very infrequent.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


Being from Guild Wars 1 I would rather have npcs with me on every mission.

really? if GW1 taught me anything, is to never rely on the AI and find players to replace them no matter what.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Nublet.8906


This was the $60 question for me, if I wanted to play a game where I had to be forced into groups. I have yet to play GW2 as it is still loading. I hope this is not the case, cause I was sold on the fact it would be all about me, and not everyone else. Hopefully I can get a refund for false advertisement if that’s the case.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


This was the $60 question for me, if I wanted to play a game where I had to be forced into groups. I have yet to play GW2 as it is still loading. I hope this is not the case, cause I was sold on the fact it would be all about me, and not everyone else. Hopefully I can get a refund for false advertisement if that’s the case.

you can play everything solo, except for group-only content, which includes the very last thing you’ll ever do on your personal story, which is a dungeon.

if you don’t think you need more people to kill a giant dragon (as laughable and underwhelming as that fight is), then you need to be slapped with some common sense.

but yeah, the personal story itself is completely soloable, and once you complete it you get a last order where your next story step would usually be, which says “kill zhaitan”, essentially telling you to get a group and complete the (amazing) final dungeon.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Lol Lol Lol Guy.1976

Lol Lol Lol Guy.1976

i’m more annoyed by the fact that the final personal story mission, it might be a random dude doing the talking, rather than you.

Lol, when I did the final mission (not Arah the one before that) some completely random guy tagged along. So after we kill the boss Trahearne is like “It is good it is just you and me in the end.” and the guy types in chat “AND TIM!” (that was his name.) I lol’d

But guys come on, even Kormir>Trahearne.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Saidor.7028


It’s pretty much impossible to make a ‘personal’ story and you should all have been intelligent enough to know that from the start. The very best you can get is a wide variety of variables so that the same story is told in a different way, but inevitably it’s a fixed, linear story designed to get you from point A to point B.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Wasselin.1235


I really don’t care about it being MY story. I just want it to be a good story. In fact I think for them to tell a really good story, the player-character almost has to kind of fade into the background a little bit.

“Please find my dear friends… Dead or Alive” -redmakoto

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Agreed. I don’t have to be the hero. In fact, I like being part of a group…kinda like how Destiny’s Edge doesn’t have a single hero, but a group that only together is strong enough.

But I still think the Sylvari take the spotlight too much. And I don’t like Treebeard all that much. I miss my old companions.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: CalvinHobbes.3541


It’s pretty much impossible to make a ‘personal’ story and you should all have been intelligent enough to know that from the start. The very best you can get is a wide variety of variables so that the same story is told in a different way, but inevitably it’s a fixed, linear story designed to get you from point A to point B.

That fixed, linear story could still be designed to better focus on the player created character and you should be intelligent enough to know that. Instead the player created character takes second fiddle to a head of lettuce. It’s pathetic that they even have the nerve to call such nonsense a personal story.

“It’s a magical world, Hobbes, ol’ buddy… Let’s go exploring!”

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Harlequin.8593



Trahearne hijacking your personal story – I can deal with, i don’t need my character to be the archetypical messiah / savior or even be in the spotlight constantly but it does feel awkward when you feel like the third wheel on a date in your “personal story”


final mission of the “personal story” is compulsory group content / dungeon – Here too i can deal, its disappointing at best but on its own is not quite enough to make me storm Areanet HQ at the head of an angry peasant mob; pitchfork, torch, tar and feathers in hand.


the loss of all individual identity after level 40 – the game mechanics being what they are i understand why your character seemingly looses all previous personality traits, racial identity and associated quirks / mannerisms. becoming almost bland in comparison. the change is more obvious for some races than others but this is the bottle-neck where the various initially different stories and their distinct characters and “feel” need to be woven into a single coherent narrative. i understand that, i don’t like it but i understand.

Its the unholy trinity of these 3 things that on their own are, at worst, minor-ish annoyances but put together form the basis of the only major criticism i’d go to the trouble of leveling at this game.

I have a bad feeling about this …

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Glog.4275


I thought it was interesting being second in command in a video game for a change, altho i would much have prefered anyone else then Trahearne. But thats personal taste really, he just didnt strike me as a leader.

The final part of our story in Arah i had mixed feelings on, it was just over so quickly and i hardly saw anything of Zhaitan (to busy with Risen spam). What i didnt like was that the “personal story” had another player do the talking in the cutscenes. Kinda annoyed me. ^^

Either way they should have ended the “personal story” after level 50 or 60 as it clearly wasnt soley about your character growth anymore. And perhaps have changed “personal” to something else. The Pact story, meh im not good with titles. xD

Personal Story: It's all about you.. YEAH RIGHT.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Strongback.6420


Does no one else remember Togo and Mhenlo through factions? And Kormir though Nightfall?

AT LEAST you don’t fail a mission when Trahearne goes down. That was my number one rage reason in Guild Wars 1.

That would make GW2 the most hardest game in existence.

Also, on the matter of personal story.
It didn’t necessarily have to be about you and trahearne fighting dragons, they could easily have been done by dungeons and dynamic events.
Trahearne’s story could have been done via dynamic events and it would have felt much more natural.

The personal story should focus on the story of the hero, it doesn’t need to be a story about how you led an army to beat a dragon, it could be about how your character solves problems that affect his community/factions.

As character joins one of the orders, so should the orders in turn lend resources to help character to solve the problems in his community.

What I’m basically saying, keep the story of Trahearne and the player character seperate. They don’t need to know each other, they may meet briefly and on occasion, but the player character will go on his own journeys before any sort of character developement betweent these two takes place.

(edited by Strongback.6420)