Personality System

Personality System

in Personal Story

Posted by: phlemhacker.1372


To me the personality system seems like it is a bit underutilized. At the moment for example, from what I can tell, (and barely tell I can) the personality system only seems to affect the odd NPC dialogue selection when chatting someone up. What I would really love to see is the personality system affect the dialogue in the cut scenes, or even the missions themselves in the personal story. As it stands your character has the same personality in the personal story regardless of whether or not you are Barbaric or Captivating when interacting with NPCs, and that leaves it feeling a bit…disjointed I guess might be the term.

TL;DR: Have the personality system affect the personal story!

Personality System

in Personal Story

Posted by: Phoenix.7845


To me the personality system seems like it is a bit underutilized.

That is a serious understatement. Personality system has no meaning at all. You can be 100% charismatic and when you use a barbaric otion it will auto succeed. Also you can talk to an npc and select the same option over and over and shape your personality to any one you like. I have a feeling that this system was supposed to look different but release was rushed and there wasn’t enough time to finish it.

Personality System

in Personal Story

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


I would like to see the personality system not only affect story options but how characters speak battle quotes. There should be a huge difference between how a male human warrior says, “For great justice!” with dignity than with ferocity.

Personality System

in Personal Story

Posted by: Sabelle.2159


To me the personality system seems like it is a bit underutilized. At the moment for example, from what I can tell, (and barely tell I can) the personality system only seems to affect the odd NPC dialogue selection when chatting someone up. What I would really love to see is the personality system affect the dialogue in the cut scenes, or even the missions themselves in the personal story. As it stands your character has the same personality in the personal story regardless of whether or not you are Barbaric or Captivating when interacting with NPCs, and that leaves it feeling a bit…disjointed I guess might be the term.

TL;DR: Have the personality system affect the personal story!

To me the personality system seems like it is a bit underutilized.

That is a serious understatement. Personality system has no meaning at all. You can be 100% charismatic and when you use a barbaric otion it will auto succeed. Also you can talk to an npc and select the same option over and over and shape your personality to any one you like. I have a feeling that this system was supposed to look different but release was rushed and there wasn’t enough time to finish it.

Both of these posts are really on point.

I think updates can and should be looked into as far as personality is concerned. I would love to see more variety. Evolving dialogue sounds amazing.

Personality System

in Personal Story

Posted by: Remillard.8691


Out of curiosity, sometimes you select a personality choice dialog option and there is no sound. Other times it makes a weird twangy sound. Anyone know what this actually MEANS?

Personality System

in Personal Story

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

I remember when they first talked about the personality system, how NPCs would react to you. If you were charming you would have the chance of getting free stuff from venders. If you were barbaric, you would have the option of hitting an NPC and they would cringe from you when you walked down a street.

Unfortunately, this didn’t happen. Maybe it was too complex. What if a charming person and a barbaric person walked together down the street? How would the NPCs react to that? It would be nice if they managed to work something out though.

Personality System

in Personal Story

Posted by: phlemhacker.1372


My guess is they kinda ran out of time before they could fully implement the system. Here’s to hoping they have more time in the future…

Personality System

in Personal Story

Posted by: Eir Jordan.2156

Eir Jordan.2156

This may be revisited in the far future, but for now it’s an incomplete feature that has no actual bearing on the game in any meaningful way!