Reading too deeply into things

Reading too deeply into things

in Personal Story

Posted by: Caspellaer.2168


Hey, you. That’s right, you.

I want you to make a new character. A Male Asura. Choose the college of Synergetics and Infinity ball. Play through most of the personal story missions. Then come back here and tell me that Zojja and your character don’t have the hots for each other.

Go ahead. I’ll wait.

No, but seriously, am I the only one getting that vibe?
Post any areas where you find you’re reading too deeply into things.

Reading too deeply into things

in Personal Story

Posted by: melkathi.5203


Why college of synergetics? Any asura male character you can get that vibe. If this was a bioware game you’d have romanced her a long time ago and then she’d get jealous because for some reason Rytlock would also think you are fantastic even though you were simply being understanding of the plights of the charr people :P

Reading too deeply into things

in Personal Story

Posted by: Painking.4703


Everyone has the hots for Felicia Day, who voices Zojja.

I was actually expecting this post to say how the game is secretly a giant allegory for Jesus or something.

Reading too deeply into things

in Personal Story

Posted by: Caspellaer.2168


It should have been, in hindsight. Would have been funnier.