Rangers extremely slow to level at level 1

Rangers extremely slow to level at level 1

in Personal Story

Posted by: ButtercupSaiyan.9457


I find the Asconian (sp?) starting area to be very dull for Charr, is there anything else to do… ?

Rangers extremely slow to level at level 1

in Personal Story

Posted by: synk.6907


So is this about rangers or Ascalon? Or charr?

Rangers extremely slow to level at level 1

in Personal Story

Posted by: ButtercupSaiyan.9457


I dunno. I guess about the Ascalonians. I played a little more... learned some stuff...yeah.

Rangers extremely slow to level at level 1

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


Ranger was the easiest to level for me (having levelled a ranger to 60, and Thief/Ele/Mesmer/Warrior to 80). I recommend using a shortbow for levelling and to get a longbow later on. Also place yourself to the side/behind enemy to stack bleeding with your shortbow.

I also recommend travelling to Queensdale/Kessex, IMO the quests are a lot more fun and you level quite quickly.

EDIT: This also has nothing to do with personal story, you should have it moved to Players helping Players or possibly the Ranger forum

Rangers extremely slow to level at level 1

in Personal Story

Posted by: Setun.4368


I’ve been using greatsword and axe/axe while leveling my ranger and have had 0 problems with leveling him up. Both weapon sets have lots of aoe / splash damage tied to them so it makes it very easy to tag enemies to finish those hearts / events quickly. Now my thief on the other hand….holy crap is that slow going