Personal Story Quests Are Way Too Easy
This is the worst suggestion I have heard in a week. Currently, the only way some of these missions can be completed is to chain rez and win by attrition. There is already a significant portion of the population that cannot complete story missions without rezzing, assuming they can complete them at all. Remove this, and you remove the last remaining possibility for them to complete their story. You would take something that is already too hard, and make it impossible. I myself have encountered several missions that I can only beat by dying and rezzing repeatedly until all the enemy is dead. If I could not use this tactic, I would have to simply abandon my storyline permanently, which I do not want to do.
Personal story difficulty needs reducing. It does not need the removal of the only mechanic that allows for the completion of some of it.
And, for the record, you sound like an elitist, your suggestion is elitist, and your opinion is elitist. If they ever changed this, without also reducing the difficulty to make the tactic unnecessary, I, and a rather significant number of others, would quit and never come back.
This is a bad idea and should never even be considered. Just my opinion, but one I am positive is shared by many.
Haha calm down there. Everyone should be able to do the storylines, I’m not saying that they shouldn’t. I am saying that if the only way to beat a mission is through attrition then the storylines are designed poorly. Currently there is no sense of danger or urgency in the storylines. It is literally impossible to lose unless you get bored. You may as well be playing Wii Sports or Farmville.
The solution could be to allow for rezzing but have boss mobs heal to full when you do so. Basically every other MMO is like this. Or only let you rez X amount of times. Or just make it easier and remove rezzing. Having to beat your missions through dying repeatedly not only makes zero sense from an RP perspective but it is also very boring. I don’t feel like a hero in my story; I just feel like a punching bag that keeps bouncing back for more.
Uhm…all enemies regen health if you and all your allies are dead.
not nearly fast enough. In the Griffon quest for the Norn personal story for example I could kite him onto the rez point and just instantly rez then damage him, die, rez repeat. I did the same for the human duel in the court room. If you die they should go back to full health just like you do.
I rather look at it as ressing before the enemy health regen isn’t the real problem here. It’s HAVING to use that tactic to complete your Personal Story quests.
Your issue of concern is actually just a symptom of the real problem and that is the ridiculous level of difficulty in a portion of the game that should be available for all players. YES! I said it! Personal Story should be casual level content. It’s lore. It’s RP level stuff for kitten sakes.
Everyone in the game should be able to experience their characters personal story. There’s plenty of high skill level and challenge content in the game for those that want it.
The vast majority of personal quests feel as if they were attuned to heavy armor classes or very high burst dps classes.
You’re in the minority here, OP.
A lot of story quests are far too difficult. It’s a known fact due to bugs and bad balancing. They are actively working on it.
You’re in the minority here, OP.
A lot of story quests are far too difficult. It’s a known fact due to bugs and bad balancing. They are actively working on it.
Not the minority, just trying to fix the wrong problem.
I have had PS quests that I have fallen alseep through, I have had the odd one need an extra player and then I have had some that border on sodomy (I hope i can use that word lol) but I will give examples.
Forging the Pact I believe has you rescue some miners with Trahearne – the initial fights can get difficult if you lure more than one group with T on his own being fairly useless. After the dull dialogue and you rescue the initial miners the battles get a little easier, after you rescue them all the battles are ridiculously easy, not to say I was not downed though. The boss has a lot of health but is overall not a problem in the least.
The battle of fort trinity – I had no problems with the risen, in fact I ignored a large part of them, when the risen shipped attacked I took my hand off the mouse to cough but the cutscene ended right there and before I had a chance to move the initial landing of the risen hit my character and I was downed from the blast, not the actual enemies. I was downed from full health, a millisecond after a cutscene, that’s just bad placement. I managed to use bandage and get back, then I practically walked back through the foes thanks to the NPCs and finished the quest without a hitch.
One of my order quests I was to take on centaurs, another I was to take on destroyers. Both times I was alone and overpowered by the enemies constantly, I had to go level to get better gear and bring other players in with me.
I have also seen people complaining about other stories at lower levels, I agree that some are too hard, I also find that some arekitten easy but my opinion is that they don’t need to be nerfed, they need rebalancing. Perhaps lower the amount of mobs in certain quests or rewrite some to make them more involving.
Im missing something here…you die 15 times in a row yet complain the missions are too easy..Wait..What ?!
Thank god I’m not the only one who is finding the story quests hard.
I am an unashamed noob/ casual gamer, can someone please explain the process of ressing as i think I’m missing something.
I currently kite mobs until they either die or leave me alone so I can health regen.
Im missing something here…you die 15 times in a row yet complain the missions are too easy..Wait..What ?!
Well they are both too hard and too easy at the same time. They are too hard often because if you play a light armor character often your only option is to die a bunch and eventually win via attrition. They are too easy in that you have infinite lives and there is basically no penalty for dying. Both of these should be remedied.
Being able to die 30 times is silly; it robs the game of any sense of drama or danger. I end up not caring about the big bad guy I’m facing because if he kills me I’ll just respawn.
Here is a fresh idea which I think would be alot of fun. You know how when you complete a story mission a large shield with two swords appears in the middle of the screen? In GW1 this meant you completed the mission and all side objectives. In GW2 this could be reserved for completing a mission without dying. It could be a kind of “super clear” which would award extra rewards and an achievment/title for doing all of your story this way. What do you all think?
Some missions are easy, others are more difficult. It’s subjective to an extent but certain classes have a major advantage over others due to how some of their mechanics works. I know a lot of classes seem to get screwed over pretty badly whenever there’s a large group of enemies charging at them at the same time in a confined space.
I played through the personal story on a warrior first and foremost. I found it surprisingly easy, yet then I tried a different class and the difficulty went up quite a bit, largely because my warrior had a much higher resistance to damage even without toughness/vitality traits compared to my thief and mesmer. Not to mention, most warrior weapons hit everything in front of them whilst other classes find themselves limited quite heavily by single target abilities.