Personal Story Line impossible without group
The later stages of the story line seem to encourage grouping. This is a multi-player game, though.
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too
I really thought this was a cool game. I learned otherwise today. The personal story line cannot be completed without being in a group. Seriously? I wouldn’t recommend this game to anyone now. If ANYONE thinks this this should be a requirement, they should never try to design a game. And, if anyone says they solo’d this, they are lying.
Everyone should stop doing the storyline RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m pretty sure I solo’d every single quest except for one, and the game straight up tells you that that one requires a group.
DeĆrdre ~ Hedy Stonegate ~ Leslie Summerhill
Yeah I’m lying I didn’t solo every single instance and think that is was too easy.
The personal story line missions can vary quite a bit depending upon your class. I personally found the story line to be insanely easy on my guardian and rather difficult (to say the least) on my elementalist. I think most of the quests are designed around a melee class. Some missions (very few tbh) actually have the final battle after the dialog start with my characters already dead or about to die. I found that by carefully placing the squishy characters so that they were barely within the area triggering the dialog that longevity was radically increased. Otherwise a rez rush works.
I got all my 80’s to the final mission which does require a group solo. Squishy or not (2/2). Haven’t bothered with the final mission as I missed the big rush, play at odd hours usually and hate dungeons. But that’s another thread altogether.
I’m curious if this is accurate:
I overlooked how wildly different story lines can be. As a level 80 (months ago) Norn Ranger with all exotics, and buffs I can find, I have been unable to kill even one opponent, in the final story part, with the help of 4 npc’s, despite at least a dozen tries. The 4 npc’s do no damage to the opponents. Clearly, others have had much easier times of it. It was wrong to use the word" lying" like I did. My apologies. For me, this is still forced grouping. I wont play a game that strips away any sense of personal accomplishment by forced grouping. Seems to me stands to lose alot of money over this.
In my opinion, personal stories start out very hard for new players because they aren’t in-tune with the mechanics yet. This really becomes evident when you’re up against a boss whom has conditions while you’re still learning your weapon skills basic functions. I’ve been playing since pre-launch and I’m just now finishing the main story for my main. I had given up on it because I faced far too many daunting challenges. Now that I have a good grasp of what mesmers can do, it feels too easy.
My advice to you is first, calm down. I KNOW it’s frustrating! I’ve been there, however, letting your emotions get the better of you will not help your situation. I can promise you that. Once you’re calm enough to see things logically, ask yourself 2 questions. What’s hitting me and how can I avoid it. Take a good, hard look at your skills and then take a harder look at your skill traits. One skill may have a blind but you can have a trait that dazes enemies you blind. There may even be yet another trait that causes daze to do more damage. Learn these powers and “trait trains”. Learn how to use them more effectively. Practice on the dummies in lion’s arch or, even better, the golems in heart of the mist. When you feel more confidant, try it against low level mobs in the world map. When you’re up to it, try it against something harder. Eventually you will become comfortable enough to take on the story missions again.
I give the same advice on dodging. Timing is everything. Some people dodge as early as possible and get that ingrained in their muscle memory. I personally feel this is the wrong way to go as I have often dodged into an even bigger mess that I didn’t realize fast enough. Now I wait until almost the last possible moment to dodge so I’m fairly certain that the direction I go is safe. It also helps in learning the timing of attacks. Some are instant. Some have very obvious tells. Some have no tells on their own but are often used right after another attack. Some you can simply walk out of the affected area and save your dodge for more crucial moments. Learning when you walk away and when to dodge out of the way is mandatory for dungeon runs. It saves your endurance and you will need every bit of it for later challenges.
Finally, don’t be afraid to die while learning. I know it sounds silly but there are people so focused on staying alive at all costs that they panic and spam keys, which can cause some undesired affects. It will also increase the frustration of dying because you feel helpless. For your own benefit, you need to step outside your comfort zone. Take on challenges in the world that you know are over your head. Push your limits. Find out just how much you can deal with and learn to stay calm under pressure. Once you’ve properly pushed yourself to the limit, you’ll have a better idea of when to commit to wining a fight and when it’s better to run and try again later.
