Racial Sympathy Issues...

Racial Sympathy Issues...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Zakk.2468


Racial sympathy is a great part of the story! It allows us to experience and see the other races of Tyria and help them out. That being said I do have some issues with personal story choices and races. NOTE: Sorry for the wall of text!

Humans (Hylek, Quaggan, Skritt): No issue with these choices. The humans could have had any racial sympathy due to their central location in Tyria of Kryta.

Charr (Skritt, Ogre, Grawl): Not really an issue here either except the Skritt don’t really strike me as very Charr-y. I do know there are skritt in Charr areas but I dont know… skritt and charr is not a good mix IMO.

Asura (Grawl, Hylek, Quaggan): Probably the best trio but i’d swap Grawl for Skritt oddly enough. Grawl arent really located in the Tarnished Coast and why couldnt an odd asura work with the skritt (Snaff strikes me as the type that would help them out.)

Sylvari (Hylek, Quaggan, Skritt): All good but just like humans the Sylvari’s natural curiosity could work in their favor towards any race.

Norn: (Ogre, Grawl, Hylek): This one bothers me most. Ogres are big and brutish and i could see the norn working with them since the Charr and Norn lands are close together. Grawl same as Ogre reasoning other than swapping ogres brutishness for Grawl’s shamanistic tendencies. Hylek I cant rationalize… Norn are Shiverpeak based Hylek are Tarnished coast. Yes norn travel but during Jormag’s rise, the Quaggan and Kodan were seen more in Norn lands. Why do the Norn not have Quaggan? Why Hylek? There arent any in the Norn lands AFAIK!

TL;DR: Racial sympathy is fine but why do the norn have the weridest trio?

Anyone else agree? Disagree? Have any of your own opinions?

Any male Asura I make will be named Zakk!
Proud player of Crusader, Arcanist,
Beastmaster, Shadowraider, and Shieldbearer Zakk!

Racial Sympathy Issues...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ninth Requiem.3250

Ninth Requiem.3250

It’s more about racial ideology than location.

For the asura, there’s bad history between them and the skritt; before they came to the surface, the asura were actively trying to exterminate all the skritt due to their rate of expansion. On the surface, they see the skritt as little more than test subjects (See the renown heart in Metrica) – not exactly “zomg must help”.

For the Norn and the Hylek, they fit better than Quaggan. The Hylek and the Norn both have a nature-based faith, shamanistic rituals, and promote ideals of strength and action. As seen by Forgal, they tend to look down on the Skritt and the Quaggan.

Racial Sympathy Issues...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jornophelanthas.1475


Charr and Skritt share a certain outlook on life: both races have a fascination with technology. While Charr are warlike and Skritt are sneaky, these races can still see eye to eye.

Asura and Skritt are centuries-long rivals for the same resources in their underground homes. Asura tend to view Skritt as unintelligent pests when in small groups, or a major threat to all civilized life when (too) many Skritt gather together and acquire more brainpower than the Asura themselves. Skritt tend to view Asura as “meanies” and as prime suppliers of “stuff” to snatch.

Racial Sympathy Issues...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rie.6789


The Quaggan and the Kodan have a relationship, I would think the Norn would have one with the Quaggan too just through their relationship with the Kodan.

I don’t see the Norn respecting the Quaggan, but since the Kodan protect them, they might also. Still, that could be the reason they aren’t on the Norn list, because they could never get respect from the Norn. The Hylek could.