Rewards from sharing other peoples personal story.

Rewards from sharing other peoples personal story.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Nemesis.1948


Hi guys, for those who don’t yet know, other players are able to help you out and play through the quests with you in your own personal story. While I think that this is awesome and a really good thing to have implemented, one thing that I would like to note is that the other people who do the quest with you don’t receive any rewards in terms of XP and loot at which you would usually receive at the end of a personal story quest.

I’m not sure if it’s bugged or intended this way and if it is, don’t you peeps think that everyone who participated should get rewards.

As of this, the only real reason to help your mates out in their personal quests is if you’re interested in the story line and not bothered about rewards.

Many thanks, Nemey.