My last bit of advice is never be afraid to try new builds. For the longest I was all about being a phantasm mesmer with high power and health. I read about those whom go with precision, condition damage and clones. I thought it was insane because clones were ridiculously weak when I was leveling. Sometimes they don’t even do damage. Now that I have tried the build, my survivability is insane. While my direct damage is laughable, I’ve learned when I can “burst” past the usual 12 stacks of bleed and have sustained 25 stacks against bosses.
Oh, one footnote on this learning process. Don’t expect to do it all in a day or a month. Pace yourself and let it come to you. When it becomes ingrained and new challenges arise to test what you know, you’ll mentally be better equipped to deal with them than others.
The tl;dr version is calm yourself, learn your character, learn your enemy and try again.
The final story step as in the Arah story dungeon? Arenanet as always been open that the final part of the Personal Story was in a 5 man dungeon were you fight Zhaitan. They let us know this even before launch.
Everything up to Zhaitan is soloable. Its a 5 man dungeon and even tells you it is when you enter. Arah isnt that hard with a group, particularly now the dungeon has been nerfed.
Personally the personal story felt like it was rapped up in the mission prior to Arah. I felt Arah felt almost tacked on to the end. It was like, oh and yeah, we better go kill Zhaitan. I didnt neccesarily find that a bad thing. The last instanced Personal Story step is a huge victory for the Pact.
That’s all excellent advice Crossplay. I did try a heavy damage setup and a strong defense setup. The problem is every enemy that joins combat seeks only me and ignores the npc’s with me. The npc’s do no noticable damage and dont agro or delay any of the enemies so they are pointless. Even with pets and animals that I can bring to the fight to attack, or delay, a new enemy spawns before I can get even one down to half health and there are 5 Risen. There’s no time for the many delay tactics that can succeed long term. I think I simply drew one of the toughest endgames and I welcome that. But I would never attempt completing this with a group until I have done it solo. I’d consider it cheating personally and success would be pointless to me. Perhaps there was just some damage issue caused by the many recent updates coupled with the one player entry into the dungeon.
I really thought this was a cool game. I learned otherwise today. The personal story line cannot be completed without being in a group. Seriously? I wouldn’t recommend this game to anyone now. If ANYONE thinks this this should be a requirement, they should never try to design a game. And, if anyone says they solo’d this, they are lying.
Everyone should stop doing the storyline RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It does suck that the final quest requires a group, but to quit playing the game because of that is a bit of a overreaction.
i agree it sucks, I hate dungeons, etc etc…. eas(ier) solution to this whole debate? let us remove the quest listing from our screens. Can’t see it, it won’t annoy me. :P
I think you guys are selling both your other players and the developers short by not even attempting Arah story mode.
I did it twice yesterday (once with a full pug, once with mostly guildmates who needed it still) and had a blast. It wasn’t difficult at all, and they nerfed the crap out of the latter parts of it (apparently) so once you get past like the 3rd boss or so you can practically autopilot the rest of the instance. The cinematics were great and it was a good conclusion, I felt.
Just use and you can find a group within minutes, as I have every time I’ve tried to get one for a dungeon. Everyone I’ve met so far has been helpful and kind, not the troglodytes you are imagining all the rest of us players to be.
I have 3 80’s Shimond all at the last part of the story (arah). Not all of us play during prime hours nor are we able to. I haven’t personally seen Arah opened in ages and haven’t been able to get a 5 man together for it when it was.
I have 3 80’s Shimond all at the last part of the story (arah). Not all of us play during prime hours nor are we able to. I haven’t personally seen Arah opened in ages and haven’t been able to get a 5 man together for it when it was.
If you group with someone on a server where it’s open you don’t need to have your’s open. Just be in Cursed Shore when they enter and you’ll get the teleport prompt.
I just think a lot of people (perhaps not you) give up without even trying. They just run away from group content because it’s outside their comfort zone.
It’s not that grouping is bad or anything, I was in groups daily. We simply believe we shouldn’t have to group to do this and wont group to do this. To me (and apparantly many others) it would be like cheating to get help from anyone in a Personal Story. And, we are angry at being misled.
Nobody misled you about the personal story. If you don’t want to do it, that’s fine — I’ve given up on mine completely and it annoys me that the personal story is still on the screen — but we weren’t misled. I do think anet would’ve been better served to make this a huge npc assisted battle and a grouping similar to the intro mission we all played.
As for grouping with folks on another server — that actually hadn’t occurred to me. but at this point I no longer care.
