Silent Warfare insanely difficult

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Miss Pink Floyd.9730

Miss Pink Floyd.9730

This quest has got to be the stupidest thing that I have ever experienced. I ruined too much armor to try this silly story line again.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


What class are you? What weapons are you using?

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Miss Pink Floyd.9730

Miss Pink Floyd.9730

I am using a Mesmer and switching between Greatsword and staff. The shear number easily overwhelm me, the NPC’s get wiped. Also, whats with all the red circles? Those just make things worse.

I made it past the part where he completed the ritual. I struggled to get over the bridge to get to the boss, I walked right through probably 20 bad guys, they did not attack until I attacked the boss, then things went downhill real fast.

(edited by Miss Pink Floyd.9730)

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


The red circles are showing you where the dredge arillery is about to strike. You need to avoid them, since the artillery hits pretty hard. Once you reach the bridge you should be safe from the artillery, and you can carefully pull the dredge. Aggro’ing the entire group at once will cause problems. I just completed it as a L30 mesmer with sceptre/pistol (I don’t play mesmer much so that was the weapon set I was most familiar with) and while I agree that another balance pass will help, I was able to get through in one try without dying.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Miss Pink Floyd.9730

Miss Pink Floyd.9730

Thank you Jeffery! I will load up my pistol and sceptre and use it as an alternative.
I know that my mistake was not pulling, I was frustrated with all the previous deaths and I just dove in head first at the boss, I just wanted him dead.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


Good luck! Like I said, I do agree that this story step can be toned down, and I’ll take a look at it once the next update goes through tomorrow. It will probably be a couple of weeks before I can get any changes in, though.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Tintaglia.4762


I’m glad to see someone taking an interest in this one. In that quest we’re instructed to keep the NPC alive, but in the first location the mortar circles are so close together that there is no safe way to resurrect him. My ranger got stuck at this point, just trying to stay alive, assuming I had to get the NPC up before moving forward. I got wave after wave of mobs and mortars indefinitely. I posted on forums about it, and eventually got the advice to move on to the bridge. By this time I was 10-15 levels higher and could complete it. I’m not even sure if he lived to do the ritual.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Supervillain.8617


I just finished this story mission as a ranger.

Per instructions I went for the bridge expecting the artillery to stop, but they didn’t stop until the dredge leader was down. The first attempt I died repeatedly before even getting halfway across, but for the second (after reading this thread), I modified my strategy and went with “Protect Me” and Signet of Stone for my pet. That gave me just barely enough time to fight my way to what’s-his-name-slav, and kill him while downed as my pet healed me, all the while praying the artillery wouldn’t finish me off again.

Edit: Also, during my first attempt, after seeing the artillery bombard the bridge, I thought it might be possible to follow the path down into the ravine and back up, but this just kicked me from the instance with no warning.

(edited by Supervillain.8617)

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Okuza.5210


Here’s something I’ve learned doing the personal stories: always ignore the NPC’s advice. Most especially always ignore them when they say some form of “Hury up!” or “Protect Me!”. Those are both indicators that they’re about to agro half the map or do some other form of strategic suicide, such as fighting in a mortar field.

When I first started doing personal stories, I trusted the NPCs (ie devs) to not ruin the story. This was a mistake. Actually “following the story” from the NPCs will often make it MUCH harder or even impossible to complete. Instead, employ classic meta-gaming: chase the goal, ignore the story. This will make every personal story quest pretty easy to solo as any class.

Every time the NPCs say to rush into things, that’s the wrong thing to do. I’m pretty sure there isn’t a story quest where it’s not safe to let the NPCs die, too. I’ve done all of them except Charr and don’t recall one where a dead NPC wasn’t either a good thing or at least not a bad thing from a gaming standpoint. They’re worse than ranger pets with how they charge all over agro’ing everything.

BTW, you don’t have to totally ignore the stories — just don’t take what they say as useful or even remotely applicable to completing the game side of the quest. It is safe take as much time as you like to watch the cut-scenes, pause for story review, game-prep, or even extended AFK in the gaps between battles. Don’t let NPCs rush you into things you’re not ready to do.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Miss Pink Floyd.9730

Miss Pink Floyd.9730

After doing it again, I managed to get it with just one down, I rallied right away and continued. The real difficulty is not the mobs themselves, but the AOE circles! They are almost overwhelming, reminds me of the Arah dungeon!
Good advise above about NPC’s.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Darek.1836


I had to complete this quest with the red circles never stopping.. it was probably a glitch and it took a few hours to do it. Insanely hard. This was nearly at launch though so hopefully it’s not a problem anymore.

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Cbouds.6024


I’m having a problem with this one too. You’re supposed to be safe from artillery on the bridge but every time I try it I’m still being shot by it and not even getting a chance to pull any aggro away from the group. Glitch? Not sure but I’m not trying it again and spending more money to repair armor.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Kaleidoscope.8091


Had the same issue today. Quest seemed totally impossible with red circles overlapping each other all the way across the bridge. After a few minutes the mortar fire stopped hitting the bridge though and it was possible to start pulling mobs. Not sure what made it unbug itself.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer


The mortars turned off around 75% of the way across the bridge, I’ve made some adjustments to help this story step. No ETA on when they’ll hit Live.

- Reduced number of dredge that appear in each attack wave during the ritual
- Slowed down mortar attacks
- Made the mortars deactivate sooner
- Scholars on the bridge will wait to charge until you reach them
- Scholars are now rezzable

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Kaleidoscope.8091


Another thing about this quest was that Vyacheslav didn’t move, nor could he attack from range, making him pretty much a sitting duck for ranged skills.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: jgrzar.3468


I completed this episode for my PS a week or two ago.
Played as Guardian.

ALL the NPCs died but Eir seemed to be immortal. She was standing in the middle of a group of Dredge (~30+ Dredge) and just soaked up every hit. She never dropped under 100% health.
So while they were focused on her, I simply shielded myself and ran through the bundle of enemies.
Only 2 followed me to Vyacheslav. Eventually it was quite an easy kill.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Kawaia.6082


The mortars still overlap, 3 of them at all times, on all parts of the bridge and insta kill. No change from 2 3 months ago when I stopped playing.

Jeffrey, please look into this again.

Will check again in a month or two, but my main character’s personal questline being impossible to complete surely will stop me from playing entirely.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn


Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

No changes have been pushed to Live yet, any story changes I make have to go through a full testing cycle, and won’t go out until a major content build goes out.

Silent Warfare insanely difficult

in Personal Story

Posted by: Rie.6789


Very glad to see this was worked on. My necromancer was naked by the time I managed to get it done, through repeated attempts and deaths trying to get something dead before I died yet again.

I to also noticed that while all the other NPCs died fast, Eir was unkillable. Made my failure all the more apparent