Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

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Posted by: Kyomu.8012


I’m assuming this is the last fight before going into Arah. Really? Okay, the three mechanics or whatever are somewhat interesting. however, I play a guardian. A melee character. Is it really necessary to have to run all the way across the arena in different directions every time the mechanics switch, along with at least one of the mechanics applying a slow? Sure I can use swiftness but come on.
Next, the HP of the boss could be cut in half and the fight would still be challenging with a few tweaks of the mechanics. Now it’s a boring slog where when you get bored after 10 minutes and screw up dodging the bullet hell part and get downed, your idiot companion won’t even res you. You get killed, start again front checkpoint and – look at that, you get to start over.
I even had the fight bug out as I died in the bullet hell part – the two lesser eyes didn’t despawn and I had to start completely from scratch.
Many, many people have discussed your approach to “difficult bosses” being more HP. That is not the correct solution here. I know people have completed this, and I have no problem with it being challenging. Right now it’s just boring and buggy. The fight should test your ability with the mechanics, not your stamina to keep up with it far beyond what is necessary for fun difficulty.

[SFD] – Maguuma

Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

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Posted by: Clem.2963


I had a bit of trouble with this one, primarily due to the fact that dodging those things on the ground is not easy with a high ping (I live in Australia).

I tried about 5 times and hopelessly go nowhere. I tried once more before I would get help and after managing to get past the ground laser things, I managed to find a safe spot for the next stage of the fight and didn’t take any damage.

This was using elementalist, though.

Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

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Posted by: Poplik.8697


I have to agree, this fight was pain, especially when I Had to do it 3 times (screwed up once and it bugged the second time).
Atm I think it’s best to bring a friend who just stays in the middle and DPS’s the eye immediately after every round, like this you can get him down pretty quickly.

Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

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Posted by: Bawlduke.1286


I will agree that Dodge timing are to tightly definied for anyone with a low ping. In in NZ, and most MMO we have an average round trip ping time of about half a second.

This makes gettting dodges and block of at the correct time a thing of precongnizance.

Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Vard.5621


I even had the fight bug out as I died in the bullet hell part – the two lesser eyes didn’t despawn and I had to start completely from scratch.

I ran this with a guardian myself likely before you did, and ended up having none of your issues even without ranged weapons on hand.

“Bullet hell” only fires from a frontal arc, so a long circle around hugging the wall and working straight to the big eye immediately will let you avoid getting kneecapped.

“Landmine hell” (my term for the other phase) is just a path and timing issue which can be dodge rolled through into the gaps.

I am not telling you L2P. No doubt you had difficulties and the fight bugged out on you, but there is a solution set for this instance. However, the fight is incredibly tedious and I found it unchallenging in the extreme. Trahearne is completely useless, and the entire fight needs to be redesigned for it to be worth the trouble of it.

Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Aiden.6483


Epic, it was totally epic. Wiped completely on a mesmer the first time, then for the second time I came slightly more mentally prepared, and also melee is good, just dodge back when he attacks(?) when I wasn’t shattering my clones seemed to live for a long time, until he did some attack.

Mediocre multiclasser,
PvP & WvW roaming

Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

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Posted by: PalmTrees.3796


Hated everything about this fight. Boss that teleports away once you get in to melee range, then have to dodge through boss fight nonsense to take a whack or two before it teleports again. I eventually found a spot where it didn’t attack me, stayed put and I could range it death. Just a time-wasting nuisance the whole way around.

Those bullets should not travel along the ground as they go under the water and you can’t see them. Since it teleports and starts shooting right away, that first volley gets to you before you can get outta the water. A fixed elevation above the water would be better.

Same for the sword pop-up things. You can’t see the red circle under the water.

Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

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Posted by: Velisong.9543


fight was very simple on my guardian, mostly a matter of dodging or using defensive skills. never got below 50% hp, nor did i go down. i honestly wish the last fight before arah would have been many times harder…so that you actually felt worthy of restoring orr….

Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

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Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

I don’t get this at all.

Sovereign Eye became aggressive, I put some hurt on it, avoiding its own attacks. Very quickly, before I got “into the groove” of the fight, there was a blast, and there were 2 lesser eyes. All three eyes retreated, ending up in a formation with the sovereign one in the middle, and they started spamming purple torpedoes.

A frontal assault seemed impossible, so I went for the flank. Trahearne just stood in one place, spamming attacks, totally ignoring the enemy missiles, but seemingly taking no damage at all. He kept this up without changing his pace until the fight was over. Myself, I just spammed my staff auto-attack at the Sovereign Eye from the side. I was completely ignored. It took 10 minutes of this to finish off the eye, during which I made coffee.

Was this mission changed with the latest update? Someone mentioned a “landmine hell”, but I saw nothing remotely like that. What was supposed to happen? Surely not an afk-able fight?

(edited by Manasa Devi.7958)

Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

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Posted by: Lunar Skunk.1925

Lunar Skunk.1925

The fight is not difficult it’s just long and irriatating. especially when you like me since Fort Trinity have redone every mission because of a stupid glitch in the quest that makes you unable to proceed or because you get a black screen because of another issue. I just beat the boss no problems at all didn’t even down. And now i have to do this kitten again even tho i beat him and got the cutscene. This quest is by far the worst so far game play wise. you jump over the torpedoes, and even you don’t it dosen’t matter that much because it won’t kill you. the traps on the ground just cripple you and knock you down which is a pain in the butt. But again they don’t do enough damage to really hurt you. the las attack that shoots a beam at you i haven’t figured how to avoid yet, since everytime i try to dodge it already hit (i just suck). but that didn’t kill me either. i literaly just spent 15 minutes hitting a boss without having a hard time.

Less HP, More skill Arenanet!

Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

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Posted by: Joopy.6547


Though not a difficult fight I agree on too high of an HP count making this fight monotonous.

A major gripe I have is when the pact loses the line and falls back to protect captain planet. The sounds of the NPC’s and enemies grunting and yelling needs to be toned down to fit the moment. The music score was great and how the sound effects were drowned out but you people should have at least lowered to volume of those darn moans.

Sindarian Vagrants [Rune]
Covenant of the First Flame [Soul]

Source of Orr: What were you guys thinking?

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Posted by: Dark Saviour.9410

Dark Saviour.9410

I… honestly don’t recall anything aside from the fact it teleported twice and the “landmine bit” (only because my summoned Thorn Wolf ended up ping-ponging around there). Do agree that it was a bit tedious and drawn-out though.

I suppose Longbow+Eagle Eye might have oversimplified things though.

Gone for good after Halloween 2Ø12.
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.