Ships of the Line
Content Designer
Hrmph, on the Hero panel, what are your armor and health ratings? I’ve done this story step as both a thief and a warrior, and while the rocks would knock me down, they never one-shot me.
I had this happen once or twice as a guardian. The problem wasn’t so much that one rock would take me down; it was that there were two rocks coming almost simultaneously, and each of them took out more than half of my health.
I became aware of the difference after I took out one of the rock-chucking giants and the other one could almost take me down, but not quite.
Of course, in some cases, only one rock was necessary to take me out entirely. I assume those were critical hits, perhaps.
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
I’m playing a level 80 Mesmer… therein I believe is one of the problems. Roll up a clothie and run it through some of these.
Armor: 1,898
Health: 16,562
And yes, one rock consistently dropped me. And as a Mesmer, with no enemy close enough to target, I have no ability to move while downed. So, I stay in the AoE ring and get pummeled by the succeeding rocks until defeated.
So, having waited a few days I decided to try again. I encountered the same problems. Being the masochist I am sometimes, I decided to plow on through the mission regardless of how many times I went down. I stopped counting at about twenty.
By the time I got to the beach I was half-naked. After only a few minutes on the beach, I was totally naked. My “allies” were mostly ineffectual. Zott did NOTHING, he did not even pull aggro. The thirty or so Risen repeatedly gang rushed me as soon as I spawned and were essentially spawn camping the checkpoint. Only by repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly spawning, running like a madman blindly dpsing and slowly dropping Risen did I finally get to where I could spawn without being mauled. After that, while still naked, I was able to raise my “allies” and slowly finish clearing the beach (again, I know I was defeated once or twice here… I mean I have no armor on at this point).