Personel Story "Air Drop"
That is also my favorite mission. I mean, it wasn’t too hard, but it was just so darn cool! Especially if you played human and summoned Hounds of Balthazar, while in it.
Im human as well but never thought about that. This was the second story mission where i piloted a golem. Almost makes me want to create an asuran if I can only get over their height
Haha! I loved this mission too. I swear the bit were the charr goes on about the battlesuits features I had an image in my head like a car add were a camera pans around the battlesuit showing off its features….
Then I entered combat and after hacking my way through Orr… IT WAS PAYBACK TIME!!!!
I was laughing like a lunitic through the whole thing. Was kind of disappointed when I ran out of undead.
I agree, it’s the best mission ever. I felt like a lvl 80 character steamrolling through a starter area.
~Sincerely, Scissors
WTB Prototype Combat Golem
I am a lvl 77 Norn. Since I haven’t completed any of the Orr things yet I don’t think I have a favorite yet, since most of the other ones are easy and boring. My goal is to finish all the areas and then go for Orr last. I’ll comment on my favorite mission when I get there, but I am only 56% Map completion there!