I have one Lvl 80 just before the last mission. I don’t intend on completing it tho even if I could find a group. It just isn’t worth it. The whole PS line is tacked on crap, and I’m not really missing anything. The rest of my chars are going through the main game and only doing a few of the PSs. I do wish that if Anet wants to keep this crud as content that they would fix the UI so that the missions could be removed from view. I don’t like being reminded that the personal story was part of what I bought when I got the game.
I soloed all of the story on my thief but the last mission which took hours with a group of 3 other guys with me lol.. would have helped if we had another person.
I know it is a personal story and all.. but It took me hours and hours.. and hours to complete the story. along the way i made some friends, joined a guild and socialized with people.. kinda like how i think i would do stuff in real life… if gw2 was real. Along the way up with my accumulated friends occasionally we would be exploring together and what do you know. my story instance is right here. “hey friend, wanna join me in the story quest for a bit” -friend-" sure thing buddy" *goes and completes story enjoying small talk and company of friend.
It is just so odd for me to see these posts about people not wanting to play with other people in a “massive multi-player online role playing game” (it wouldn’t hurt if the npc’s were more useful at then end though)
It is just so odd for me to see these posts about people not wanting to play with other people in a “massive multi-player online role playing game” (it wouldn’t hurt if the npc’s were more useful at then end though)
It’s not so strange, the game itself is great but personally I don’t like playing video games with other people. I have plenty of friends irl and my video game time is my time away from having to socialize. Honestly I’d be much more happy if the game itself was single player.
It is just so odd for me to see these posts about people not wanting to play with other people in a “massive multi-player online role playing game” (it wouldn’t hurt if the npc’s were more useful at then end though)
I understand where you’re coming from, but you are defining “massively multi-player” as “players who are grouped together”, when by definition it only refers to many players on a server at the same time.
Besides, it isn’t necessarily that people don’t want to play with other people. I just prefer to play with people I know in real life. And real-life friends aren’t always available. To that end, I don’t want to be forced to group with strangers to complete a story that is described as “personal”.
Now, dungeons are a different matter. I get that they should require a group. But there’s just no good reason for everything in the personal story to be solo-able until the last mission. And the only reasons people seem to be giving to justify it is something along the lines of “well this is how I play the game, so you should want to play the same way…because, multi-player…and stuff.”
It’s really all about choice. Some people want the choice to be able to play the game they way they want to, rather than the way other people think they should.
Although i think grouping could be used to help, i don’t think it should be used to merely be able to complete the storyline.
And with all those storyline bugs going on with changing your own story by helping others…
What i love the most is that Whirling axe is severely bugged for asuras.
I would also like the choice to be able to complete the Personal Story, personally, and not part of a group.
I completely ALL personal story quests with the exception of the final one solo. Saying that a group is required for all other quests is just wrong.
Now I definitely will agree that the FINAL quest is a let down and should be personal in nature.
I think you guys are selling both your other players and the developers short by not even attempting Arah story mode.
I did it twice yesterday (once with a full pug, once with mostly guildmates who needed it still) and had a blast. It wasn’t difficult at all, and they nerfed the crap out of the latter parts of it (apparently) so once you get past like the 3rd boss or so you can practically autopilot the rest of the instance. The cinematics were great and it was a good conclusion, I felt.
Just use and you can find a group within minutes, as I have every time I’ve tried to get one for a dungeon. Everyone I’ve met so far has been helpful and kind, not the troglodytes you are imagining all the rest of us players to be.
I hated Arah. I particularly hate mobs that can one shot me and have oodles upon oodles of health and lo and behold that’s all Arah was. Not wanting to deal with the MMO conceit which thinks it is good game design to make bosses 1000-10,000 times stronger than players despite this not making any sense is why I stopped playing WoW. I didn’t want to have to deal with this in my GW 2 personal story. And the actual dungeon is extremely blah, the 1st boss was extremely poorly designed as it kitten melee. All in all I felt this instance was designed by people who could not let go of the idea of designing dungeons around the trinity and so I had a horrid time. The story also completely deviated from what we saw in the personal story up to this point in time for no explainable reason.
Also if we have to resort to 3rd party websites to try resolving a glaring problem with the game then that is sure sign that there is a huge design failure within the game that the devs need to address.