Personal story and roleplaying

Personal story and roleplaying

in Personal Story

Posted by: zerath.5729


Hello there
I want to make it brief so here goes;
i just bought the game and downloading it at the moment what i wondering about is the game is actually role playable? im really thinking about to play a lawful good guardian who devote himself to protect everyone but im not quite sure if the game really allows it? i really dont want to play this game like you know the name game dont want to argue about looting, roles(healing, tanking etc.) so in short it can be or not?
p.s. i have alot experience in dnd on board and nwn persistent worlds so im very capable of role playing so if any person who gets my point can explain i will be in great debt…
thank you in advance

Personal story and roleplaying

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


You get quest choices, (which narrow later on) but you get few opportunities to really roleplay at all. There are three persistent ‘voices’ you can choose from and you would probably prefer the dignified one, from what you’ve said. What you don’t get is dialogue choices in terms of the way you answer requests for help, (you will get some either/or choices in branching questlines, but no roleplaying flavour). There are no alignments. It’s all pretty goody-goody so your character concept is unlikely to feel in real conflict with that.

In terms of race choice you are probably most likely to enjoy human or Sylvari if you wish to play a lawful good type character. Asura are too cynical, Norn too boastful and individualistic, Charr too bloodthirsty (although they are very loyal to their warbands). I could suggest a choice for level 30, but I think that’s too spoilerish and you will probably find it quite obvious which choice you will prefer by the time you reach that stage as the quests from level 21 onwards help you make your mind up.

(edited by quickthorn.4918)

Personal story and roleplaying

in Personal Story

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


i really dont want to play this game like you know the name game dont want to argue about looting, roles(healing, tanking etc.) so in short it can be or not?

I’m not sure quite what you are asking at this point. The game mechanics encourage cooperation in PVE rather than competition. You won’t have loot rolls and there is no kill or node stealing.

Oh, and if you want to RP with other players, I believe Tarnished Coast is the unofficial server. I haven’t guested on there so I don’t know how common it is.

Personal story and roleplaying

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sinifair.1026


If it is roleplay like dnd, nwn and all that, I think you might be disappointed.
- All my RP friends (which are basically everyone of them but one, who didn’t play the first game and kind of makes up lore to accommodate this matter at times) have left the game and are looking towards other games.
- Though that is their preference (and my own) although I hear that the Tarnished Coast server is a roleplayers paradise (supposedly everybody RP’s, or that’s what I’ve heard).

- Still, I think GW2 introduces a lot of good concepts and basically just needs time to improve on these. There are Roleplaying opportunities, to be sure, but you might want to read a lot of lore on the wiki first.
- The lore isn’t as apparent in the game world, and has to be explored to find bits and pieces around.

Personally I like the game, it has great gameplay and it’s fun to play together with friends, but I’m not as integrated and immersed into the lore in GW2 as I was in GW1.
- That is merely my experience as a roleplayer and GW1 fan.

Personal story and roleplaying

in Personal Story

Posted by: zerath.5729


Thanks for all replies i think sinifair get my point yeah im looking forward to read some lore. From what i saw the story behind gw universe is very deep im struggling lag problems right now (hope they fix it soon) i think im going to start with a standart server first than (after some lore) i will try to RP in Tarnished Coast…

Personal story and roleplaying

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sinifair.1026


Good luck with it.
- I do feel I must warn you though, not because of RP, but merely that personally (and I’ve read other posts that seemed to have the same problem, but they couldn’t find the words for it) I had a great first impression of GW2, then after a few months it grew boring, because my accommodation of the old quest-system, but as I got more into GW2 gameplay and how to play it, I found new enjoyment and started to really enjoy the game and all its aspects.

- Basically, what I’m trying to say is: If you suddenly get bored along the way, do try to hang in there, because it takes some getting used to, but I’ve found it to be quite rewarding once you do.

Have fun!

Personal story and roleplaying

in Personal Story

Posted by: Nowego.4739


I think besides options of characterized-game-play to role-over a vote-to-float while attempting invalid flip-effort to support a storyline or other-species by character-reasoning at One-degree-of-separation from reality… the other-options can be involved by having access to player-communities whom are also developing-productions, which should not interfere with your-expectation to game-play, then able to stand-alone like a sandbox-development would and activate the coin..ciding access option selection, yet along-with prioritizations of and for expectations-and-interests during a rising-aptitude.


(edited by Nowego.4739)

Personal story and roleplaying

in Personal Story

Posted by: Nowego.4739


Then-again, if that was too-much of my-personalization For-you, in-another-guild-of-interest, then you could try to notice how the game-production gets-to, to be more integrated toward collaborative-interactions, rather-than getting-to-know from the Lens-of-entertainment, since you cannot actually have inspiration while people are getting-the-sickness as motivation.


Personal story and roleplaying

in Personal Story

Posted by: Morex.7820


I have been into the game for a couple of days only and I am currently enjoying my personal story line. It’s pretty close to an offline RPG… but then again the community part is fantastic.